Story An old man's fall

While Odd had managed to turn the tables on Multi's efforts to use Beckett as a weapon, it might have been too late to stop the situation from blowing up as it had. Jean as far as he knew had been killed and he'd passed out not too long after. If only he were awake to see the phoenix that Jean had stood up and become....

Away from the city, back where it all began, at the ruins of the hotel where Beckett and Father Death had their ultimate encounter.

Crane had been presumed dead by Odd but BYOB/Jean refused to believe that Beckett could have gone that far.

The truth itself was something more in the middle. Crane still lived but with the pain wracking his body...well.

" least if I were....dead....I wouldn't be feeling all this."

His cane had been broken in the fight. Which meant he could barely stand upright without limping. As the years took their toll on him, over the years what at one point had just merely been a boyhood incident in which he'd sprained his leg had turned into a debilitating injury as a senior citizen. His appearance had shifted back from the old man that he was to the skeletal preacher that'd stood against Beckett and their friends. But there was the slightest glimmer to his bones hinting that whatever injuries he'd sustained during his bout with Beckett weren't as easy to just write off as he'd hoped. When he was unconscious or on the verge of it, his powers faded and he returned to looking like how he had before 'The Incident' that granted him and the rest of the Crusaders (not to mention Beckett and their colleagues as well ontop of nearly everyone within the vicinity)their 'gifts.' His glowing red pupils situated in the center of his pitch-black eyesockets looked from side to side. The hotel had been absolutely demolished. Beckett had thrown enough force behind their last strike to cleave the building in the twain as though it were a birthday cake waiting to be cut. Rubble laid scattered all around him.

Gripping onto a nearby piece of concrete that'd likely been a part of a once whole wall, Crane staggered forward.

His breathing was ragged and his entire body was awash with aches and chills. His left shoulder/arm had been fractured leaving him really with only one useable hand.

To top it off, that wasn't even the worse part....

That honor went to the army approaching the ruined site of the hotel. Tanks, soldiers, heavy weaponry, the whole enchilada.

Crane snorted derisively, it seemed they'd spared no expense for little ol him.

But mocking as he might have been, the situation was grim and Crane knew it. Men with guns didn't scare him. Neither did whatever else Uncle Sam and his boys had brought to bare. But with his body in it's current shape and his energy levels dwindling near the last of their reserves, a stand your ground defense against this army wasn't going to cut it. They'd overwhelm him with pure numbers and he'd either get hauled away or they'd kill him right on the spot. Crane bared his teeth at the thought and chuckled. Somehow he didn't think they'd be as restrained as Beckett had been. Spotting two soldiers walking towards the section of former-hotel rubble he was slumped behind, Crane weighed his options.

To attack them both with [White Noise] might have been too direct. If either of them screamed or alerted the others before Crane could hide himself again, he'd be left a sitting duck. The glowing red pupils scanned over the debris before locking to a particularly rusty looking stake of rebar that'd been left wedged into the ground due to his and Beckett's battle. Normally handling and manipulating things with his [White Noise] was child's play for even having received his 'gift' as late as he had in life, Crane still did his best to push it's potential. Some of which was unfortunately limited by his age and what his body would allow him to do but something as simple as picking up a stray piece of rebar should have been nothing.

Should have been nothing.

Ragged breaths lumbered forth from Crane's mouth, as the sky above began tilting towards nightfall, the glow of the moonlight cast down upon his features. A stream of colorful blood ran from the upper left of his head staining the skull with a fresh coat of red. The eye on that side shined less brightly than the other, likely due to him having suffered some kind of concussive or facial fracture during the battle with Beckett. Although he and Beckett had fought numerous times, the state with which the hero had left him in this time was the worst it'd ever been. His entire left arm from the shoulder down to his wrist had been rendered completely useless for the time being. It should have been in a sling but all Crane could afford at the moment was to have it hang limply at his side, most of the fingers on his hand bent the wrong way-a side effect of trying to stop or counter a punch from Beckett with his bare hands-. All of this in turn meant that what should have been a menial task required immense concentration. If he pulled it out too fast, he might have ripped a piece of rubble out with it and alerted the two soldiers standing nearby. If he pulled it out too slow, they'd have no doubt heard the pipe being twisted and rattled by the static.

It had to be precise. He had to wrap the static around the middle of the bar and dissolve it in two equally long halves. One to take out each soldier.

A wispy trail of static flickered and buzzed as it moved along the ground like a snake. Traipsing over knocked over pillars and shattered bricks. All while staying low enough that Crane hoped it'd avoid the soldier's detection. Once it reached the protruding piece of rebar, it slowly wriggled it's way along the slab of concrete and began coiling it's way around the shaft. There wasn't much room for error here. The static that Crane had conjured to do this was barely anything, it had about the width of a typical pencil. Anything thicker or longer and the audible buzzing of the static would have given away his rouse/warned the soldiers to his location. Once he felt through the static that everything was secure, he slowly lowered his index finger and began pulling his wrist back. The static tightened around the rebar and after a bit of dust and small chips of concrete were knocked loose by the rattling, the rebar shook from where it was confined, groaning as the metal was bent and twisted from it's current place.


