
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
The woodpecker bird likes pecking wood
The bluebird's a bird that sings pretty good
Sparrows are a bird that are pretty cool ay
But the ibis is a bird that drinks bin juice all day
A crow is a bird with a heaps mad squawk
A cockatoo's a bird with a sick mohawk
Chicken is a bird that tastes good and lays eggs
And ibises are bin juice drinking dregs
A goose is a bird that's chilled like a duck
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
An ibis is a bird that's a picnic wrecking fuck!
Doves are birds that represent purity
Ibises wreck picnics and disrupt the community
Penguins are birds that fall in love and mate for life
But ibises love nothing cause they're dead inside!
Swan is a bird that's graceful and that
And ibises aren't birds they're feathered bin rats
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
It’s the ibis Bin juice drinking gronks
Yeah the ibis
Their beaks are gross and long
It's the ibis
Picnic wrecking jerks
Yeah the ibis
They're the worst birds
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
The condor is an awesome bird of prey
A hawk's a bird that's a cool bird ay
The eagle bird soars through the sky as it hunts
But ibises are bin juice drinking I'm uncultured
The albatross bird lives to sixty maybe older
A parrot is a bird living on a pirate's shoulder
Parrots say cool shit like "Polly want a cracker?"
But ibises just fucking come up and harrass ya
Vagabond Spectre
Vagabond Spectre
What song is that?
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
the one that pumps you up no matter how many times you repeat it
And then there’s that one song that makes you want to tear your fucking eyes out because you swear on Christ that it came out years before it actually did.

Sorry, Im ranting. Ignore me. Carry on
Vagabond Spectre