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Futuristic Humanity Chapter 1



Storm King of Superheroes
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Amidst the desolation of a world ravaged by environmental collapse and political turmoil, a diverse group of individuals found themselves drawn together by fate and circumstance. Among them was Koran Pope, a brilliant engineer who had abandoned his former life working for a corrupt corporation, seeking redemption in the pursuit of a noble cause. Alongside him stood Olivine Martin Alvarez, a steadfast ethicist whose commitment to ethical principles served as a beacon of morality amidst the chaos of their surroundings. The group was further complemented by Sylvanna Price, a determined female agricultural scientist, whose upbringing in a world plagued by food shortages drove her to seek solutions to humanity's agricultural woes.

Among the group was also Marv Timmins, a human behavior researcher, whose keen insight into the complexities of human nature provided invaluable perspective in their quest. With a deep understanding of psychology and sociology, Marv sought to unravel the intricacies of human behavior in the face of adversity, shedding light on the motivations and dynamics driving their journey towards Sanctuary.

United by a shared desire for redemption and a belief in a better future, the team embarked on a perilous journey across the desolate wastelands of the dystopian world. Their path was fraught with danger and hardship, from hostile scavengers and mutated creatures to treacherous terrain and harsh environmental conditions. Yet, through sheer determination and resourcefulness, they persevered, their bond growing stronger with each passing hardship.

Finally, after weeks of relentless pursuit, the team stumbled upon clues leading them to Sanctuary, a hidden refuge rumored to hold the key to humanity's salvation. With hope renewed and their spirits lifted, they pressed on, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest for a better tomorrow. Amidst the uncertainty of their journey, a mysterious figure of unknown sex and role emerged, their presence adding an intriguing dynamic to the group dynamic as they ventured ever closer to the secrets of Sanctuary.


The wind howled mournfully through the desolate wasteland, carrying with it the echoes of a world long forgotten. Amidst the ruins of crumbling skyscrapers and decaying infrastructure, four figures trudged wearily through the barren landscape, their footsteps leaving faint impressions in the dust.

Sylvanna Price, an agricultural scientist and ecologist, led the small research team, her eyes scanning the horizon with a mix of determination and desperation. Beside her, Koran Pope, a skilled engineer, navigated the treacherous terrain with a focused determination, his mind already racing with plans and calculations. Following closely behind was Olivine Martin Alvarez, an ethicist, his gaze thoughtful and contemplative as he pondered the ethical implications of their quest.

As they pressed on, their weary faces illuminated by the fading light of the setting sun, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. For weeks, they had searched tirelessly for a rumored sanctuary, a hidden haven said to hold the key to humanity's survival.

Their supplies dwindling and their spirits waning, they had nearly lost hope until a faint signal had pierced the static of their radios, leading them ever closer to their elusive destination.

Now, as they crested a ridge and beheld the sight before them, their hearts quickened with renewed hope. Nestled within the heart of the wasteland, surrounded by towering cliffs and jagged rocks, lay Sanctuary—a beacon of light amidst the darkness, a glimmer of salvation in a world on the brink of collapse.

With a sense of awe and wonder, the research team took their first tentative steps towards the hidden refuge, their minds filled with questions and their hearts brimming with hope for what lay beyond its walls. Little did they know that their journey was only just beginning, and that within the depths of Sanctuary, they would uncover secrets that would change the course of their lives forever.

queanbean queanbean monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar okhi2 okhi2
Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler
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Koran Pope
Interactions: Sylvanna ( queanbean queanbean )
Mentions: None

OIG3.jpegOnce initial readings showed that the pollution in this particular area was low enough for them to operate comfortably, Koran pushed a button behind his ear to deactivate the retractable helmets that he had designed for the whole team. The helmets were useful in times where there was a high concentration of smoke or even, perhaps, a poisonous gas in the area, but if his readings said that the air here was safe to breathe, then he believed those readings.

The mask retracted into a small piece behind his ear and the sun hit his hazel eyes immediately. Squinting at first, to adjust to the change in brightness from the shaded view of the mask to the raw sunlight, Koran began looking around ad taking in their surroundings. He looked around, taking in everything from how the sun hit the skyscrapers to how some of the fauna and moss grew towards the sun while some seemed to be retracting from the sun. Hmm, fauna that didn't enjoy the sun - watch Sylvanna make a big deal about it.

He closed his eyes briefly, taking in the sounds and smells of the area and allowing himself catch a nice big intake of fresh air, letting it all out with a sigh. The haunting song of the wind as it whistled through the buildings sent a chill down his spine, yet tickled an excitement in his heart that forced a smirk. This place had personality and Koran couldn't wait to introduce himself to it.

"Hey, Eve," Koran spoke allowed and a small robot that was disguised as an armband came to life, hovering by his face. "Help us out with aerial, sonar and thermal, will you?" The robot let out a bright beep, confirming the order and immediately took to the skies. Shortly after, the bands on everybody's wrists beeped to life with a birds-eye view of the area they were about to enter. Then Eve came back to a lower altitude and slowly began flying through the area, passing between and through buildings. Thermal and sonar imaging usually took a while since Eve had to travel the whole area to make sure it got a scan of everything.

"What's the word, Price? Do we hold here while we wait for Eve to finish scans; or do you want to take a look yourself?" There was a tone to his voice that indicated that he was excited to jump right looking around the whole place like a little child discovering a new toy, but he knew how to keep that side of him under control.

Dark eyes, slightly squinted in the sunlight, scanned the area ahead. Besides the wind, it was eerily quiet - most unscouted areas tended to be, and while it might be a good sign in general, Sylvanna didn't like when it was too quiet. She waited, hand on hip, until the sound of some small animals skittering through brush and rubble tickled her ear. "We'll move, it's alright." At the very least, the sign of life meant that there wasn't likely to be an unseen biohazard between them and the crumbled entrance.

She walked first, flicking her gaze up and down while mapping a route down the grassy slope that looked like it may once have been a highway. Cracked and broken barriers lined the way, mostly just shadows beneath ground and green that had overtaken them after years of disuse. It was amazing just how eager the earth was to devour everything humanity had put on it, including the humans themselves. "Meg, mind your step." She caught the girl by the sleeve when she tried trotting past and got a sour pout in return. Sylv didn't need to go first but also didn't want the kid running off on her own just yet and getting into who-knows-what.