Crane frowned. He couldn't afford to waste too much time on this. It was a matter of life and death. The rebar wriggled and writhed as the static pulled. From where he was hunched against the piece of wall, Crane could thankfully see it coming further and further out. Once it was at least halfway out, he'd dissolve it in the middle and make his move. But then what would have only been the first of many disasters in this fight struck. Crane felt a sharp pain running across the left side of his body. Not a surprise given the amount of damage that'd been done to it. From a fractured shoulder to a broken hand and being air-punched out a window, it was a miracle that Crane was even conscious let alone still up and trying to defend himself. Gritting his teeth, Crane tried to keep his focus. "Not....yet...Can' yet." Just a little bit more....


Grit his teeth as he might and would, it couldn't stop his old bones from aching something fierce. The static lost it's hold and the rebar having been pulled out far enough started to topple towards the ground. If it fell and hit, the echoing from it's rattling against what was left of the hardwood floors would have been a death sentence for Crane. Grabbing onto his left arm, Crane's eyes flashed red as the static bristled and grabbed the rebar split seconds from where it would have crashed against the ground. This wasn't a tenable situation by any means but he'd-at least for the moment-had regained his composure. The static engulfed the half of the bar and then spread itself in two to grasp the remaining halves. The soldiers still seemed unaware. Which meant a sneak attack like this was absolutely pitch perfect. The static-which by this point resembled a sort of two pronged hand reared back. One of the pieces of rebar flew. The soldier heard it whistling through the air and turned his head. It smashed right through the front of his helmet and out the back. The gun fell from his hands and he crumpled to the ground in a heap. Not too much noise, he'd been dead before he could even scream. His partner was to soon follow suit. The static pulled back to launch the remaining chunk of rebar.


"Ugh....AGAAAAAH!!!!" The rebar was launched but it'd missed the mark. Instead of going through the head, it'd instead only taken a chunk out of the soldier's neck. Still condemning them to death but not in the quick and easy manner that Crane would have preferred. But he had much bigger issues than that right now. Crane had toppled to the ground and was looking over at a pinsized hole in the wall behind him. Someone had shot clean through it. But he'd been paying close attention and hadn't let these two out of his sight. The rest of the forces were still spreading around the remains of the hotel, attempting to secure the perimeter. There was no possible way they could have spotted him. The proof didn't lie however and neither did the bullet currently lodged in Crane's side. Static buzzed around the tear in his black shirt which was quickly turning a dark shade of red. [White Noise] wasn't limited to solely protecting Crane from exterior attacks. The static could be manifested all around or even inside of him. The bullet fell to the ground and rolled a few inches away from Crane's person. It'd been stopped before tearing through anything vital but the fact that it'd hit at all left Crane perturbed.

These two soldiers, he hadn't even seen them say or communicate anything. Did one of them have a telepathy gift? Or was another capable of sensing him? Had he been too careless and he had been caught redhanded? Too many possibilities and not enough time to consider them. The static lurched around him from behind like a protective sheet as more bullets continued to bulldoze through the shoddy defense that Crane had found himself behind. The static caught most of them but a few slipped by and hit whatever exposed flesh they could-digging a trail through Crane's shoulder, clipping his ankle, etc. His plan to just try picking this group off piecemeal had failed before it'd even truly begun.

*drip drip*

Crane glanced back over to the two soldiers he'd dropped. Well, the one of them anyway. The other was still standing on their feet, the right side of their uniform just utterly drenched in the red stuff. The rebar that was responsible lay just a few feet away with part of flesh and fabric still pinned to the tip of it. Despite the gruesome wounds that were definitely fatal, the soldier continued his duty and shakily raised his rifle. Crane could admire the commitment. To stay the course and do your duty despite whatever may come. But this wasn't the time nor the place to extend such feelings. "Fall, damn you!" He shouted while thrusting his hand forward as a wave of static barreled forward, absorbing dozens of bullets in the process. The static continued to go forward with the soldier, it smashed them up against a semi-sturdy piece of wall that hadn't been quite toppled over yet. With apparently enough force to crack the soldier's neck as their head slumped over to the side causing their helmet to fall off. Crane would have just written them off as persistently annoying but the look in this one's eyes perturbed him. There was just....nothing in them. As though this youth was just completely empty. Those eyes continued to stare ahead.

Whatever was going on here, Crane knew one thing for certain. He didn't care for it. Not. One.


Bit. The soldier spit up a glob of blood and their head fell forward. This time they were dead for good.

