
The Silent Z
The Silent Z
Triple nice! Club reunion, gives Gallows and Anderson some legitimacy. Balor, His feud has gone on way too long, agreed on it being terrible now. Rumors of Paige as Sister Abigail though intriguing for me, always liked Paige. I had hoped both would have lost by now, Mahal is ok, Lesnar no thanks. But awesome idea! Fixes this head scratching match. ^^
The Silent Z
The Silent Z
Both meaning Mahal and Lesnar in case my phrasing was off.
Huh, didn't even know about all of this. I say they somehow give (finally) a championship shot to Gallows and Anderson and they win it just before SS. Then have Balor lose the feud against Bray to push Wyatt and make Finn have the "mental breakdown" then have the attack happen but by the Shield at SS. Then the Club comes and attacks the shield. :3
Then Finn comes out with a weapon to save the Shield, but then turns heel by attacking them from behind, reforming Balor Club. Then you recruit the usos into the shield (along with a girl, maybe Alexa?) and bring up Adam Cole and friends from NXT to join the club, and start a huge war that goes all the way to summer slam next year :P
Then (we've long past the point of realism in my story here), at summerslam, the club announces that it's going to "break up" but gets interrupted by the Shield, they fight. Shield gets upper hand.
Club finishes by saying that they're no longer the Club, but actually "Bullet Club" all BC members from NJPW rushes the ring, so it's like 2 dozen guys beating the crap out of six. Locker room empties and it's WWE vs BC invasion :D
(Most of me actually don't want this to happen unless Vince is out of leadership and most of the writers on WWE Creative are fired. Since otherwise they'll really screw over NJPW and BC. But man, the pop.... @_@ )
You're fantasy booking a bit too much. Balor won't turn heel and the club are tweeners on the verge of being faces. Also I hate the idea of cole and his friends in the club.

Also glad you're against that idea cause it sounds so bad too me lol
I like meh fantasy booking T_T

But yeah I'm against turning NJPW into anything remotely away from what they are, let alone PG :P
The Silent Z
The Silent Z
That's too large. Plus I just don't see Alexa fitting with the shield at all. At best Naomi fits due to part of the family. Adding the usos also takes away from the shield dynasty of 3 imo. Nice choice for allies but end of the day six against a dozen on a consistent basis? No thanks dude. I hope shield is booked right and wins Sunday though.
Yeah, honestly half the stuff just got thrown in because why not? :P XD I would be happy to bring the Rated Rness from New Japan over to WWE but that would probably piss Vince off so much he'll sue everyone :P Ah well. Would be fun to have BC beat the crap out of the entire WWE locker room tho :P
The Silent Z
The Silent Z
The Club vs Cole and his crew though would be awesome! Two different factions and eras of the club going head to head. Shield sticking together but nothing too major that prevents individual goals by constant feuds with new teams would be nice. Save that for a every so often type deal. Then maybe separate feuds down the road with Club and Cole/boys.
The Silent Z
The Silent Z
WanderingJester WanderingJester haha I see. WWE is a bit past PG rating at times, but since plenty of kids show up and purchase merchandise, I don't think they will return to R level. Bailey and Cena types would go down in sales too plus support from fans as Kids make up a good part of their tv shown fans. I like Bailey still though.
Nah they won't. I'll just get all of my vulgar intake from New Japan XD Dem guys dropping the F bomb every few minutes and flicking people off lol. (Damn kids and their money spending power XD). Yeah, some of them are cool, I like Doctor Thuganomics better tho :P
The Silent Z
The Silent Z
A good war might be nice, but one faction taking out a entire roster at once is kinda a bit much for me. They make it too obvious by not sending out everyone at once, instead waves of them to make it easier. The same old booking and storylines follow, So idk about that. Would have to be booked really well for me to buy it. But some nice moments In that scenario though ^^
I'm just going over everyone in my head in BC, and I guess they would still lack the heavy muscle to take out the bigger guys in WWE, tho if you don't get guys like Braun or Show, I think between the 1st gen and latest gen, there would be enough BC members to take everyone out, even if they send them all out (again, without the biggest guys on the roster :P )
The Silent Z
The Silent Z
WWE is still pretty awesome these days though. Not R level, but entertaining. Can't blame them for keeping decent for kids sake, just cause they will always grow up watching wrestling. I know I did. Better Pr with parents if it's not too bad. But true Xd they've got power and money. That's a old school gimmick now days Xd.
I suppose. Can't blame them for raising a generation of wrestling watchers (tho I mean, they did it back in the attitude era as well).
I might change my opinion on all of this once I'm a dad (or have a wife or something), but right now, I prefer the vulgarity of New Japan and Indies much more than WWE, even if WWE is entertaining from time to time :3

Then there's the sick bastards over at CZW lol
The Silent Z
The Silent Z
Good thing SD live and Raw are separate now days. Or else BC would get hammered if all at once came out. Skill, numbers and power would overwhelm them unless aided by booking. But we know Lesnar wouldn't be around, Show is seriously nearing retirement and Kane is a rarity now. Leaving Braun as the biggest threat around size and power wise. Cass and Corbin maybe following as the next power and size guys.