Most of this expedition had sucked, thoroughly. Her feet hurt and she was constantly under the watch of adults and all they did was walk, walk, camp, and walk some more. It was like one of those classic road trip movies, kids whining 'are we there yet?'. Except she hadn't whined, not once. Maybe once, but whatever. Now that this place was within sight all the excitement was welling up inside and she wanted to run there fast as possible, but taking even a few steps faster than the rest of them got her pulled back. She huffed at Sylvanna's comment and lightly shook off her grasp. Danger shmanger, there wasn't anything out here the whole way and she didn't expect there to be anything now.

Rather than push ahead, she fell back in step with Koran, crossing her arms behind her head and watching Eve fly around doing scans like some bird of prey sniffing out dinner. "Whaddya think we'll find in there? Dead bodies? Live bodies?" Back at the colony she'd seen a movie like that - people walking around like they were alive, but they're all evil and rotting. Gross.

Interactions: Koran Wyll Wyll
Olivine Martin Alvarez

The slight tune of mechanical click clacks from behind the three that lead charge, Olivine having his head buried into resorting their inventory logs to ensure everything was up to date nearly walking head first into Koran’s back. “Well, on the bright side it seems like we still have about…I’d estimate possibly a few days left of rations if all of us are able to stretch out to around one light meal a day- then again Meg would likely need a better one as she’s still a child so with that I think we can swing it.”

Upon Meg’s question, Alvarez turned his head in her direction before crouching down. His knees folded to balance his weight on his old worn out boots. “Kiddo, I don’t think there are any zombies running about.” Not any he’s seen for sure but there was always that chance…it’s unpredictable what happens when earth changes in these times. Hopefully that’s not the case. Last thing any of them need is the fear of losing their lives or failing their mission.
With a deep inhale, stretching his body his sight fixated on the images Eve had sent back to them. Now in a slight jog to catch his speed up to par to reunite with the group.

“Well at minimum it seems like there’s no biological dangers in the area…still should tread carefully, don’t know what could be lurking or if a hidden structure could be ready to cave in.”

||Interactions: Meg queanbean queanbean , Koran Wyll Wyll ||
As the research team approached the outskirts of Sanctuary, they beheld a haunting sight that sent shivers down their spines. Strewn across the barren landscape were the twisted remains of mutated skeletons, their grotesque forms frozen in contorted poses of agony and despair. These were the remnants of creatures who had attempted to breach the sanctuary's formidable defenses, only to meet their demise in a futile struggle against its impenetrable walls.

Some of the skeletons bore signs of mutation and deformity, their bones warped and twisted by the effects of radiation and genetic manipulation. Others displayed evidence of violent confrontation, with broken bones and shattered skulls hinting at the ferocity of the battles that had taken place. Amidst the carnage, the remnants of rusted weapons and scraps of torn flesh served as grim reminders of the horrors that lurked beyond the sanctuary's protective perimeter.

As the research team gazed upon the macabre scene, they were filled with a sense of awe and dread at the formidable defenses that lay before them. The sight of the mutated skeletons served as a sobering reminder of the dangers that awaited those who dared to challenge the sanctity of Sanctuary, reinforcing their resolve to proceed with caution as they ventured ever closer to the secrets that lay within.
Koran Pope
Interactions: Olivine ( MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar ), Meg & Sylvanna ( queanbean queanbean )
Mentions: None

OIG3.jpegKoran couldn't help but give a little laugh as Meg got pulled back by Sylvanna. In Sylvanna's shoes, he'd most certainly do the same; but he also couldn't fault Meg for her curiosity. He rested his hand gently on top her head as they walked, ruffling her hair a bit, a gentle yet confident smirk on his face - which had come to be his signature look. "I don't know, Champ. Maybe both?" He looked around, carefully studying the surrounding area. "More likely to find dead though. No place with living people is this quiet." He nodded at Olivine's statement, taking comfort in the fact that there was one less danger to worry about. However, lack of human life could mean several things. He let out a small huff. "Not yet sure if that's good or bad."

His nose picked a strange scent as they walked, but he couldn't quite place it. It wasn't until he saw the deformed remains of lying around that he put two and two together. Immediately - instinctively, even - he stepped in front of Meg, not wanting her to see what lay ahead. He trusted that she was old enough and had lived in this broken world long enough for her to be able to handle seeing it, but also believed that she shouldn't be in a position where she has to handle it just because she can. It was times like this that he disliked always being right; why did he have to go and say that they were more likely to run into dead bodies?

"Stay here, Champ. I'm going to go say hi to those walls; introduce myself real quick." Here, he didn't ask for Sylvanna's permission, stepping forward and walking past her. As he did, he inspected the ground, the walls, all the surrounding area. He observed the figures and quickly pieced together that brute force wasn't the way here. However, another thought caused him to pause. "Hey, Price? If one of these things start moving while I'm up there, kill them again before they kill me, yeah?"

With that, he continued towards the walls. Walls and doors typically had either a physical or technical mechanism to operate them. Physical mechanism are easy enough to over come using brute force, so his money was on a more technical mechanism - hidden keys, electrical patterns, things like that. Those were the fun kind. He brought his wristband up to his mouth. "Oi, Eve? After sonar and thermal, search for any energy signatures that...stand out to you." Sonar and thermal imaging of the whole area was likely going to take a couple more minutes and so he knew they wouldn't be getting those results for a while, but it was good to know that it was being taken care of in the background.

In the meantime, he wanted to get an up close look at the walls and so walked right up to it until the wall was arms reach away from him. He wiggled his fingers, nervous because there was always the possibility that the door would send him flying with an electrical shock. His outfit would ensure that such a shock wouldn't kill him, but it would definitely not be pleasant. But hey, what was life without a little risk? "Hi wall, I'm Koran," he declared as he placed his palm against the wall, waiting for a reaction.
As the research team reaches the outskirts of Sanctuary, they are greeted by the sight of the towering perimeter wall that surrounds the hidden refuge. The air crackles with tension as they take in the fortified defenses and automated sentries that guard the entrance, acutely aware of the dangers that lurk beyond.

With the knowledge that Chancellor Kane is actively pursuing them, the team moves with caution, their senses sharp and their instincts honed for any sign of danger. They know that they cannot afford to be caught off guard, for the consequences of falling into Kane's clutches could be dire.

As they draw nearer to Sanctuary, the team recalls the rumors they have heard about Chancellor Kane and his iron-fisted rule. Whispers of dissent and rebellion echo through the wastelands, as survivors speak of atrocities committed in the name of Kane's regime. Tales of disappearances and retribution spread like wildfire, fueling the team's determination to evade capture at all costs.

But amidst the fear and uncertainty, there are also whispers of hope—rumors of a chosen one who will rise to lead humanity to salvation, guided by visions of a mystical oasis known as Queensgarden. The team clings to these rumors like a lifeline, drawing strength from the belief that their quest is part of a larger destiny that will ultimately lead them to victory over Chancellor Kane and the forces of darkness that seek to extinguish the light of hope in the world.

With their resolve steeled and their determination unwavering, the research team presses forward, their hearts set on the sanctuary that lies just beyond the horizon. They know that their journey is far from over, and that the road ahead will be fraught with peril and uncertainty. But as long as they stand together, united in purpose and determination, they are confident that they will overcome whatever challenges lie in their path and emerge victorious in their quest to save humanity from the brink of extinction.


As Koran gingerly extends his hand towards the imposing perimeter wall of Sanctuary, a surge of anticipation courses through him, mingled with a hint of apprehension. He can feel the weight of centuries of history and mystery pressing against the cool surface of the wall, as if it holds the secrets of countless generations within its ancient embrace.

With a mixture of nervousness and curiosity, Koran wiggles his fingers, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepares to make contact. He knows the risks involved—the possibility of triggering a defensive mechanism that could send him reeling with an electric shock—but he pushes aside his fears, determined to uncover the truth hidden within the depths of the sanctuary.

"Hi wall, I'm Koran," he declares with a mixture of reverence and humor, his voice echoing softly against the silent sentinel before him. For a moment, there is nothing but the sound of his own heartbeat, the anticipation hanging thick in the air like a tangible presence.

Then, as Koran's palm makes contact with the surface of the wall, a subtle shift occurs—a faint hum reverberating through the air as if in response to his touch. At first, it's barely perceptible, like the stirring of a slumbering giant awakening from its long rest.

But then, to Koran's astonishment, the surface of the wall begins to shimmer and ripple, as if infused with a radiant energy that dances beneath his fingertips. Colors swirl and cascade like a mesmerizing aurora, bathing him in a kaleidoscope of light and sound that seems to emanate from the very heart of the sanctuary itself.

And then, with a soft but unmistakable click, a section of the wall slides open before him, revealing a hidden passage that beckons him forward with tantalizing promise. As Koran steps through the threshold, he can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder wash over him, knowing that he has unlocked the door to a world of secrets and possibilities beyond his wildest dreams.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar queanbean queanbean okhi2 okhi2 Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler

Meg was a fan of Koran. He wasn't lame like some people she knew, and he treated her like a kid, but not a little kid. She let him have some leeway because of that, barely complaining when he said to stay back. Her eyes glimpsed over the mangled mounds of what used to be human flesh and her nose wrinkled. "Gross..." A groggy, disgusted mutter from her lips as she looked away. She felt a little sick even as she wandered nearer to Sylvanna, watching Koran with curiosity but wanting someone at her back as well. "Just fertilizer now, right?" She glanced back at the agriculturist. Other kids might've cried or screamed, but Meg didn't do any of that. Just fertilizer now, for the plants. We'd have veggies made from your rotting nutrients in a couple months. She dropped her gaze and scuffed her foot in the dirt as if to belittle the situation for her own benefit. It was one way to cope for sure. When she next lifted her head it was to the bright glimmer in her peripheral as the building responded - positively, hopefully - to Koran's introduction and touch. She slipped away from Sylvanna and trotted through the field, excited enough now to ignore the bodies of the fallen. "Open sesame, huh?" She made an arm-opening gesture as she slowed by the man's side and peered inside.


"Ah shit..."
She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a quiet sigh. Death was inevitable, everyone knew that well by now, but it never really got any easier. It didn't look like these people had just passed from the elements either - there was something chillingly unnatural about them. "If one of those things start moving while you're up there, it'll be down again before you can even realize." She waved a hand, I've got your back, and was grateful with how he handled Meg. When the girl came nearer, Sylvanna put an arm around her shoulders and squished her face. "You're right, kid. Nothin' to worry about. Whatever happened here happened a long while ago." She gave Meg's face a squeeze and then released her, taking out a scanner and waving its view field over a couple nearby mounds to take some digital notes. Who knew if this place was still active, but it wouldn't hurt to pick up some more information on what might've gone down in case they had to deal with it later. The device blipped and beeped but didn't have too much to say - the bodies weren't irradiated or toxic anymore, as they had suspected from Eve's scan.

"Marv, Olivine, anything you can tell from the remains? Where'd they come from, what were they doing, how they-" She cut herself off from lost breath when the light glinted off buildings and rubble. For a split second she thought it might be an explosion but she could clearly see Koran's still silhouette behind the shine. There was a moment of awe and anxiety - hopefully this place changed its mind about sharing its secrets. Sylv saw Meg slip past her again - she's a scout for a reason, that's for sure, slippery sucker - and reached out. "Meg- hold on. Crap..." But there was no stopping a curious mind. After a couple minutes of nothing special happening, Sylvanna wandered over to join them. "This place gives me the creeps. 'S it friendly, you think? Pickin' up anything on your tech at all?" She furrowed her brow and wordlessly scolded Meg for running ahead.

Interactions: Koran Wyll Wyll | Marv okhi2 okhi2 | Olivine MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar


Alruna Booker

thumb-1920-1332573.pngAlruna let out a little whimper as she lifted the pocket-watch above the surface of the pond—its glimmering golden shell still splattered with a coat of dark blood. She hadn't expected it to wash clean so easily; the blood had long since dried and the bones of that ugly, lumpy skeleton she'd snatched it from had apparently been stuck in the ground so long they'd somehow blackened. But in any case, a ruined accessory was a ruined accessory, and, even as she turned away from the water's edge in an attempt to forget about it all, her heart bled over all the outfits that could have been.

This world was a jealous mistress, truly crueller to none but the beautiful.

Unable to leave a fallen friend behind, Alruna stuffed the watch into one of pockets stitched into the inside of her jacket, then took a look at her surroundings. There weren't as many disgusting human remains in this area, and those weird whatever-they-weres sticking out of the ground weren't anywhere to be seen either. She must've beelined further from the rest of her team than she first thought, though she could faintly hear a few familiar voices in the distance. That must've been them, most definitely lost and scared without their leader. Truthfully, Alruna did want to take a moment of respite here, her feet were never going to forget how many steps they'd taken during this expedition, but it was a good leader's duty to never let anything distract her from showing her lost lambs the way.

Just then, a spider scuttled over her boot. Now, Alruna had seen a lot of spiders in her life, from grizzly tarantulas the size of both palms to adorable, saucer-eyed jumping spiders too small to hurt a fly. But this one was unlike any others she'd seen before. It wasn't huge overall, maybe a quarter of the length of her forefinger, but its abdomen was disproportionately large compared to the rest of its body, so large in fact that its spindly little legs looked to be struggling to lug it around. It didn't take a genius to tell there was something off about this place, and clearly its odd influence shaped the lives of the creatures that lived here too. How exactly it shaped those lives was what Alruna wanted to know.

"Hello there, beautiful," Alruna purred, reaching into another pocket and taking out the little plastic cup she always kept on her person for moments exactly like this. She squatted down and hovered the cup over the unique arachnid, preparing to trap it inside. But, as she lowered it, a fleshy appendage flashed before her eyes, grabbing hold of the spider and disappearing with it as suddenly as it appeared. Alruna wasn't quick enough to stop it, but her eyes were fast enough to track that the appendage had shot out from her left, and when she cocked her head in the same direction, the culprit was clear.

A frog sat smugly in the grass, eight legs spilling out of its closed mouth.

A completely ordinary pond frog.


"Miss me much, everyone?" Alruna announced with a smile and a wave as she came into earshot of her team. Kor and Lil' Meggy were huddled around the entrance of one of those thingies coming out of the ground, though Alruna didn't actually remember those thingies having an entrance when she was here before. Sylv, Vi and Marmar were hanging a little further back and Alruna blew them a kiss as she waltzed by, catching up with the pair standing in the more exciting place.

"There's gotta be something amazing in there," she said, peering inside briefly before looking back at the other two, her face bright with anticipation. "Did you two see that skeleton back there? He's got two knives jammed in his skull—one in each eye socket! No one is dying like that over something boring, I can tell you that for free."

Alruna giggled to herself, then took another bite out of the barbecued frog she'd stuck on a makeshift skewer.

It tasted of justice.


Olivine MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar Marv okhi2 okhi2 Sylvanna & Meg queanbean queanbean Koran Wyll Wyll
Olivine Martin Alvarez

Oli seemed to frown at the statement. “Better at rest than to be a shambling pile of rotting flesh.” He stated, following as the group gathered. The sight of remains twisted and torn in poses of agony hurt to see but truthfully he couldn’t help but ponder if such beings were that seeking refuge within the rumors and legends or sought to destroy it all. Either or it wasn’t necessarily his business, after all unlike most this little group seemed to respect the balance of things. Yeah sure it was grotesque to the naked eye of anyone random venturing group but to him…it was just the cruel way life brought about things in its natural state. Trialing back from the group, his knees buckled to let him bend down to inspect the remains. “Hm…”

Olivine went back in thoughts trying to remember his teachings. Something about a long and drawn out battle often happened around these pillars that protected ancient civilizations buried away. Some even being from the ‘modern times’ as they call it before everything went to hell in the now times. “My best guess is a lot of these skeletons are deformed from genetic engineering of dna. A result of radiation poisoning and other things those ‘infected’ were gifted. Those lucky enough to not be plagued by it ended up dead due to injury from war by tell of that one’s skull halfway crushed in from that weapon.”

The sudden roar of something springing to life caught Olivine’s attention. A beautiful aray of lights giving away to the newfound area. Staring in astonishment at the passage-way that had been revealed thanks to Koran but before he could get a chance to speak everyone was already one step ahead of him. So much for trying to stick together and be careful about wondering into dangerous places!

“H-Hey wait up!!” He called now rushing to catch up. Albeit he nearly jumped out of his own skin upon Alruna joining them. He had uh…forgotten she was apart of the group. Whoops… “Oh come on! Now I have to ensure you don’t end up sick from eating a random frog!” A hand slid down his face now groaning in slight annoyance as he turned towards the two infront. “Anything cool in there or is it another dead end?”

Tagging: Wyll Wyll queanbean queanbean Darkbloom Darkbloom
Koran Pope
Interactions: Meg and Sylvanna ( queanbean queanbean )
Mentions: Alruna ( Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler )

OIG3.jpeg Koran's eyes dart around as he hears all the mechanics in the wall moving and hoping that that doesn't mean that he's activated some long-buried trap. However, the wall - much to his surprise - opened up without him needing to do anything more. He wasn't used to walls being so friendly but this was a welcome change, given the difficulty it had taken for them to get here. He squints as the light from inside breaks through the opening of the walls, his eyes struggling to adjust but eventually able to process the change in brightness.Before he had much more time to process, Meg comes up to him and he smirks, evidently taking pride in his work...even though he didn't do anything. "I guess so," he muttered breathlessly. He gives a quick two-fingered salute to Alruna as she passes by, then as Sylvanna approaches, he leans down to whisper in Meg's ear. "See what just happened, Meg? Don't let anybody stop you from touching random things." He thinks about it for a moment, easily coming up with several ways that can backfire. "...Except me. Still listen when I tell you not to touch things. I'm the touching things expert."

He straightens back up when Sylvanna finally arrives, acting all innocent like he hadn't said a single thing. He quickly goes through the readings he'd gotten from Eve so far but there wasn't much to go off of. He steps closer to Sylvanna so that she can see the screen of his wristband, slowly moving through the pictures. "There was a major spike in energy levels when the gates opened. Here...here...and here..." he said, pointing to places on the map that seemed to have the highest activity. "Can't say what's in there for certain but, like Alruna said, it's probably not nothing. The only thing is," he zooms out of the map so that he and Sylvanna are able to see the whole area, "It's a maze in there. I can see some people..." he gave a quick, knowing look toward Meg and Alruna, "wandering off and losing the group. And even Eve isn't able to identify everything here, so we can't exactly afford to have people go missing."

