
*Dies from overthinking* Well, that happens to me anyway. Best of luck on creating a Roleplay(If you do)
Literary Revenant
Literary Revenant
Thing is I've tried to do a rigid system full story planned role play but I got stuck writing a certain part so I'm shying away from that aspect in favor of one thats a bit more friendly. Then again I'm not sure what people want.
Well, doesn't matter what people want. What matters is what you want. There will be others on the site that will join the RP you make due to the same interest. Just my opinion on it though :P  And yeah, full story RPs where you plan ahead kinda... aren't good for the sheer fact that an RP's story can change whenever. Usually
Literary Revenant
Literary Revenant
It seems like that was my critical error then. One thing that I've been told though is the fact that my writing is a bunch of ideas forced into one thing and not a flow of ideas. I had hoped to have a short thing done but I don't have anything ready yet.
You do you. Writing doesn't have to be about a flow of ideas. Sure a flow looks better, but that might not be the same as actually enjoying it. Personally if you enjoy the forced ideas that can become something great, then stick with it. After all, those forced ideas can become something great if executed right. Just my opinion on the whole thing though xD
Literary Revenant
Literary Revenant
Be confident with those opinions friend, saying "That's my opinion" also implies low confidence in some cases. (See what I did there?)