Advice/Help How to join a group roleplay (and continue roleplaying)?


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Alrighty, so I have plenty of experience in 1x1 roleplays, and group roleplays where everyone is online on other platforms, but not on a forum RP platform like this.

My problem: I want to join some group roleplays, but I'm not finding information included on how to join, and how often I need to post. I assume I don't just jump in and make a character sheet (definitely not that, I hope), and then post whenever. How/What do I do?

Thanks for your time and (hopefully) help, person who is reading.
You can contact the GM and ask them directly!
Sometimes when a rp is ongoing, it's no longer accepting new players. But it's not the case for all rps, some are still accepting.

Usually the recruitment info is posted in Recruitment - Group interest checks section.
OOC and lore info can also be placed in Extra pages.

I hope that helps!
You can contact the GM and ask them directly!
Sometimes when a rp is ongoing, it's no longer accepting new players. But it's not the case for all rps, some are still accepting.

Usually the recruitment info is posted in Recruitment - Group interest checks section.
OOC and lore info can also be placed in Extra pages.

I hope that helps!
Thank you so much, I appreciate the help.
you just gotta jump in there with an application but make sure you follow everyone's set guidelines <3

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