By this point, Eve was done with its scans and so it flew back toward Koran, folding back up and attaching itself to his wristband. Using the sensors on Eve and the images on the wristband, he displayed a holomap of the area around them, only going about a radius of 10 feet, though. However, there were arrows pointing to areas of interest, like you'd see in the map of a game. Using those, he lifted a finger and pointed down a set of roads. "Closest energy signature came from that way. Your call, Price. Check it out or stay away from it? Could be anything over there."
As the research team steps through the threshold of the hidden passage, a wave of sensations washes over them, enveloping their senses in a tapestry of sights, sounds, smells, and textures unlike anything they have ever experienced before.

The first thing they notice is the cool, refreshing air that greets them as they emerge from the darkness of the outside world into the vibrant embrace of Sanctuary. It carries with it the scent of earth and vegetation, tinged with the subtle hint of blooming flowers and verdant foliage—a symphony of fragrances that awakens their senses and fills them with a sense of wonder and awe.

Their footsteps echo softly against the smooth, polished floors of the sanctuary, the sound reverberating through the cavernous space like a gentle melody that resonates with the beating of their hearts. Above them, the ceiling stretches high into the sky, illuminated by a soft, diffuse light that filters through the canopy of trees overhead, casting dappled shadows across the ground below.

As they walk further into the sanctuary, the team is greeted by the sight of lush, verdant gardens that stretch out before them in a riot of color and life. Towering trees loom overhead, their branches reaching towards the heavens like outstretched arms, while delicate flowers bloom at their feet, their petals shimmering in the soft glow of the sunlight that filters through the canopy above.

Birds sing in the branches above, their sweet melodies filling the air with music as they flit and flutter amongst the leaves. The sound of running water can be heard in the distance, as crystal-clear streams meander through the gardens, their gentle babbling adding to the tranquil symphony that surrounds them.

With each step they take, the team can feel the energy of the sanctuary pulsing beneath their feet, as if the very earth itself is alive with a vibrancy and vitality that defies explanation. It's a sensation that fills them with a profound sense of peace and contentment, as if they have finally found a place where they truly belong—a sanctuary amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the outside world.

And as they walk together, their hearts brimming with hope and optimism for the future, they know that they have embarked on a journey that will forever change the course of their lives—and the destiny of humanity itself.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler

"Hell, we've got to move forward to go anywhere. We've spent weeks working toward this, now isn't the time to shy away from whatever is putting out an energy signature. Either we go toward it or it sneaks up on us later, whatever it is." She steps past him into the corridor, leading the way - not fearfully, but as confidently as someone with nothing to lose can. A veritable Eden is the last thing she'd expected to find within the confines of this vicious bunker.

Where nature had demanded destruction of human creation all over the outside world, in here it felt at peace. Harmony. Sylvanna's speechless as they pass through the darkened tunnel into the humming light. It's like a greenhouse - no, another world. "You've got to be kidding me..." Her voice tumbles from her throat like a sigh. The overwhelming comfort this place gives off almost makes her giddy, until she realizes that lowering their guards is the last thing they should ever do and the quickest route to potential death. "Nobody go wandering just yet. I can't identify some of these plants, although most do look Earthian." It was hard to tell with plants sometimes. Even beautiful flowers could cause all your internal organs to shut down.

The woman's head is spinning, taking in all the suspicious beauty. Maybe this place really is completely safe? Maybe it really was the answer to all their worries and uncertainties back at the colony. There was certainly enough land, and water, to start a farm. The climate was different from outside - warmer and more humid. Her mouth waters as she spots wild garlic growing among the weeds they walk over. "Nobody touch or eat anything. Can we get a scan, Koran? Alruna, what's your read?" The way she emphasizes not to put anything in their mouths sounds more like a self-reminder than much else.

Interactions: Koran Wyll Wyll | Alruna Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler
Koran Pope
Interactions: Sylvanna ( queanbean queanbean )
Mentions: Alruna ( Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler )

OIG3.jpeg Koran steps aside as he watches her take the lead, a flower of respect and admiration blooming in his heart. It wasn't everyday you met someone that had enough drive and vision to overpower fear. He wasn't one that liked following orders or working under someone else. But she was one person he wouldn't mind being under. He chuckled a little bit and shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets as he followed after her.

Suddenly, the scenery changed to what looked like a beautiful lush garden and Koran had to take a second to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He took in a deep breath and a smile, all on its own, burst onto his face. "I feel like I never breathed before just now..." his words were like a whisper floating on the crisp air. His gaze swept across the entire area, captivated by everything he was seeing. Even Eve let out a soft whir that almost sounded like a "wow". "Yeah, you said it Eve." But then, he saw something that he couldn't believe. He'd heard about them; read about them; dreamt about them; but now, he could swear that he was staring at a real-life mango.

Without much thought for personal or group safety, he rushed toward the mango tree, plucked one and took a healthy bite out of it. Only then did Sylvanna give the warning not to touch or eat anything...and he'd just done both. He looked up at her, halfway through a second bite, his mouth full of rich, sweet, mango, better than he could have ever imagined it would taste like. He completed the bite, chewed and swallowed, and then looked back up at her. "You gotta give warning like that a little earlier Price." He walked up to her, mango in hand, and held it out, looking to Alruna as Sylvanna also asked her for thoughts before looking back at Sylvanna. "I could scan. Or you could take a bite and find out what no scan would tell you. You're never tasting something better than this. And nothing delicious can ever be bad for you." He waved the mango in front of her once more, unable to hold back the smile that the atmosphere of this place caused. "Last chance before I eat it all and go back for seconds, Price."
Olivine Martin Alvarez

Part of him wondered what laid in the depths of this place, its scenery was breath taking to say the least. “Woah…” This place was a well hidden sanctuary built for just about any civilization or group that had decided to shelter away for the remainder of their years. If that wasn’t the case, maybe it was simply the earth reclaiming itself after the presence of humans fading, they had once scorched the earth with every step they made. Maybe it’s why things happened the way they did. His gaze diverted to the clear waters, it reflected the soft glow of the lights in this place.

It gave off an alluring feeling of comfort, inviting to stay and enjoy the experience of what it had to offer. The last thing he could recall that even remotely looked so beautiful was the old photos his mother had once showed him that were passed down from generation to generation. The northern lights? Was that what they called them? He couldn’t confirm it exactly but it seemed right. Yet his sight now traveled to the group to his left that traveled onwards.

“Next time someone eats something their being removed from the rations list for the following day it’s throwing everything off.”

