
Christopher Pyne MP
Christopher Pyne MP
Well wasn't that a pointless exercise. Look, I'm a shitposting manchild with a neckbeard that'd make r/atheism cringe, take it from me, you want your lover to know how you feel. Say fuck it, go out there and tell him. There is nothing worse than living with regret over things you haven't done, so go out there and get them tiger! Don't let your dreams be RPN memes!
*sigh* I don't want to but I want to lol. RPN memes? lmao
Christopher Pyne MP
Christopher Pyne MP
Well fuckin do it. Like that Shia LeBeouf twat said, "Just do it!" What's the worst than can happen?
PSSHHHHH. Not talk to me ever again. Awkward friendship.
Christopher Pyne MP
Christopher Pyne MP
So what? You let him know how you feel. Isn't that better than thinking about what could have been? Hell, he might reciprocate those feelings.
That is a big lie.
Christopher Pyne MP
Christopher Pyne MP
The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. ~ A certain Austrian dictator with bad facial hair.

But in all seriousness, how do you know he doesn't?
One, I'm younger than him. Two, he's really sweet and all but I've been through that path before. It's just them being themselves, not because they liked me :/
Christopher Pyne MP
Christopher Pyne MP
So age matters now? I mean seriously, who cares how old the age difference is. Let love be love.
*sigh* it matters when there's a possibility that he thinks of me as a younger sister.
Christopher Pyne MP
Christopher Pyne MP
Remember this.

Incest = Wincest.
omg xD we aren't really related, it's just because I'm a year younger.
Christopher Pyne MP
Christopher Pyne MP
Look, that'd make sense if it was like 5 years difference. But it's 1 year. Christ, get over your fear and conquer!
I wish it was that easy...