
Yes, the loss of followers was unexpected.  But now you get the fun of collecting them all over again! *hopeful smile*

Hosted Projects had limits on them before, but in the process of opening them up to everyone we found out our servers aren't quite up to that kind of load yet.  Someday we hope to have every RP be an HP, if it's possible, but in the meantime, the 250 post limit is meant to keep it to something the servers can handle without 5-minute loading times.  (If you were here the first week after the site updated, you know what I'm talking about...)

And you're pretty close to it now!  *cheers you on*
Oh, it does make me sound a bit fame-hungry to write a status about the loss of my followers, doesn't it? xD  Wasn't really my intention, but, like Treebeard said, many of those followers and the people I followed were my friends, but it shouldn't be too hard to find them again.

And once you mention the inner workings of the site, I understand now. I hope it didn't sound too ungrateful, I just was really looking forward to getting back to roleplay, and I think the Hosted Projects are masterfully done and must work perfectly, so most of all I wanted to try them out!

I just wish there was a way to count the posts you made in the profile, but maybe for the coders that's too much asking for. Truth is, I had no idea I was close to 250 posts because of it. Thank you for telling me. ^^

Anyways, I appreciate the response, it enlightened me a bit more. Thanks!

Also I might have done it for the LOTR Treebeard gifs and memes
No, not at all!  A lot of people were using it as a friends list and had to track everybody down again.

And huzzah for Treebeard gifs and memes. :D