He didn’t mean to sound cold, but apparently everyone’s first reaction was just to start eating anything in sight. His attention turning to Koran with a slight annoyed expression. Last any of them need was to get deathly ill on their trip out here, he doubt one of them brought extra medicine or was inclined to carry a sick person for miles.

“That’s exactly why we SHOULDN’T be eating it Koran. For all we know that thing you just took a bite of could be poison to us humans or have some weird side effects we know nothing about.”

A low exhale, shifting his steps to now walk ahead of the group.

Interactions: Koran Wyll Wyll

Others: Darkbloom Darkbloom queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler

Alruna Booker

boom.pngIf there was one thing about the outside that Alruna liked, it was how obviously shitty it all was. Countless lives had been unnaturally snatched away, entire civilisations had come crumbling down and the line between humanity and the rest of the animals on the planet became blurrier by the day—but none of that needed to be gleaned, it was obvious.

This place, however, hid all its secrets behind polished floors, disinfected water and deliciously plump birds whistling and chirping in their little canopy heavens above. But even if it really was the paradise that it presented itself as, they weren't the first ones who'd stumbled across this place. Those people outside had fought tooth and nail to get in here, and where there was a battle, there was a winner, and where there was a winner, there was a prize, and prizes were never easily parted with.

That was future Alruna's problem though. Present Alruna was hungry and tired of walking. This place could definitely alleviate one of those things.

"I wouldn't trust any of the berries here," Alruna chimed in to the little squabble breaking out behind her, her gaze set on Adam tempting Eve with the fruit. "But big fruits like that are usually more honest. If they're poisonous at all, it'll porbably be the seeds and stems that'll kill you, most likely not the flesh." Her signature smirk grew a little smirkier. "If your throat starts closing up in like five minutes though, Kor, let me know first, 'kay?"

Alruna turned her attention back to the trees. "Anyway, on the off chance that mango turns out to be a mang-nope, there's a perfectly good supply of totally non-poisonous nibbles tweeting up there in the trees that I can roast for everyone. Maybe we could send our super scout or handy-dandy flying robot to get up there and nab a family or two."

It was then that Alruna noticed Vi tromping past her, frustration painted clearly on his face. "Or maybe our team-ethicist can tell them all about our carefully reviewed health-and-safety precautions while I sneak up behind and bonk 'em with a rock." Alruna giggled as she yelled in his direction, picturing the way his face was hopefully contorting. "Wanna do that one, Vi? See any good rocks over there?"

If any of her team were going to die here, Alruna hoped it wasn't going to be Vi. She'd miss his annoyed groans and sighs.


Olivine MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar Sylvanna & Meg queanbean queanbean Koran Wyll Wyll

Sylvanna's palm flew to her face faster than she could finish her sentence. "What did I just say Koran...." But when he waved that bright yellow fruit in front of her face she actually felt her fingers itching to grab it. A furrowed-brow scowl twists across her expression as she looks up at him, holding the gaze steady despite her uncertainty. Meg's gaze was boring a hole into the both of them and out of the corner of her eye Sylv saw the eager kid lick her lips.

Finally with a sigh, she takes it from his hand. Olivine is absolutely right and she knows she shouldn't go eating random fruit. Problem is, she knows just exactly what this thing is and feels like it might hurt more not to try it. "If this kill me, Alruna is in charge." She declares in a voice completely devoid of playfulness and takes a bite from the fruit just in time to hide a smile. There was healthy potential for this having been the most foolish decision she'd made this whole journey, but maybe even if it was it would be worth it. Fruit wasn't something they got a whole lot of these days, especially not fresh. Juice drips down her chin but she doesn't even wipe it away at first, only doubling back to lick it off her palm after she handed it back to Koran. "People used to have food allergies back in the day, you oughta be more careful if you don't know what it is." But her tone is audibly lighter now.


"I want-... Hey can I have a-" The preteen is buzzing to get a bite of whatever that thing is Koran found. She's practically clawing at Sylvanna's side to get it passed to her next, only to be sourly disappointed when Sylv doesn't drop it into her awaiting, open palms. Not fair. She does a little stomp and huff and turns to Koran. Ever since they set foot in this place she'd been raring to go - to dip into the stream and smack some of the tall grasses with her hands until they stung. She liked Alruna's idea about catching a bird to eat but didn't say it out loud. The sparkling defiance in her eyes told the engineer that if she didn't get a taste they'd soon see her climbing up a tree to pluck one of her own. Two choices: the easy way or the hard way.

"If only I could have a little bite too. That would be sooo nice. I bet it's real good." She sways eagerly, trying to be sweet but looking a whole lot more like a little bird of prey sizing up its next meal.

Interactions: Alruna Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler | Koran Wyll Wyll | Olivine MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar
As Sylvanna mentions the word "scan," Eve, the small robot disguised as an armband, immediately springs into action. With a gentle hum, Eve detaches from Koran's arm and hovers into the air, its sleek design concealing its advanced capabilities.

Without a word, Eve sets off on its mission, gliding effortlessly through the air as it conducts a comprehensive scan of the surrounding area. Its sensors whir and click as it analyzes every inch of Sanctuary, searching for any anomalies or hidden secrets.

As Eve's scan reaches the outskirts of Sanctuary, it detects a faint but distinct energy signal emanating from a secluded corner of the refuge. Recognizing the significance of this discovery, Eve accelerates its pace, darting through the air with newfound urgency.

Finally, Eve arrives at the source of the energy signal: Adam's pod, hidden away from prying eyes but now revealed by Eve's keen sensors. Understanding the importance of what it has found, Eve wastes no time in relaying the information back to the rest of the team.

With a series of chirps and beeps, Eve communicates the location of Adam's pod to Koran and the others, urging them to follow its lead. Without hesitation, the team sets off, guided by Eve's hovering form as they race towards the pod and the mysteries that await within.

As they follow Eve's lead, the research team navigates through the winding pathways of Sanctuary, their anticipation growing with each passing moment. The air crackles with excitement as they draw closer to their destination, guided by the faint energy signature detected by Eve's sensors.

Finally, they arrive at the designated location—a secluded corner of Sanctuary where Adam's pod is believed to be located. But as they approach, their progress is halted by a massive door, towering before them like a silent sentinel guarding the entrance to a forbidden realm.

