
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
No worries. Personalities are always the hardest to put down, I think. I always struggle with them as well.
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
And I was happy to review! I always appreciate reviews myself, and when I see a character that has a lot of work put into them I feel it's only right to let the writer know what I think. Especially if it's a well put together character, to boot!
Your character that was put into the featured reminded me of Sage... it made me think that I had been stalling to put all my characters into the Gallery as well and should get to it. So Sage ended up being my first... I am currently working on putting another haha. I will be mindful of the Italics. Going to try a different font before I go through and change it all..
I do not feel confident however in being a reviewer... but I did find you character very interesting (And reminding me of my own..). So thanks for the boost in confidence!
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
Aww, why not? All you have to do is say what you think, yanno? You obviously know what needs to go into making a character, so just... kinda point out what you did and didn't like?
Renn Skye
Renn Skye
I don't think it takes confidence so much as a willingness to be open. As long as the person you're reviewing is willing to take critique anything and everything you say is likely to be appreciated.