Now....about the thousand other ones waiting for him.....


While Crane had barely managed to kill two of the soldiers, back at the impromptu base/camp that Westlake and his men had set up, Multi was having a bit of a crisis. He was absolutely soaked to the bone with sweat. He'd already expended dozens and dozens of clones just to make enough to support two 'armies.' One to capture the Crusaders and one to capture Father Death. This didn't exactly come without it's own sacrifices. [One Is the Loneliest Number] was the actual name of his 'Gift' and everytime he created clones it felt like it took something with him. These things weren't just like planting seeds after all. Multi needed to memorize every exact detail in his head and had to replicate it from the top to bottom. Which meant knowing the specifics of a uniform/weapon/vehicle(most of which could be answered with either a picture or looking it up) like how big it needed to be or how many of his clones needed them or how much energy he'd need to expend to summon it. All of them had to match after all. It'd drive him nuts if any of them stood out from the other. Which given that left to their own devices, the clones acted pretty much identically said a lot. Unless they were given an order by Multi and only Multi himself(unless he designated someone specific)they usually stood around, staring blankly out into space. Like a cardboard cutout. No one clone stood out though as a child being trained to better understand his gift, Multi used to name them until he was chastised for it being 'too childish.'

Nowadays, he'd make as many clones as it took to get the job done. Something that his child self would have utterly despised him for. Aside from the other children/gifted he was raised alongside, the clones were his only source of companionship, of fun. Now as a young adult it'd been instilled in him that they were just tools, no better than guns. They didn't seem to feel pain or at least didn't react to it in a normal manner. Multi wasn't even sure if they could speak. All of the ones that BYOB had killed didn't cry out even as he'd blasted them. It was only when Multi spoke through the clones either through telepathy or their headsets that they made any sound that wasn't the firing or discharging of their weapon.

Despite all that though, things weren't going too smoothly. BYOB had nearly taken out half of the army he'd sent to NYC. Even as he looked through the eyes of those he hadn't detected as dead(something that caused him a great bit of trauma due to being aware of how/when every single clone dies), they were simply too mutilated to do anything more to halt BYOB. Add in losing control of Beckett and Jean's sudden transformation into some kind of fiery gigantic phoenix monster and you had a total shitshow om your hands. One he'd get the blame for if he didn't at least try to smooth things over here. Sure, if he lost the Crusaders AND Beckett the General would rightfully be pissed. But if his clones managed to capture the architect behind the Modern Crusaders, Multi would be praised. He'd get the respect he'd wanted. He wouldn't just be treated like the kid tagalong anymore. He'd be a trusted 'Gifted' just like the rest of them. Westlake would heap praise upon him.

All he had to do was take down this stubborn old man.

Crane waited until the soldier he'd grabbed with [White Noise] had stopped moving altogether. Receding the static back to him, Crane shivered in pain. Although his gift had spared him from simply bleeding out in the next couple of seconds, if he were still sitting here when the rest of that army came stomping through this rubble, it wouldn't matter. Flaring what little remained of his energy, the static channeled around him and levitated him slightly off the ground, as he turned to face what by all counts might as well have been a impending horde for how little Crane considered his own chances. Seeing that Crane had apparently stopped to finally face the music, one of the soldiers at the front raised their hand and all of them-the tanks included rolled to a sudden halt though they kept their guns trained on Crane's position.

Suddenly, the walkie on the lead soldier's outfit buzzed and chirped.

"Crane, Crane, Crane.~ I gotta say I thought that 'Father Death' himself would have put up more of a fight!" Multi taunted into one of the walkies that the clone to his left was holding near his face. "I mean, I know Beckett did a number on you and all but you don't even seem like you're trying to fight back. Is it...Is it because you realize you have no chance of winning?"

Crane didn't reply, instead only huffing and looking as though he were trying to catch his breath. Blood leaked from the various wounds scattered across his body. His static trailed around his feet with a menacing wail as though it were an attack dog guarding it's owner.

Multi didn't let up on the taunting. "Nothing? Well, that's okay. I think I've got over a thousand reasons why you're surrendering. That is what you're doing isn't it, Crane? I mean, you don't really think there's anyway out of this do you? You, Jenkins, and Pajaro are all getting hit with hard time. Can't speak for Winters..." One of the downsides of EXCELSIOR TECH being a huge sponsor/contractor of the military. Arresting and charging their only living son with terrorism would have put a hearty blemish on that relationship and simply killing Odd was out of the question. Multi's own head would have rolled if he'd let his clones do that. "But he's at least got his parents to look out for him. Who do you have, Crane?"

Crane chuckled.

