
Aquaria Wolf
Aquaria Wolf
You cannot stay on a single comment thread, or is it that you lose the "Post Comment" button?
Chief Shiro
Chief Shiro
Im not used to that whole thing. I see a textbox and i think. Must be where i reply. Ill get the hang of it hopefully x~x
Aquaria Wolf
Aquaria Wolf
That's kind of funny. Alright, next question, my age.
Chief Shiro
Chief Shiro
Hmm ive actually been debating on this. I never did fulky figure it out on WOA, But if i had to say, then itd have to be within the 17- 21 range. I know thats kind of broad but i dont have as much to work with here as i did on WOA. Not to mention its been a while since ive even viewed the matirirls i used to deduce most of my assumptions about you.
Aquaria Wolf
Aquaria Wolf
Good guess, your turn.
Chief Shiro
Chief Shiro
Alrighty. If you had to peg me as a typical stereotype, what would i be?
Aquaria Wolf
Aquaria Wolf
The not quite a nerd, but not quite jock. If anything, Friend A thrown into the spotlight.
Chief Shiro
Chief Shiro
Hmm interesting. I honestly have no clue if your answer is right because i dont neccesarilt see myself in a stereotype but it is interesting to see how i come off as to others