
Salt Lord
Salt Lord
And if they're both? :o

(lol I'm none of those)
Both is also cool. I'm just noticing a trend where people spend all this time doing up these amazing character sheets and I'm left in awe over them, but then they go to actually play and the posts are...lacking?
That sounds too judgmental. Maybe I should go the other way with it--just because a person *can't* make a graphically amazing CS, it doesn't mean they'll be a bad RPer. I just think people put too much stock into artsy character sheets and not enough into the actual ability of the player to enhance the game.
(Aka, I am not a graphic person. I'm a word person. If I get rejected for a game just because I don't want to spend an hour or more trying to make my CS look pretty over someone who is artistically talented but can't write a complete sentence, I think the system is a little skewed).
Salt Lord
Salt Lord
I like prettying up my character sheets and sometimes even posts (though not enough to make it look professional or something), but I think I'm one of those people who turn out to be lacking otherwise.

If I really push myself, I can make decently sized posts (maybe eight lines at most), but that's only pushing. I don't have much skill as a writer. D: