
Peach Tea
Peach Tea
We're missing a player to serve as a master for me. :3
Peach Tea
Peach Tea
hm.. i'll check it out :3 
:D  If so, then you'll basically be paired with apparently the strongest one. Which is me. :P  
Peach Tea
Peach Tea
it confuses me greatly 
It's not hard. There's this cup that gives you a wish of limitless power. To get this cup, you must kill other people who are also trying to get the cup. Each person is paired with a famous historical figure of much renown, who are usually super-powered. The idea is that once you kill everyone else, you win. You also get three command seals in the form of some kind of tattoo. These mark you as a "master" of a particular servant and allow you to control them. You can expend a seal to achieve previously unattainable feats such as teleporting somewhere or being granted a boost in stats. Stats come in the form of Strength, Endurance, Agility, Magic and Luck, whilst servants also get a "special ability" of some kind. It's basically their super attack.
Peach Tea
Peach Tea
O_O ok.. I can do this.. must do it for ye!!! CRANK UP THE MUSIC! 
:D  Yaaaaaay!

Also, we're being added as an extra master/servant duo to this "war" as such. Normally, there are only seven masters and servants, but we're the 8th for plot reasons. :D  

Also, this "cup" is called the Holy Grail and we're fighting in the Holy Grail War. Check out the anime, it's pretty dope. It starts with fate/stay night. :)  
Peach Tea
Peach Tea
oh!! I've been dying to see that anime! I was planning on starting it as soon as I finished Tokyo Ghoul 