"You young folk....." Crane slowly began raising his good hand. "...Sure do love to talk, don't you....?" He cracked wise, a grin spreading across his skeletal face. Before Multi could figure out what the bastard was just so cheery about, he looked through the eyes of some clones to the immediate right of Crane and saw what appeared to be the debris itself shifting under their feet. Appliances that'd been shunted from the rooms after the hotel had been cleaved in half by his and Beckett's brawl, slabs of what used to be walls and ceilings, and everything else including the kitchen sink. Static loomed under all of it and started lifting it high up into the air, casting a massive shadow over Crane for which only his glowing eyes were visible through the darkness. "During all that could have just shot me. I doubt I could have stopped all the bullets while in this state. Oh well."

Multi screeched. "SHOOT HIM!" The tanks leveled their barrels and the clones began spraying. Crane simply let the debris drop where it may. It wrecked absolute hell on Multi's forces with support vehicles having their hoods caved in by fridge size chunks of concrete, rebar impaling soldiers who strayed too close. Slabs pulverized clones outright killing them if not severely maiming/rendering them useless for battle. The tanks opened fire, the shells crashing through the hailstorm of debris and right into Crane's static. The shells dug deep into the static but stopped before coming out through it and hitting Crane. " [White Noise] consumes..." Crane closed his hand into a fist. "It absorbs...." The shells creaked and groaned before vanishing entirely within the folds of the static. As grand of a display as this all was however, that's all it was. Just theater. Crane saw many of the soldiers who'd been struck still twitching or in some cases even crawling for their dropped weaponry after their arms/legs had been shattered. Whether this was through the use of some kind of morbid Gift or what, Crane didn't know. But he knew enough. That he couldn't stick around here anymore. His body was on it's last legs and it'd only been thanks to Multi's insecurities/wanting to overcompensate for capturing Crane, giving him the time he needed to get [White Noise] to levitate all of the necessary garbage.

"Time to go...." Crane muttered as the static floated under him and began lifting Crane away. This wasn't going to happen. Multi refused to let this happen. He'd never be able to live it down if this entire operation all failed because of him. His brothers, the fellow Gifted he'd grown up with had vouched for him! They'd been the ones who helped convince Westlake that he could handle this. To fail and let Crane go to possibly regroup with the others and convince Beckett to join them? They'd have a national nightmare on their hands. Or at least Westlake's bosses would. That kind of thinking was 'below a grunt like him' is what he was always told. So even as dozens of clones lay battered and savaged by Crane's rainstorm of rubble, he didn't relent even for a second. The clones piloting the tanks burst forward mulching over any clones who happened to be left in the path. The soldiers-even those who were injured but still good enough to walk-sprinted while blasting off their guns. "You're- *bzzt* Not getting a-a-away, CRANE!!!" Multi's real body screamed over the walkie as it jostled and shook while attached to the soldier's hip.

In the condition that he was in and the sheer lack of energy, the static wouldn't be able to act as an effective shield for the torrent of bullets forever. Some would punch through and hit their mark and that'd be enough. It'd spell the end for Crane right then and there. He just had to-

The ground split wide open and Crane came to a sudden stop before he plummeted right in. With an army of soldiers and tanks charging after him, stopping even for the slightest second would have certainly spelled death or arrest but towering over Crane was a monolithic wall made entirely of ice that stretched along to fill the entirety of the fissure in the ground. Standing atop the wall, hunched over with their arms resting on their knees, what looked to be a military flak jacket hung loosely on their shoulders blowing in the wind leaving their bare chest exposed. With what appeared to be icicles growing in and around their bushy dark blue hair, the figure looked down at Crane and spoke with a heavy French accent. "Was my friend not clear enough? You're not leaving, Crane. Not this time."

Crane didn't say anything but the timing couldn't have been worse. Facing an entire army was one thing but aside from there just being a bunch of the bastards and their annoying persistence on getting up from mortal wounds, but another gifted and an elemental one at that? The static from [White Noise] stayed where it was, a careful set of inches away from the ice. Water-in any of it's states be it solid, gas, or liquid, were one of the few materials alongside certain metals that [White Noise] simply couldn't absorb. In fact coming into contact with water at all made [White Noise] sluggish and difficult for Father Death to control properly. It moved slower, didn't react nearly as fast to attacks
autonomously, etc. This was about the worst possible matchup and it was just about to get worse because Crane recognized this young man.

"Zeke!" Multi's main body called out through the walkie, distorted as it was. "W-What are you doing here?? I-I thought I was going to capture-"

"You are, Multi. Relax." Zeke reassured his colleague and the hundreds of clones. "The general just sent me to help speed things up, that's all." Although Zeke couldn't see the real Multi's expression, the '....alright.' that came through the walkie didn't sound impressed or even believed that excuse. As far as Multi could think, the only reason the general would have sent a heavyhitter like Zeke is because he felt things were taking too long/he didn't trust that Multi's clones were up for the task. Which, admittedly given how well things were going with the army attacking the Crusaders.....well...

