
Until we started with Patreon, only donations of $5 or more were given the monthly badge. That's still the case, only now donations of any amount will get a shark badge as well.
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
:( so nobody will ever no I supported because I had not enough money to donate more...
In this world of ours, only few can spare even a few bucks...
We still appreciate it, I promise! And if you ever are able to give anything under the Patreon system, I'll hook you up with a pretty bronze shark badge.
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
Does that weird patreon thingie still accept PayPal?

Also, dunno when it might be. The one dollar already was more than I could actually spent... I'm like super broke the last month's and I still got shit to pay once I do have money again.
I have no idea, actually. The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard ?

Aww :( Thank you all the more for giving what you had! But please don't feel obligated, especially when you can't afford it.
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
I'll still try to, I want a fancy donation badge, I wanted one since I joined 2015. So if I can get one with the little I have, I'll just go, donate and then do grabby hands till I have it.
Please don't cut into food budget or anything important, user-sempai >.>
The Dark Wizard
The Dark Wizard

Patreon does accept Paypal as well as cards.
The Dark Wizard
The Dark Wizard
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
Cool then ill donate some time.
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
Oh lol! Thats so nice! You didn't have to do that!
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard Kaerri Kaerri you made me cry out if happiness, thanks so much! I'll totally donate again as soon as I can, it's the least I can do!
Aww, thank you :) We like making you happy!