
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
I had a job. I stopped it. I hated it. Now I remain with my old pc.

Hey when you play league, on which server?
Well, big sis, I technically should use Oceania, but I generally play on NA. Minimum of like 220 or 230 ping, but it's pretty much always been like that so I don't really notice.
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
Oh OK. I sadly play on EUW.
Aww. If I didn't have a couple of people I still wanted to play with on NA, I'd transfer my account. But we can probably work something out. I wanna play with my big sis! As a support main, I can be protecting you for once! ^_^
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
I am main top/support. But sure. I can play a very good jhin. I usually play him top, but adc should work.
You don't NEED to ADC for me to help out. I like backing and then just roaming top. No support really does that, so a Thresh hook from the jungle or even double ganking is fun. Or I can just roam all game. Maybe lane swapping and causing chaos. Melee ADCs with relic shield is a trick I find underrated. Relic = feeding your support for free. 2 relic shields in the lane means free sustain and gold sharing.
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
Its not like I dislike it, I actually love playing add if I have a nice support. The trouble is to find a good one.
Hmm. I can't promise "good"... but I can promise... flashing in, missing a hook, but still igniting them because I took ignite and getting the kill after you use your ultimate...

I mean... I can promise I'll do my best for big sis!
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
Well... Sounds like me two years ago. You get a lot like me, little sis. Two more years and you'll hook even those that try to flash your hooks.

The thing that made me the most proud was when I played thresh with a sivir adc
Their akali roamed and hid in a bubble next to us. And I hooked that akali out of her ult when she jumped my carry.
I'm not a bad player really. It depends on the champions I play. I'm actually a pretty decent Thresh, I think. I could probably get better with my lanterns though. I actually take ignite (pretty common on Lulu) and try to kill them or scare someone out of lane at level 3 at the latest. Lulu's early game is hard to beat so just ruining their game from the start is a solid tactic.
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
I am not a bad player too. And I never thought you we're two years ago I was plat.
Plat? 2 years ago? Uhh... Never mind, I'm bad at League of Legends. What is a Lulu?
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
I keep getting worse actually.

3 years ago I was diamond.
Now I am bronze 3...

Top and Support are not enough of carry roles with a bad team... I can carry much, but not everything.
Oh. Well... Still, I'm sure you're infinitely better than I am. I started a little less than 2 years ago. Then I taught my ex to play and... they surpassed me and stole my role and it was embarrassing. But wow. You've been in Diamond!? As if I didn't already think my big sis was amazing. Riot had to knock your ELO down so you don't start beating up the pro players!