
Negative Zone
Ardyn Izunia for President 2020
Tear-Stained Ice Sage
Tear-Stained Ice Sage
I will fucking vote for you 10/10 guaranteed
Did he have your support to begin with? Because frankly, wherever you stand on the issue, Trump's move here shouldn't surprise anyone. It was pretty important to his campaign.
@Wixard I'm not arguing with you or anything because I agree that I knew he was going to do what he could to deny queer people their rights, (especially with Mike Pence as his vice). But I'm not sure it was that important to his campaign, actually. His campaign relied mostly on islamophobia, his whole "america has gone to shit but I'll fix it" idea, and his ideas about immigrants. While he is sexist and homophobic, I don't think those were campaign ideas but just kind of extras. Bonuses. 

Anyway, it sucks. It totally sucks. I knew that Trump wasn't a fan of queer people but I had no idea he'd delete the LGTBQ+ section of the White House's website. God only knows what he'll do next. There again, this is a man that said Brexit was good and that climate change is a hoax and didn't know about automation in factories so he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, (Smash Mouth reference).  

Shit, sorry for this long-ass post. I just get really pissed off. I'm just so glad I live in England and can be openly queer without fear of my safety. 
So, I heard that they take down the LGBT rights page and all those every time a new president is elected so they can "revamp" it or something. It takes like a week to get it back up? I thought it wasn't permanent? I'm confused. Help.
@AThiefOfSpades My apologies, I'd never heard of that before. Guess that's what I get for believing what I read? Apparently, all pages have been taken down because they're moving to a new site. I retract that part of my earlier post. The rest of it is still true though. 
@jinkx people don't have to be afraid of being...what's the difference between queer and gay? Anyway people don't have to be afraid of being LGBT here. Hate crimes are very dramatic and played up in the news a lot, but they're rare and you can be targeted for being white, black, male, female, straight, gay...we have a very diverse selection of haters. Yay diversity. 

Point is, there's no real reason for LGBT people to be afraid. There are some aspects of culture that will shun them, some that will tolerate them, some that will hate them (a small bit) and some that will celebrate them. Now, it's a bit awkward if you have a family or live in an area that belongs to the shun culture, but that's not really something that can be legislated. That's just a shortcoming of people not understanding each other well.

At this point, I'm only aware of a few laws relating to LGBT, would you mind pointing out which ones you're worried about?
Tear-Stained Ice Sage
Tear-Stained Ice Sage
It has nothing to do with how people feel about what I am, love, and who I want to be with. It all has to with my rights. Trump has openly expressed hatred towards everyone in the USA who isn't what I like to call his idea of a "perfect American." I'm all caught up on news, I watch and listen to all of his speeches, and I read his twitter feed. The whole problem is, it's his way or gtfo. I'm bisexual, and nobody has the right to tell me who I can and can't be with or love. Hence why my first statement said, "seriously." If they don't put the page back up, or if he makes any effort towards abolishing LGBT laws, then I am 100% allowed to be angry, as are all the people who were happy when Obama started what we thought would be a long-lasting law chain. Also, Wixard, you are somewhat incorrect. It has nothing to do with understanding eachother, it has to do with acknowledging that we are all entitled to our personal happiness. You shouldn't have to understand my motives or reasons to know that I'm doing it because it makes me happy. 

Yes, I actually did support Trump. Just a bit. But now he's showing his true, "1900-1990 powerhouse president" colors, and I disagree entirely.
I think understanding each other is very important.
Tear-Stained Ice Sage
Tear-Stained Ice Sage
But you have to wonder if everyone is truly ready to do that. 
I just worry Trump will overturn same-sex marriage like he claimed he wanted to... but he'll probably wimp out last minute. That man can't seem to keep hold of an opinion very long for some reason. And I do worry that transgender/genderqueer peeps are going to be held back even longer when it comes to transitioning/presenting as their gender. 