"Pardon me...." Static hissed and crackled around Crane's person. "But I do feel I'm being left out of the conversation..." The preacher turned self-styled freedom fighter/terrorist leader joked as Zeke finally looked back over at Crane, his bright blue eyes peering over the top of his cherry red sunglasses. "That voice on the radio, they called you 'Zeke?' The elemental gifted also known as the 'Man whom the Rain doesn't touch.' Am I mistaken?" Zeke shook his head no. "No, mon ami, I think you're right on the money. Which only begs the question..." Zeke kept his hands tucked in the pockets of his pants. "Why are you still looking as though you're going to fight us?"

Crane would have blinked if his skull allowed it.

A laugh would have to do instead.

"I just suppose 'giving up' just ain't in my vocabulary, son. Neither is losin." The static reared back with a palm thrust forward, it blasted forward and split apart at the ends, the 'tendrils' seeking to grab and engulf Zeke from different angles. For his part the gifted didn't seem too eager to dodge. So uneager that he just didn't. The static devoured him and Crane stood there, almost dumbfounded. Was this boy so confident in his own abilities he'd just let himself be taken like that? There was nothing but unending agony once you were absorbed by [White Noise] You didn't just die, your physical being ceased to exist and your consciousness was eternally trapped within the screaming plains of the static, your agonized wails filling the air every time Crane activated his gift. Ice and water in general may have greatly hampered the effectiveness of [White Noise] but this approach-if you could even call it that-was downright suicidal.

The clones had stopped their march.

Multi sat back at camp, his arms folded across his chest and one leg crossed over the other. He had to watch through the collective eyes of his clones to keep a beat on the situation but why bother, at least for right now? Zeke wasn't in any real danger. As if to hammer that feeling home, Crane paused. Normally when a living thing was absorbed into [White Noise] , Crane would have felt it. If one had to describe the sensation it'd be like experiencing goosebumps running down every inch of your body. That overwhelming sense of victory as the victim you've entrapped ceases to be little more than a screaming spectre trapped within his endless void of static. Zeke was still alive and fighting. The area of static that had engulfed Zeke began to glow and pulsate as though there were a disturbance in it. "Ugh...." Crane put his only working hand forward in an attempt to simply crush Zeke and be done with this.

But the energy he was working against was....Just too much for him. The static tore and crackled as though it were part of a TV set that was slowly dying out. The buzzing grew quieter and standing amid the retreating static with what looked to be a ethereal dome of blue around him, Zeke stood completely unharmed. Crane hated the sight of it. 'Just...The energy alone from his gift was enough to stave off my static? It didn't even touch him, not once..' Even Beckett had to avoid getting completely encased by [White Noise] and maybe on a better day, Crane might have been a better opponent. Zeke wasn't here for a fair or fun fight however. He was here to get shit. Done.

"Are you done?" He asked, casually, as he closed his left hand into a fist and drew it close to his chest. "Because if you are.....It's my turn." All of a sudden, Crane felt a shiver run down his spine. Maybe it was borne out of fear, maybe it wasn't. Mostly though it felt like someone had opened a freezer and locked him in as a cold wind ran over him and seemed to circle around Zeke's person. Was this some kind of attack? "Come back to me, [White Noise]!" Crane called and the static did it's best to obey but whether it was just the amount of cold air that Zeke was currently generating or just his energy, the static already seemed slower than usual. "Damn it.." Taking full control over the static, Crane moved it to prepare for whatever was coming.

"Zeke!! Wait!!!" Multi called out as his clones started to back up. "If you freeze him, how are we gonna bring him to the General?!?"

"He'll thaw."
Zeke raised his closed fist and swung it in Crane's direction. "[Icy Wind]!" The area around Zeke's hand seemed to briefly twist and distort and before Crane could try to piece it together, he had what appeared to be the onslaught of a full on blizzard headed straight for him. [White Noise] did what it could, shielding Crane like a warm buzzing blanket as the wind overtook Crane. For his part, Crane couldn't even see the effects that Zeke's attack was having on either his static or the surrounding area. If any part of him got frozen then that was it. He was done for. He was in no physical condition to try running on foot and he was getting tired...."This cold...." It felt like it was sapping what little strength he had left just to try and stay warm. Eventually, the raging winds outside seemed to die down and come to a stop. But it wasn't a pretty sight. [White Noise] struggled to even budge. The buzzing had gotten so muffled over by the cold that it sounded more akin to a distant humming than the loud reverberating 'bzzttttt' of old. Even with direct control over the static, Crane could hardly get it to move.

