
For your sake: I'll try not to burn too many houses down c:
you can do that as long as no one is inside. xD EMT no fire. haha
Nawh... There'll be a bunch of people in them. I'll make ya work hard XD
I'm off work now. Burn away xD
*goes fucking crazy*
That's pretty cool being an EMT... Idk if I could do it I'd have a hard time keeping a straight face x-x
There are a bunch of times where I try so hard not to laugh. The stupid calls. "I put too many eyedrops in my eye, am I going to go blind?" (real call, had it 2 weeks ago)
I couldn't do it.
The stress sounds like it would blow, and if someone died on the way to the hospital because I couldn't do anything I'd die inside. You have a lot of my respect lol.
I wanted to be a surgeon but I suck at math and I suck at people so any physician job would suck for me. I don't think I could even be a psychologist XD
Thanks. I don't have steady hands for that stuff. I plan on becoming a full paramedic, and it is sometimes a very tough and depressing job. What gets me most is when it's kids. Infants. Very very hard to deal with.
You're a strong person if you can keep a job like that. I want to be a psychologist really badly, mainly becasue I want to help people who also have mental illness but I'm so mentally ill I doubt I can get my shit together or live long enough to go to school for it... not to mention the stress from school would be enough to end me. What a fucking catch 22....
I think you could do it, it helps with your background and make it your specialty. Just try to set your goal. I'm sure you can. Just have to take small steps to better yourself first Always
What sucks about mental illness sometimes is it can feel like your best friend x-x
Agreed, my brother is autistic (very high function) but I've studied him over the years as well when I was with him. As long as you have support you can work towards it. I'll support you. I always am for people pursuing their goals and dreams
Thanks random stranger. Support always helps, it just sucks when you lack a support system because your family is a bunch of---- yeah... support system XD Gotta find one of those. I should also probably go back to therapy huh? x-x
Sometimes my best support has been from people I've met through forums. So I understand the family aspect. If you feel like going back might help, then try it. If you get through 3 sessions and nothing worked then maybe it's not the best for you. It's different for everyone
I've been in and out of therapy since I was like 12 I'm heavily medicated and blah blah blah. XD
I have some support from people online like @Vlass but yeah, family sucks. Water is thicker then blood in this situation.
haha just keep your head up. My friends become my blood more than my family in most cases. I understand that haha.
Thanks for that chat, it's helped a bit. ^-^
How long have you been roleplaying for??
Anytime! Hit me up whenever if you need. I've been RPing for on and off about 10 years. A bunch of different sites. You?
off and on for 11 years on a bunch of different sites ^-^
Will do! If I'm having a tough time I'll shoot you a message.
No prob. I check this site on my phone and have unlimited data so I'm always on when I can, so I'll easily get it