
Same. It has gotten very very far from what it should have. I do hope it can recover
I feel as if it'll only recover if we enact it ourselves, which'll be difficult.
Yeah but worth it. I still believe the founding principles of America are still good and there. I believe America is still great its just the people that are flawed. Their greedy selfish and really fucking annoying but America is still good
The founder's were right not to trust the populace, as they thought that they would ruin everything. And would you look at that they were right.
Yeah it has gotten bad but its still fixable. I'm still grateful that America is still as it is today because even though all this crazy shits going on we are still a lot better off than most places in the world
But for how long? America is a naive Alice following her white rabbit, though we have not yet made it to the jump> We find our selves at the edge debating whether we should jump.
"Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her, and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything: then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves: here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs."
That's just it though whether we jump or not doesn't decide whether America stays great or not. The jump decides whether America stays great peacefully or violently 
The Longer we debate the less stable the soil we stand on is and if we are to tumble down we can't hold unto the old America. When we ascend, we don't make the same mistakes, we create a new and better world.
Exactly if America goes too far off the deep end there will be people that rise up from the ashes and reclaim America to what it once was
No, if that was to happen the world would be worse. We must take the broken and fractured infrastructure and rebuild it better not the same, if we are to make it the same all we are is buying time. Stagnating in one cycle, never progressing, never evolving, in a cycle of destruction.
I meant that they rebuild it as it was before all this shit. Before the hillary or the trump or the SJWs or all that stupid shit. Back when people valued the American dream and strove hard to achieve it not like today where people can live relatively fine by sucking the tits of the government
I believe that our government values the subjective thoughts of whats better rather than the objective truths of what is better. That is the main flaw of Democracy and Republics: the mob. The next thing you know america will be like europe is right now: chaotic.
Oh yeah I never meant that America is perfect but it works far better than most other government types. It coupled with the value of the American dream made the system work but now that people don't know the American dream it caused the system to break. Back when people understood you needed to work hard to make a living not just rely off of the government people voted for things that would help the country. Now you see all the ungrateful people being leeches off of the government who are voting to stay leeches, to never truly succeed in life and to make everyone else's lives harder because of it. If people realized the American dream the mob wouldn't be as big a problem if at all.
I can see what you mean but I don't believe that Welfare as a concept is bad I just don't think it should be given to anyone willy nilly. I think that people who have to live off of Welfare should have a job within a month and if they don't then they should be forced into a public welfare job in order to pay off what they're making. Like I don't think that it should all together be stripped away as it has genuinely helped people, like me, but it needs to help not be the bread and butter of a family.
Fascist coup anyone?
Aye, I love those stick bundles
Oh yeah welfare is definitely a good thing and just like most things in life it's good in moderation but these days too many people abuse it like illegal immigrants and whatnot. It should definitely stay but it shouldn't be something people can live on by itself you know? Like people should not be able to live off of welfare alone like you said they need to contribute if they are on it. In this day and age that is not happening so you have people taking advantage of it And making life harder for everyone (higher taxes) 
Lock is a I'm uncultured apparently.

Lel, I found one of RPN's SJW trigger words

and the best part is, I was referring to a bundle of sticks.
@TheBlackSwordsman Higher taxes aren't necessarily bad, they are just bad in our form of political climate.

and Gade I got you boy

wait did you try to say I'm uncultured?