"I could tell from the first second that my gift countered yours." Zeke called out as the static dispersed just enough to show him holding up the hand he'd 'launched' [Icy Wind] with. "The static of yours always seemed to stay just out of reach of my ice, keeping a safe distance. Can't exactly do that if you're blasted with the force of a mini-blizzard, no?" Crane didn't reply, he didn't want to give the punk the satisfaction. "I hope you weren't expecting a fair fight, Crane. Such liberties..." There was a squelching sound of flesh being rendered as the blade of what looked to be a sword made out of ice ripped it's way free through Zeke's outstretched palm. All the way up until Zeke was left holding the handle in his-surprisingly non-bloody-hand. The blade resembled something akin to a European knight's typical sword of battle. "Are not privvy to criminal scum like you." An ice trail flashed forward and it was only through Crane's quick reaction time that he created a miniature 'cloud' of static to step upon as the trail extended under the protective 'web' his static had mostly formed around him. If he'd just been a hair of a second off, it's likely he'd have gotten his feet frozen to the ground. If they were snapped off at the ankles....

"It's over, Crane!" Zeke jumped and lunged, thrusting the sword forward. Defending against it would no doubt take the last of Crane's energy and he'd pass out on the spot. They'd have Crane in custody and be one big step closer to bringing this group's reign of terror to an end. Watching as the blade smashed through and past the web of lethargic static, Crane thought of the only thing he could do. Sparing the briefest of glances at his left arm-pretty much rendered useless due to the multitude of injuries afflicting it-and using the static from the feet-saving cloud he'd made, it gripped onto the arm and pulled it-


Seconds clicked by as a droplet of blood ran down along the shaft of the blade before plummeting to the ice below. Another followed shortly thereafter and more weren't far behind. Having used his static to grab his arm and pull it in front of his chest, the blade had gone through the limb and still had just enough tip to slightly dig into Crane's left breast. "Sacrificing your arm?" Zeke asked as ice started to spread outwards across the skewered limb from where the sword had plunged straight through it. "I find myself asking for what end? You only delay the inevitable, Crane. No matter what you do, what tricks you pull, your criminal escapades stop here." Crane winced as he felt the bite of the ice growing along his arm. If he didn't do something soon, the entire arm would be lost to him, frozen over and useless. Elementals like Zeke were generally considered on another level from those who's abilities leaned towards more physical or mental support such as Crane's [White Noise] making up for Crane's own physical deficiencies/weakness given his age. The fact that he'd been called in to apprehend Crane showed-at least to the former priest-that the government was done playing around. The Modern Crusaders were a legitimate threat and needed to be crushed.

"I....I don't think I can beat you, young man." Crane's index finger on his free hand twitched. "You've got, speed, strength, shoot your gift even counters mine. Unfortunately for you..." The static which had been bundled up and buzzed erratically due to the mini-blizzard Zeke had put it through, began to creak and moan, little shards of frost falling to the ground. One tendril of static whipped towards Zeke and wrapped tightly around his arm. "What the-" Crane spread his fingers apart and the palm of his right hand began to surge with static. His [White Noise] couldn't absorb Zeke's ice and it couldn't stand against it either. Which left him with only one other option: get Zeke within range so Crane could decide this fight with one blow. [Dead Air]-a sub-technique of Crane's gift that would 'absorb' pretty much anything. It was how even though his own physical strength paled before Beckett's that Father Death was able to inflict a gruesome injury on the hero by 'removing' a chunk of flesh from their side. Zeke attempted to wrest his arm free of the static but it was too late! Crane swung his hand towards the side of Zeke's head, static roaring from his palm.

"[DEAD AIR]!!!!!"



Crane could smell that his attack had gone off like he'd planned. The sensation of burning flesh wasn't anything he was unfamiliar with. The intended goal had been if not to kill Zeke-to severely maim him at least. Just long enough for Crane to get his wits about him and use his static to make a hasty retreat. Find somewhere to hide, lay low, and attempt to meet up with the others. If they were even still okay. "For all you....youth talk....You should have just acted....Hehehe...." Crane threw back his head and started a cavalcade of laughter. "Hahahahaha!" It didn't truly set in that something was terribly wrong until he saw or rather didn't see any sort of reaction from the army at his back. The one behind all those soldiers and Zeke had been allies no? So, where was the cry of pain, of anger?

Instead, there was nothing. Not so much as even as a complaint escaped from the walkie that lead soldier in the front wore. Then the pain started "Ag...Agaaaaahhhh!" Crane felt the ice running along his outstretched arm as steam hissed off where he'd struck Zeke. [Dead Air] had completely deactivated. Brushing aside the steam revealed a horrendous sight. At least for those who had never truly seen what an elemental like Zeke looked like. The 'regular' look that Zeke used to walk around and function in day to day life was nothing more than a skin suit. Created by him manifesting his energy. It was little more than what Zeke wished he'd looked like. The real him looked a touch more monstrous. Crane's frozen hand rested against what appeared to be some kind of blue ice-like material vaguely shaped into a humanoid form with a glowing blue pupil staring back at him. [Dead Air] had done what it was supposed to do and cleared away part of Zeke's face but only the exterior-little more effect than peeling off one's halloween costume-and upon coming into contact with the gifted's real skin, Crane's power dissipated. Couldn't do a damn thing against water in any of it's forms. "Don't you know what they say about assuming, Crane?" Zeke spoke with his voice carrying hints of sounding as though glasses were being clinked together. "If I were a 'normal' Gifted, your little plan might have worked. You'd destroy a portion of my head. I'd die." Tightening his grip around the the hilt of the sword that was still stuck in Crane's arm, Zeke gave it a sharp twist. "Not this time." The blade was snapped off at the hilt leaving a chunk of blade left in Crane's arm.

