
Peacemaker .45
Peacemaker .45
School based RP’s are really difficult to do for a variety of reasons. I tried doing one several months ago, and it didn’t work really. No one seemed truly into it. It’s pretty difficult to do, but it can be done. If you ever need to bounce some ideas around, send me a PM. I’ll listen and give feedback and suggestions ??
Yeah, I've tried them many times before too, they never went well. If I ever get around to trying it again I will probably do it with a partner I already know I am already compatible with. And, of course, there will be an actual plot going on rather than just slice of life stuff.

Thank for the offer but at the moment, I don't even have any ideas to bounce off you, haha.
Peacemaker .45
Peacemaker .45
Viper Viper alrighty! I had a rather interesting plot for the one I had. Though, with some debates with people on the topic, it’s best with school RP’s to use the school as a setting, as opposed to a plot. The plot for mine, condensing it in a very short explanation, was a renowned school in a small town in Georgia that had mysterious disappearances that people believed was a whole school/local government coverup.
Peacemaker .45
Peacemaker .45
It went a bit deeper, but that was the gist of it
I agree, the school is the setting, not the plot. That sounds fun, a good mystery is always a fun time!

The last time I did a school RP we set up a cross school competition (it was a fantasy school). The main gist was that they were training to get better so that they could win the 'games', but one character was taking it far too seriously. He turned common rivalries into murder, desperate to win.
i feel like a school rp could work! and did you mean seven deadly sins the sins, or the anime (i think i remember it being an anime or something of the sort)?
The sins, not the anime. I have never seen it and honestly did not have much interest since the anime depicted them so far from how I personally imagine them.
im not too much into anime anyway. xD i had this idea about the sins in a school setting, though i hadn't thought too much detail into it yet. but either way, sins or school, id be down for a roleplay :D
I'll fully admit that I am rather picky about my partners. For example, my average post is 1000 words, often more. But if you are really interested, I could send you a link to an old interest check and/or pm
i dont count my words in any of my posts, tbh bc i dont see a point? but thats just me, i give quality posts (and never one liners) everytime