
I'm so scared... And I don't even know why.
Freyu Valentine
Freyu Valentine
*randomly jumps and tackle hugs the stranger* There is no reason to fear for the Lana is here.
I shall protect thee by being random and hugging you so you may find comfort in knowing someone even a stranger like I cares.
Freyu Valentine
Freyu Valentine
On a more serious note, I don't know what's it like to have panic attacks personally but, one of my few friends throughout real life had them quite often. She used to get panicked over a lot if stuff and I'd just have to be there for her and make her realize that whatever it was, it definitely wasn't the end of the world.

So if you ever want to talk my conversation lists are always open :3
I feel you, man. I understand what you mean completely.

Together, with our mystical powers of justice, myself and Lana will open up the dome of wellbeing for you to slide on into and relax.
Panic attacks are awful. I used to get them a few times a night, and I'd wake up... Kind of like some people wake up after a nightmare? Only that initial, scared feeling wouldn't go away, and I won't get into the details... But focus on breathing. Listen to something that you enjoy. Read up on something you enjoy. Think about something else. :)