Both of his arms hung at his side, one bleeding, the other frozen solid.

Crane was helpless.

"Tch....agh....." Watching as steam from [Dead Air] continued to hiss off Zeke's true skin, the gifted lunged forward and smashed his knee into the bottom of Crane's jaw. "Aaaaaaahhhh!!" The reverend was launched up into the air, his static barely able to keep up with him. Holding his left arm out to the side, Zeke began encasing it in a thick layer of ice to the point it almost resembled a knight's gauntlet. "Ice..." Creating miniature platforms to jump on, Zeke made his way upwards until he was level with Crane in the air. He pulled his left arm back. "Drop!" The static attempted to move to Crane's defense but it was just too slow. The gauntlet struck Crane square in the back and he screamed in agony.


The static started to disappear and Crane's skull began fading away, returning back to his normal appearance, a tired older man. Crashing into the ground with a thunderous 'krakoooooom!', Zeke touched back down and looked over at the blossoming crater. In the center of it was Crane, his eyes closed and no static anywhere to be seen. There was to be no second winds or getting up this time. Zeke had done what he'd come here to do : wrap things up. Multi...didn't quite see it that way. Having at least a dozen clones still train their guns on Crane's unconscious body, the main one or at least the one that Multi had deigned to speak through stepped towards Zeke who was currently trying to regenerate the part of his 'costume' that Crane had destroyed. "Well....You did it, Zeke. Thanks for the 'help.'" Multi spat, clearly not bitter at having one of his childhood friends steal this victory from him. "Of course, Multi. It was your win after all. How could I not help the one who brought down Father Death?"

"Wha-No, Zeke, c'mon. My clones didn't do that, you-"

Zeke reached out and gently placed a cool hand atop the clone's shoulder. "I came to help. I did. I'm certain that if I didn't, your clones would have wore him down. Whether you believe it or not, this is your victory. Imagine how proud our comrades will be when they hear of your exploits." The idea of the other gifted that had been raised/trained to be soldiers like Zeke and Multi praising him did get Multi to smile a little bit. "....Alright. I'll have some of my clones slap the anti-gifted cuffs on him and get a stretcher."

"Perfect. Now, Multi. What about the rest of the Crusaders? Surely your clones must have them under control, yes?"

Uh oh.

"....Well.....About that, Zeke....."


Thanny Thanny


Jean's wings flapped and she took flight and left a trail of flames in her wake as she charged straight for Beckett. The latter of whom was still looking down at the blood on their hands in disbelief. Ever since getting their gift, they'd been practically untouchable. They'd had their share of losses sure, being indestructible didn't mean unbeatable. But no matter who they faced down, their skin was never pierced or marred. The only way that Crane had been able to get past Beckett's durability was through bypassing it altogether with [Dead Air]. In the throes of her murderous rage, Jean had finally discovered a means with which to rend Beckett's flesh. The frequency at which her feathers vibrated was just enough to cut through the skin, enough to draw blood. Beckett glanced up and saw a massive shadow looming over them. Jean had somehow grown into the size of a giant, her head nearly touching the ceiling of the floor they were standing on in the parking garage. Her features apart from her eyes and mouth still shrouded in darkness, Jean raised her left hand and swiped downwards.

Beckett moved to jump back but Jean was upon them. The second their initial swipe missed, it smashed straight through the floor, sending chunks of concrete flying every which way. Most of it was able to be batted away by Beckett but the distraction was all Jean needed. Grabbing Beckett around the waist now that her frame had apparently become big enough to allow such a feat, Jean screeched and opened her mouth. "TSEEEEEEEEERRRRRR!!!!" Beckett's face was illuminated as a torrent of red hot flames surged from within Jean's maw and blasted them right in the face, sending them flying out of Jean's grasp and making a crevice in the floor with their body. Having been propelled by the force of Jean's flame at such speeds, Beckett's descent wasn't stopped until they smashed into one of the concrete pillars that held up the upper floor above this one. Wafting the flames away, Beckett closed their eyes and desperately tried to wretch. There was too much going on at once. They'd just gotten their freedom back thanks to Odd, now they were bleeding-a lot by the way-for the first time in like forever, and now they'd gotten hit right in the face by a stream of fire.


