
Maybe Whiskey
Maybe Whiskey
*does it two hours before class, somehow passes, swears never to do it again...does so very next paper*
Legit me for my last paper. Will happen again. 
Maybe Whiskey
Maybe Whiskey
Sameee. The last paper I did in college I did a couple of hours before class. That was many years ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth though.
Oh geeze. That was like...two weeks ago for me xD
Maybe Whiskey
Maybe Whiskey
If my memory serves (and it chooses when it does, that hoe) my last paper was four years ago. College wasn't for me tho but I respect anyone who keeps up all that craziness.
It's really not for me, either. I have allowed my parents to force me to college.
Maybe Whiskey
Maybe Whiskey
Ohhh crud. Hope you've at least found a major you're interested in. That tends to make things a little less painful. Also, I don't recommend being a philosophy major. I have an aunt who is a college professor and she says the philosophy majors get really abstract and round about with their papers.
I told them I was going to major in theatre to have a bit more training since they're making me go to school. But I'm a Media Communications minor, so that's what they're worried about really. They just want me to have something to do if things don't work out with acting. 
Maybe Whiskey
Maybe Whiskey
I just majored in Creative Writing. I wanted to be an author and my family didn't really care what I did so long as I was in school or employed. Sounds like you've got some good rents.
I thought about doing creative writing too, since you don't need a degree to act, but my senior year english teacher was like 'nah, go forth and prosper. you need to be around those people to be happy' so i was like

thanks dude.

I do. They're really great parents. But I still didn't want to go to school.
Maybe Whiskey
Maybe Whiskey
Well you've only got like 3-4 more years of college to go right? Ain't gotta worry about a Doctorate or anything. 300+ page thesis... *shudders*
Yeah, hopefully i'll get through it. This is my first semester, so 3 and 1/2 hopefully. I'll be taking summer courses to keep up, anyways. 

um no. I hardly survive the things I have to do already. I would die if I had to do that.
Maybe Whiskey
Maybe Whiskey
I might've lasted longer if I didn't take math class they offered that crammed everything you learn from the start of high school through college in six weeks. Lesson learned.

Holy cow my lurker behind finally got 10 forum posts. I never thought this day would come.