
Not much, not much. Just lurking in the shadows, waiting, and chewing bubblegum. Waddaboutyou?
White Masquerade
White Masquerade
Haha. I wanted to do a project with you. Maybe we could work something out?
That depends. What's it about of course, but also how time consuming it is. I actually withdrew from an RP due to time constraints, so it might not be doable for me atm. I'm open to ideas though, just for you. :P
White Masquerade
White Masquerade
Lol. Okay. I was about to ask you the same things. I actually wanted to hear what you learned from the Tokyo Ghoul and Pokemon Projects you did, If you want to talk about it.
Well for Tokyo Ghoul, I think I mostly didn't enjoy having a large number of people in opposing factions. Having some sort of common dynamic is probably preferable and easier, as you don't have to arbitrarily make one side "lose". I guess it could work with dice, but yeah. As for Pokemon, I think that was all fine and dandy, other than that I had too little time to run it well. I do think I made the right calls in terms of preperations and all. Oh also, don't rely on a layout to have information easily accessable, forum updates are gonna kick you in shins. X_X