
I love you too which is why I must warn you not to follow as I will get us both horribly lost and probably bump into parked cars or something

(tis okay, no one else does either x3)
There will be much merrymaking, hilarious hijinks and adventures bards will sing about. Mostly in mockery of our lack of directional aptitude. IT WILL BE THE STUFF OF GLORY.

...Seriously though this site is awesome! Everything is so white and shiny... *presses cheek against screen*

YES! GLORY! FAME! KILLER RABBITS! We shall journey across the land, conquering all in our way for our quest for that one place that was supposed to be on 3rd street but here we are in the middle of Brazil with no goshdarn idea where the heck the nearest bathroom is! D:

I use the Dark theme , so everything is as dark as the night >:3 I has a really pretty banner too, I like it. I have joined the dark side

The site just went through a huge update and changed servers or something, so it feels brand new to pretty much everyone.
Wondrous! We shall become kings of the moon! and still have no bathrooms...

HOW DO I ENABLE DARK THEME. I need it for mine eyes and creative sprockets to work with the characther gizmus warbler that makes the roleplay whizzards function...

aha :D I am not alone~! I shall probably sift through the tutorials today and try to convince myself *not* to make the antithesis of Arken's character.