
Kiyoko Tomoe
Kiyoko Tomoe
Haha... I tend to end up with hundreds of triangles myself when searching for "one" face-claim. Gotta love inspiration and character image searching, always makes you waste away what free time you have in life :P
Like always! And end up saving them all. Hahaha
Update: Grand total of 307 tabs. I went through them all, saved 99% of them. Needless to say, my writing prompt meter is pretty dang full right now. Expect major creativity over the next day or two involving alternate universes ala Tumblr logic. 

Note: Still haven't found the faceclaim I wanted XD
Woah!!! Hahaha sometimes it's really hard to find the perfect face claim for a character. So sometimes I find a picture fir for the plot then do the character based on the face claim I've chosen. Yeah  :D
Kiyoko Tomoe
Kiyoko Tomoe
Unless I'm inspired by something else, I usually go for face claims to base everything else around, to a degree. I'll usually have the general idea in mind, but fine-tune things like personality and such to fit whatever image(s) catch my eye as being perfect for the simple idea, rather than making the full character then trying to find a match for the character itself.
Update #2: Been clearing away the 300+ posts tabs since this morning, three more hours spent getting sidetracked by relevant threads and links. I'm only just now beginning to clear the tabs enough that letters are starting to appear on them again rather than being blank and squished triangles. There is an end to this road and I can see it on the horizon. Wish me luck.