
Why hello there
Ternunda Hunter
Ternunda Hunter
Wherreee am I!? Decided to randomly check RPN out again.
You are, in the abyss, I think maybe.
Ternunda Hunter
Ternunda Hunter
Mmm, seems spoopy. I should call for help but I think I see something shiny.
Hall Kervean
Hall Kervean
Hi no idea who you are but how are ye doin'
*plays Spanish guitar while in the abyss*
Ternunda Hunter
Ternunda Hunter
*squints and slowly steps forward*
I'm.. But.. Why are you? *obviously confused, looking around in the dark*
Hall Kervean
Hall Kervean
Why am I?
Because I chose to.
*clicks heels*
Ternunda Hunter
Ternunda Hunter
N-no! No, that's not what I meant. Why are you here in the middle of... This? Alone? *A look of mild concern stretches across her features* Are you alone?
Hall Kervean
Hall Kervean
Not anymore!
And why?
Because it looked neat.
And whaddya know! I met someone new!
And this reverb is crazy.
*makes Spanish guitar echo*