The door looms ominously before the team, its surface etched with intricate patterns and symbols that seem to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Despite their curiosity and determination, they cannot ignore the sense of trepidation that washes over them as they stand before this formidable barrier.

But with Eve hovering by their side, a beacon of guidance and reassurance, the team knows that they are not alone in this endeavor. Together, they steel themselves for the challenges that lie ahead, ready to unlock the secrets of Adam's pod and unravel the mysteries that await within.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler
Koran Pope
Interactions: Pretty much everybody ( MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar , queanbean queanbean , Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler )
Mentions: Also everybody ( MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar , queanbean queanbean , Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler )

OIG3.jpeg Koran grumbled as he was chastised by Olivine. Was it reckless? Yes. But Koran, for all his idiotic confidence, had somehow never managed to get himself killed. So surely, there must be some method to his madness. However, even he wasn't entirely sure what it was, so he didn't really have anything to clap back with. For all anybody knows, the method to his madness could simply be breathtaking luck. Thankfully, Alruna speaks up and Koran pops. "Aha! See? Have a little more faith in me people. I may not have all the biology and all that ready to go, but I do have my gut, and my gut is always right," he says, looking back at Olivine and winking. "And don't worry, Al. If I feel funny, I'll be sure to come running. Maybe even come running if I don't feel funny and see how long it takes you to figure out that I'm just messing." he says with a good-natured shrug.

He beams excitedly when Sylvanna takes a bite, waiting for a gushing review but got none. He blinks...then blinks again. Clearly disappointed at how well she took it in stride, meanwhile he felt like this was the best thing he'd ever experienced. "Fine then, be that way. You and I both know you loved it," he thought to himself. Once he was handed back the fruit, he waited for Sylvanna to turn around before handing it over to Meg. This one, he did intentionally. He wanted to make sure that he'd tried it himself and others had confirmed it was safe before giving it to Meg. He could admit that he wasn't the most "responsible" adult. But if one thing was for sure, he wouldn't let any harm come to the girl while he was still alive. And if he did, that would be a stab in his heart that may never heal.

All of a sudden, Eve unclipped herself and flew off, startling Koran a bit even though he showed no outward reaction. "Oi! Get ba-" before he could even fully get the sentence out, Eve had zoomed off. It seemed as though she was zooming off toward one of the energy signatures she had shown previously, so at least he knew where she was going. "Damn thing is probably...wait, what?" he froze as he looked at the data Eve was transmitting. He knew what it meant but also knew it couldn't be possible. The only other explanation was that Eve was busted...which was even more impossible because he designed her himself. But that would mean... "Guys, we gotta move. Now. Right now." he'd already began jogging toward where Eve was as he was speaking, only involving the others as a courtesy. And then once he'd told them to follow along, he burst out into a full sprint.

Before long, he's standing beside Eve, staring at the massive doors that tower over him - doing a pretty good job at making him feel small, which isn't a feeling he was accustomed to. He looked around to make sure everyone was still here and, somehow, he got the feeling that there was an expectation that he was now the door opener. Unsure if people felt this way but also not awkward enough to ask, he shrugged as he walked toward the door, swallowing any fear or nervousness or hesitation. "It worked once, couldn't hurt to try again."

Once again, he walked right up to the door, heart pounding in his chest so hard that it was all he could hear, but he wasnt going to let that stop him. Plus, he wasn't sure if it was excitement or fear that had caused his heart to beat so hard. OR maybe running all the way from the clearing to hear. That would do it. All three? Probably all three. Were all the thoughts running through his head his attempts at procrastinating? Of course they were. However, eventually even Koran ran out of thought and slowly placed his hands on the door. "Hi door, are you also nice like your friend back there?"

Alruna Booker

boom.pngAlruna followed Koran at a brisk pace, making sure to hang back a bit just in case his little flying friend led the man straight into the jaws of some creature skulking about the Sanctuary's shrubbery. She wasn't overly familiar with Eve and her ways—she preferred her tools not having any sort of minds of their own—but she was curious as to what she'd found as to get Koran so worked up.

And the giant door at the end of their little jog only made her all the more curious.

It was a little annoying that credit for cracking that thing open was probably going to someone else this time. There was no way she was going to be able to open it by force; judging by the size of it, not even ten of her could. The symbols on the door were no help either, whether they were instructions on how to open it or a warning to keep the thing shut didn't matter to her when she couldn't read them. She only had one idea of how to proceed really, and it hinged entirely on someone else. Or rather, something else.

"Hey girl," she said, her tone a little stiffer than usual as she awkwardly patted the whirring drone like it was a weird flying dog. "Wanna try to read those symbols there for me?" She looked back over to Koran. "Maybe we just need to say hi in the door's native tongue."

Eve's sensors flicker to life as it processes Alruna's request. The small robot glides closer to the ground, its advanced optics zooming in on the intricate hieroglyphs. A series of beeps and whirs emanate from Eve as it scans and analyzes the symbols, its artificial intelligence rapidly working to decode the ancient script. The team watches in anticipation, their breaths held as Eve hovers over each symbol, projecting holographic overlays and translating fragments of the text into a language they can understand. Slowly, a pattern begins to emerge, the once cryptic symbols revealing their secrets under Eve's precise scrutiny.

Eve chirps in acknowledgment and begins to display a sequence of translated words and phrases, each corresponding to a specific symbol. The team gathers around, studying the projections and piecing together the meanings. The first symbol, representing "Earth," is followed by "Water," "Air," and "Fire," forming a sequence tied to the fundamental elements. The next series of symbols appears to reference concepts like "Light" and "Darkness," "Life" and "Death," indicating a balance or cycle.

If the symbols meant nothing to Alruna before, they meant even less to her now. The words seemed to have some kind of link to each other, but it wasn't quite the instruction manual she was hoping for.

With literally no other solutions coming to mind, Alruna dug her heel into the ground, carved out a block of grassy soil and promptly hurled it at the door as hard as she could. She was aiming for the symbol that read 'Earth' and her aim struck true, the soil splattering across the symbol upon impact. She really didn't expect anything to come of throwing a piece of Earth at a symbol that read Earth. But if it worked then it worked, and that was good enough for her.


