
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
Is it Trump?
Yes, I am deeply concerned for what this means for the future of this country.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
Well he's going to get us in the black again/also makes us stronger a nation. I hate the man truly but going to college for BA. It's just for the best.
I can't condone the racist or sexist remarks that he has made, and I feel that he has behaved in a manner which is highly inappropriate. He's made countless people feel unsafe living in the country and I am deeply sorry that this election is proving that such rhetoric isn't automatically disqualifying. Not to mention that his campaign managers are constantly manipulating him to get him to behave somewhat properly (it works better than it should). I want to wholeheartedly apologize to every immigrant in this country.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
I do to it's just well the we need to be in the black again. It's better than someone who gets soldiers killed. I'm a vet.

Also fair enough.
You're entitled to your opinion, but Trump is not respected by other world leaders and I am concerned for what that means for foreign affairs and how much power that would give to Russia. But most of all, I do not think that Trump would be any less likely to avoid war than Clinton would be. It's hard to say, since he's inexperienced in that regard, but given previous remarks I feel that he is not likely to be less inclined towards fighting.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
War is necessary as warrior myself it's just needed for population control.
Count Gensokyo
Count Gensokyo
Hillary isn't exactly a saint, either...
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
She's a terrible person who needs to be tried for her crimes.
Get out of here with that fucking edge, shitlord. It isn't all about America. Population control my ass, what about OTHER countries that will be affected by Trump's presidency? War wouldn't just affect the fucking population, it'll also affect the economy. Maybe you haven't got a lot of loved ones in life, but I have a family I want to be safe. 
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
I have loved ones to but again he's just a water version of Reagan. So a Eagle like Reagan is what we need. Again we could be unifed but goes back to the point war is constant that is needed. It's dreadful but again you have be strong from the get go. I never said just america that's a assumption I don't hide that i'm a war hawk. What's best for this country is simply strength. It's sad but true.
Warfare is not about population control. It's about the rich and powerful sending other people off to die in order to make themselves richer. It does not matter whether Hillary is an ideal person or not. Trump has belittled people over and over, and it's been a core aspect of his campaign. That, among many other things, is a reason why he is inherently more problematic than HRC ever could be.
Reagan tanked the economy, taken credit for the sacrifice made by the president before him to sacrifice the short term economy for long term improvement. I do not want another Reagan, but at least another Reagan wouldn't be making so many xenophobic remarks. Not to mention that no foreign power respects Trump. At best, they think they can manipulate him. That isn't strength, he can be baited with the mere suggestion that he isn't as rich as he claims that he is. He's a bully, and bullies arise from a place of weakness pretending to be strength.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
Again it's simple warfare is always about population control. It's not black/white for warfare it's really a grey area. Again as long you maintain your honor who cares about your body it's just a temporary vessel. Hilary is not be trusted to lead in anything for the military we don't need Doves atm. It's Hawks who are needed. Respect is important but for the sake of the gaining our strength again & projecting our strong image upon the world power battle. This is absolute truth as well many ancient strategists have always said conflict is a natural thing. It's how we approach it is all. Again I agree to disagree i'm war hawk/you may be  dove but i can decide that.  
Trump is weak. I do not trust him with any level of authority over the military. He sympathizes with Russia and North Korea. But honestly, that stuff is just the icing on the cake of how many problems I have with him. I do not approve of warfare because of how it exploits the masses for the benefit of the many. If you believe population control is necessary, I think that science has some much more effective methods of accomplishing that.
Regardless, I do not approve of Trump and I never will. I do not like a single thing about him, and he is inherently a terrible person. I want people to be able to feel safe, regardless of race or immigrant status or gender or sexuality or anything else. I don't think a Trump presidency will accomplish that. I think he'll tank the economy because he doesn't have a clue how to run a business without it going bankrupt, let alone a country. There are many problems, and I don't even think he'll be an effective commander in chief. I've listened to many of his speeches, I'm well aware of his MO, so nothing is going to change my mind on that.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
It's fine I never said I liked the man period.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
He's using the golden parachute I hate that tatics greatly
I simply don't think he'll serve us well in warfare either. I've very upset about the projected outcome of this election because of all of the people, some of who are my friends and family, who will be made to feel unwelcome (though they probably feel that way already with how this election is going).
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
I'm sorry for that also again i'm just a warrior so going into business is needed. But again sorry for what you're going through.