
Why am i still laughing and its been 5 minutes?
Axiom Days
Axiom Days
Because you've read something from Borderlands. Short and simple.
Sombra Arcana
Sombra Arcana
"Right now, you're ranked fifty in the badass leaderboards, which puts you behind my grandma but ahead of a guy she gummed to death. IT TOOK SEVERAL HOURS."
Axiom Days
Axiom Days
Honestly, his guns are dope, though.
Sombra Arcana
Sombra Arcana
With the exception of the Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold. That with slag is dope
Axiom Days
Axiom Days
Oh... Sorry, I'm lvl 14 stuck on warden. Haven't seen that gun.
Sombra Arcana
Sombra Arcana
Legendary gun. Do you play on xbox 360? If so, I can help you.... Lvlv 72 OP 8 Mechromance and lvl 60 Siren :9. I can also duplicate some guns and things
Axiom Days
Axiom Days
Sorry, PS3. And I'm an assassin. But, if you remember the fight, do you have any tips on defeating him.
Sombra Arcana
Sombra Arcana
which was the warden? The fire guy?
Axiom Days
Axiom Days
The W4R-D3N. A hyperion constructor bot that kidnapped Roland.
Axiom Days
Axiom Days
The fire guy is Captain Flynt
Sombra Arcana
Sombra Arcana
Oh, grab a submachine gun. Spam your abilities try to heal and get a Rocket Launcher
Sombra Arcana
Sombra Arcana
Or you can always stand at the entrance and shoot and run
Axiom Days
Axiom Days
Zer0 is extremely frail, and those bada** loaders are OP. Standing in front of it and shooting will lead to my death faster than I can use deception...