And I say "queer" because it's easier than listing everybody in the LGTBQ+ spectrum in my opinion. 
Yeah. Queer is an umbrella term. 
But Trump can't actually overturn same-sex marriage. Only the Supreme Court can, and they already voted 5-4. One of the "4" guys died (I hated that asshole. Roll in your grave, Scalia) and is getting replaced by another one. Nothings going to change, basically, unless he adds more people to the Supreme Court, which I'm pretty sure he can't.
Why? His opinions disrespected my existence. He tried to make it so I couldn't marry who I love. He was an asshole his entire life. I'm not going to forgive him just because he died. He can rot in hell.

For future reference, don't tell me to show respect or what opinions I can have. You show some respect.
@AThiefOfSpades I do respect people with differing opinions, but you telling me to is ironically hypocritical. Opinions cannot 'disrespect' anything. Words and actions show respect or lack there of. 

Justice Scalia was also a Christian, I believe, so it's unlikely he's in hell. He may have disagreed with you, but he was respectful to others.

What's more, you seem to have taken personally something you very much shouldn't have. He voted against the federal government overruling the states on the issue of marriage. He didn't vote for any rule that would ban same-sex marriage at a federal level. No such ruling was ever brought before the supreme court. In other words, Scalia believed that according to the constitution, the states should decide the issue of marriage for themselves one way or the other.
Your opinion is an opinion. My opinion is mine. I can show as much disrespect or respect as I choose. People telling you to "have respect" in political discussions is just another way to put people and their opinions down without contributing anything to the conversation. And when you try to tell people to have respect while telling people earlier that they're scared for no reason or their feelings on something is invalid, it's clear you're not actually respectful. Especially when you call people names. Check yourself. Trying to talk about understanding people. Whatever, dude.

He voted against a federal law allowing people to have the same rights to marry as others. Regardless of the reasons why, that's disrespectful and harmful to many, including myself.  I have no desire to argue with you any further. I am requesting you stop contacting me on this website and desist talking about me right now. Do it again and I'll report you for harassment. Goodbye. 
Tear-Stained Ice Sage
Tear-Stained Ice Sage
Opinions actually can be disrespectful, albeit just being an opinion. You mean to say that if I say that I love peace, and you say that peace is for babies, go f yourself, that's not disrespect? That clearly is disrespect towards what I stand for, and therefore, it's disrespect towards me. Disagreeing is one thing, but flat out telling me I'm wrong is another. 
Trying to explain to a person IN BRITAIN that people in the US don't live in constant fear despite what you may see on TV is not the same as telling people that their feelings are invalid.

No, people telling you to 'have respect' is a way of telling you you're being rude for no reason. You can communicate your opinions without being an asshole. 

Your failure to understand the nuances of federal verses state law and the role of the balance of powers is not Justice Scalia's fault. Here's another nuance you seem to have missed. Prior to the sexual revolution, marriage was defined as between one man and one woman. This was never about a right to marriage. If you were a man, you didn't have the right to marry a man not because it was illegal, but because it wasn't marriage. In order to have that right, marriage had to first be redefined. Whether or not it should be redefined is where the disagreements come from.

But nevermind, you don't seem interested in learning.

If Ice Sage wants me to stop talking about this, I will. But this isn't your status update Thief. You're out of line.
"Opinions actually can be disrespectful, albeit just being an opinion. You mean to say that if I say that I love peace, and you say that peace is for babies, go f yourself, that's not disrespect? That clearly is disrespect towards what I stand for, and therefore, it's disrespect towards me. Disagreeing is one thing, but flat out telling me I'm wrong is another."

@Tear-Stained Ice Sage, the disrespect there was when he said that peace is for babies. Merely thinking that war is preferable to peace is not disrespectful, it's just stupid. If you say 'I love peace' I can say either 'go f yourself' (this is disrespectful) or 'actually, I think war is better than peace' (this is not disrespectful).