
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
Terezi. Latula. Redglare.
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
Ah. I'm part of a roleplay board that's somewhat similar to that, actually. Called The Collective Unconsciousness - it's a Hetalia roleplay~
*screeches* THE PYROPES ARE MY FAVORITES....but, alas, my patrons are Eridan, Cronus, and Dualscar.
Hetalia? I tried watching that. Never could get into it. But, anyways, the roleplay is not mine it's PyroWarriorZ's...I don't think I gave him credit on the SU...
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
Haha. Poor thing, stuck with the Amporas.
It seems cool. I might join it, if I have any characters who would be halfway decent in it...
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
My parner has all the Captor's for her patrons - which kinda works out perfectly because Mituna and Latula are da bomb.
Latuna is one my favorite ships!
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
I want ones that fit into it though, yanno?
Yeah. I know. :)
God. I feel like such a douche canoe for acting like this towards Nirvana
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
I don't. The other mods and I are having a serious discussion with her for her conduct both in and out of the main roleplay. She's been acting utterly unacceptable, even threatening other roleplayers for not liking the way she posted.
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
It's utterly unacceptable. We're talking to her about it and if she doesn't make an effort to change we're going to ask her to leave. Last warning, for her.
Oh. Now I don't. I'm in one other roleplay with her and so far she's staying in bounds but there's certain points where she takes her character too far. Just a minute ago, she kicked some guys beer bottle off a table, just for drinking and being in her room earlier in the RP.
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
We're worried that she's not mature enough for this roleplay and for our group so we're... we're working on it.
I mean, yeah, she's playing the youngest character but that doesn't mean she gets to break every rule. It really ticked me off when she did edit but completely dismissed the fact that her and June were right next to each other. That would make it pretty hard to just run off. That was what really set me off, not just the fact that she didn't actually read what was posted.
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
She's not, actually. Missy is seven, Vana is ten.

She just needs to listen and actually respect her fellow roleplayers.
*shrugs* I'm just getting sick of her disregarding other people's characters. If she's gonna roleplay, she has to read it all and know what's going on.
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
She also needs to not threaten other people for real. That's not okay at all.
That too, although I haven't seen/heard it.