Olivine MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar Sylvanna & Meg queanbean queanbean Koran Wyll Wyll

That quoted bit comes straight from the mouth of Mr. Darkbloom Darkbloom himself. I didn't just make that up just in case anyone thought I did lol.
Olivine Martin Alvarez

“Well funfact GENIUS! If you do prank me like that I’ll eventually not realize it’s NOT a joke and you’ll end up dying on the ground! Don’t expect me to carry your body back home cause I’m not.” Oli huffed, eyes narrowing as he shouted back. The team’s ethicist however, nearly snapped his own head off his shoulders from how fact he had whipped around at Alruna’s comment, naturally showing a grimace that was contorted onto his face at the mere thought of someone being bonked with a rock and all the fall out from it. “No. We aren’t doing that too much of a risk.”

He would turn back to continue his steps being somewhat ahead of the team, Olivine lifted his head to watch the little robot zoom on past above. Huh…Eve normally never gets frenzy like that unless- Bingo. It had to simply be something entirely worth it for the little thing to be in such an urgent race towards an area. Nearly being taken off by his own two feet at how everyone quickly raced by to catch up. “GUYS-“

A heavy sigh once more as he now sped to catch up once again, his sight locking onto the sketched runes and how they pulsed vibrantly as if it were merely unworldly in nature. “…it’s talking about the cycle of life and the elements. I think it’s asking for us to bestow it with a piece of it? Could be…maybe even a riddle of some sort which we give a verbal answer or something.” His foot bounced with uneven strokes as Olivine went into thought, eyes back and forth from the translation to the door.

Though he would make a risky choice to step over to it. Quickly grabbing the block of soil that had been thrown by Alruna and adjusted it to sit so distance from the symbol for it. Now slinging his pack over his shoulder to grab his journal and rip some pages from it. He was going to make a fire and test out his little theory about it possibly being linked to it. “If it is true, then whatever is holding our target wouldn’t release them unless it can fully determine that the outside world is still habitable for their needs and continuation of the human race.”

Interactions: Alruna Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler , Koran Wyll Wyll

Others: queanbean queanbean , monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555

Meg grinned, somewhat resembling a shark pup, as she latched on to the fruit and tore into its sweet flesh. "Mmmmm!" Mmmmmmmmmmm!!! Her feet stomped with a set of small happy hops and she resurfaced a minute later with sticky mango juice splattered across her face and down her clothes looking like a walking glue trap. She waved a hand out to find Koran's shirt to wipe her face on but swung into air, finally returning to reality to realize he'd already taken off. Looking around, she spotted him disappearing through the greenery and took a rushed step forward only to be caught by her shirt by Sylvanna, who had a wet cloth ready to go. Meg squirmed as the woman wiped fruit off her face, raring to hurry after everyone else. She heard a sigh and like a horse being let out a gate took off running as well, not so much because she had a clue what was going on but because it looked fun and everyone else had, hadn't they? Meg giggles, fruit carcass still in hand as she trots to a stop beside the rest of the group.

"What's up with that?"
She squeezes through and looks at the door, then at the dirt and whatever Ollie was up to. Meg leans over and slyly wipes her hand on his back, crouching beside him. "Makin' a fire?" Her gaze drifted up to the door, dialed in on its curious riddle with only the simplistic eyes of a child.



The turning away she'd done was exactly to dampen a cloth from the cool stream running through the sanctuary. Kneeling by the bank and reaching into the clean, clear ripples felt almost wrong. It trickled around her finger and didn't burn them off or anything, so she took a piece of rag and dipped it in. Sure enough, she could hear the excitement behind her as Koran handed over the mango to Meg. A small bit of smile cricked into the corner of her mouth and she rolled her eyes.

She didn't show it all that much but she was grateful that Meg had others to depend on. That being said, as she stood up and lifted her head to the sound of Eve whirring off, Koran tearing off behind it, she was just in time to catch Meg and the Mess. She later plucked the mango seed from the kid's hands into the same dampened cloth, tucking it into a mesh pouch in her bag. Even if this place didn't turn out she felt like she needed some sort of proof of existence they'd even encountered it at all.

Great, another door. Sylvanna approached at a more leisure pace, brushing her hands off on her pants before stepping up to it, brow furrowed lightly and fingers on her chin in thought. "Any idea what sort of language this might be, if any?" She reached out and traced one of the shapes with her finger. "It's almost like... a creation paradox. Elements that counter each other, life and light not existing without death and dark." She looks around the seams of the door and at the foot of it for any sign of budging in the soil. "Philosophy isn't my strong suit, but sort of how we can't have food without fertilization of the soil from death, light, water, etcetera." She steps back with her head tilted and hand on her hip, a troubled scowl on her lips. No way they'd make it this far to get thwarted by a little riddle.

Interactions: Koran Wyll Wyll | Olivine MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar

Meg blinks a few times, looking the door top to bottom and scanning the walls with her eyes. She sees worn handholds, grooves that she could get her hands into and probably climb. She starts to rise to check them out when a subtle, fluttering glow catches her eye. While Olivine is still trying to build fire she gets up and steps over it, then gets on her hands and knees by the bottom of the door. "Hey, there's something here." She pokes around at it, another symbol she doesn't understand. From there she looks at the ground around them. Meg pauses and tilts her head at a patch of soil not so packed and grassy as everything else, partially due to to Alruna kicking up the clump but also maybe due to something else. She weasels under whoever might be standing where she needs to be and starts digging with her fingers, pulling at the ground.

Interactions: Olivine MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar | Alruna Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler | Koran Wyll Wyll

Meg’s careful inspection of the symbols on the door might reveal a faintly glowing, almost hidden symbol at the bottom edge, partially covered by dirt. It seems different from the others, simpler but with an intricate design. When she looks at the walls, she might notice small, worn handholds or grooves that suggest they were used for climbing at some point. Additionally, near the ground where Alruna kicked up the dirt, Meg could find a patch of soil that looks slightly disturbed or softer compared to the rest, as if something might be buried there or a panel could be uncovered.
As Meg dug into the softer patch of soil near the base of the door, her small hands unearthed a metallic edge. Clearing away more dirt, she revealed an old, weathered panel. Within the compartment lay an ancient lever, dust-covered and seemingly untouched for years. The lever, marked with the same intricate symbols as the door, appeared to be part of the mechanism controlling access to the deeper, hidden sections of the sanctuary. This discovery hinted at further secrets waiting to be uncovered beyond the initial entrance.

Wyll Wyll MusicBoxSugar MusicBoxSugar queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler

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