Constance Fogg ~ Support and Defense Teacher


gensokyo; eternity at the palm of my hand ♜


Constance Fogg






150 lb




Constance is a fit, fair-skinned woman who is 6 ft tall. She has long, dark purple hair and long bangs that nearly cover her eyes. She wears a body suit that is designed to allow her to move quickly, provide support to her joints, and allow her muscles to recover faster. The dark parts of the suit are semi-armor but it also has the most compression. She has armored shoulder pads, but they're basically useless. She also has armored heels. Her suit has a small cape on her lower back. In formal settings, she may wear gold shoulder pads and a black veil.


 Constance is all or nothing character, "You're either giving it your all or you're not worth s**t." As a fighter, she spends a lot of her time observing her opponent and supporting her allies, then dealing the final blow. As a teacher, you better run away. High standards as high as the sky, and she's known for assigning "impossible requests" to both students she hates and students she likes (which to her is the same thing).

Constance was raised with the elves that still live the forests and worship the ancient elven gods. At a young age, she was very proficient at magic and was taught by the magicians of her village and her father, her mother died young. When she became a teenager she knew that the most she will ever be is a priestess and decided to leave to the cities, but it was more running away than leaving with good vibes. She didn't have skills that were applicable to the workforce and her magic was not proficient enough. For a long time she took requests to hunt certain animals or catch certain criminals, her favorite memories took place in the Arena where she battled other champions and improved her magic. She became known as the Absolute Authority as for when she throws her spears, they never miss and they always seal her victory. Her time at the Arena created a reputation that gave her more opportunity for jobs, including a teaching position for Altissa. Realizing she can't keep fighting forever, she took the job and now makes a living telling youngsters they're not worth anything.



Healing: Constance can create a healing aura around her but the more people are in the aura and the bigger aura is the weaker the healing will become.

Teleportation: The distances are short, but she can do it multiple times within a couple of seconds. She can also teleport other people with these same rules.

Force Fields: She can create shields that can absorb attacks, allow her to walk above air, and imprison people.

Light Magic:  She can bend light so she can become invisible, project illusions of herself, and infuse light into her attacks.


She owns throwing daggers, but also a large, red throwing spear. The spear was given by her father and increases her speed when using it.


Constance is a rare type of magician, she can fight using only her support abilities. She has high

She has high manueverability in a fight and heal herself.


She only has support abilities which means most of her attacks have to be surprise types.

If her opponents can see through her light cloaking and break her force fields, there isn't much that she can do.

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