Jean roared as she smashed her massive frame right into Beckett who was barely able to put their arms across their bloodsoaked chest. The pillar shook and rattled as Jean grasped Beckett by the neck and lifted them off the ground. "J-*cough cough* Jean! Please! Let me-" Jean grit her teeth and practically blew up in another fit of rage as she pulled back and smashed Beckett into and through the pillar. The pillar creaked and groaned as it fell atop a pile of nearby cars, caving them in and setting up a trifecta of alarms all at once. The one clone that Multi had left inside the parking garage itself stepped away from Odd's downed body and looked at the destruction.

This wasn't going at all how Multi had hoped it would. He'd pictured an easy cleanup job. Overwhelm the Crusaders with sheer numbers and take Beckett under control. The first part wasn't going so great with BYOB clearing through the clones like dealing with a set of overly persistent fleas but the second part had worked beautifully! With Beckett under their control, there wasn't anyone who could stand in their way! No criminals like Crane and his posse would ever be able to threaten the peace of this country ever again! The reality of the situation didn't match that ideal at all. Beckett had not only been freed from Multi's control but there was no way in hell that they'd willingly stand with the military now after what'd been done to them. On top of that Odd had destroyed the only working collar that the scientists had managed to get out the door in time for this operation. Building another one could take weeks! Add in the fact that Jean-who had apparently died by all accounts-transformed into some kind of gigantic firebreathing monster and things were completely and utterly fucked.

The best Multi could hope for was to wait this out with the remainder of the clones he had left and pick the Crusaders off after 'Jean' dealt with them. Which of course didn't exactly answer how Multi planned to deal with 'Jean' once she defeated/incapacitated BYOB and Beckett but that'd have to come later. Grabbing Odd's arm and throwing the boy over his shoulder, the clone tried to hurry for the ramp leading to the lower floors that weren't currently being beset upon by a firebreathing phoenix girl. Despite how much Odd had annoyed him, Multi knew the general would have never approved of it if Multi had just sat back and let the son of the owners of one of the military's lead contractors/weapons developers bite the dust. Which meant that even though Odd was indeed a criminal just like the rest, his life took precedent. Something that aggravated Multi to no end.

With the structural integrity of this floor in jeopardy after Jean's furious destruction of the pillar-with Beckett as the tool of said destruction-, Jean flapped her wings once more and looked towards the street below where BYOB was continuing to clean up whatever was left of Multi's clones. But it wasn't BYOB or even the clones that Jean was zeroing in on. It was the building across the street that caught her eye. Still keeping a tight grip on Beckett, Jean lumbered towards the window. Beckett, still dazed from all they'd been through in just the past five minutes alone shook their head and sighed. They really didn't want to hurt Jean but between Jean being the first person to make them bleed and just the general 'rampaging monster' vibes Jean was giving off, Beckett couldn't just stand idly by and accept the abuse. "Tch.....Hggggh...." Jean's stride came to a halt as she looked over her shoulder and saw not only Beckett attempting to flex their muscles and break free of Jean's grip but more importantly, someone attempting to take off with Odd. "odd....." The flames on Jean's wings flared. "ODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!" With Jean distracted, Beckett broke free and went for a punch straight to Jean's face. The punch certainly hit it's mark and the shockwave receding off it alone was enough to send a series of cars rolling onto their sides.

But Jean didn't seem that harmed. In fact if anything she seemed annoyed. Rearing her left arm back, Jean took a wide berth with her swing. Raising their arms up yet again, Beckett was hurled off their feet and winced as the burning wind kicked up by Jean's arm swing temporarily blinded them. Grasping one of Beckett's legs, Jean smashed them into the ground and opened their mouth yet again. 'Another blast of fire...???' Only the light surging up from Jean's throat seemed too bright to be just another fire blast. 'An energy blast!'


The pink beam of energy crashed into Beckett's downed frame, sending them flying back and straight on a collision course with the Multi clone that was attempting to escort both itself and Odd out of this mess. Looking over his shoulder and peering through the eyes of this clone, Multi almost fell out of his chair. Just what the hell had they missed when writing up Jean's file?! She was only supposed to be able to : -fly/-create projectiles out of her wings. Not...whatever the hell this was turning out to be! The clones had a tenacity to not stay down unless permanently put down but even Multi knew that if hit point blank with this beam, it'd be a miracle if the clone stayed in one piece let alone made it out. Which didn't spell confidence for the horribly injured Odd that the clone was holding. Having been sent sailing through the air by Jean's energy blast, Beckett with some painful modicum of effort looked over and saw what they were about to crash into.

The son of a bitch who'd made them 'kill' Jean in the first place and the equally vile bastard who'd murdered one of their friends in cold blood. Truth be told there was no lost love for either of them from Beckett. But....Beckett knew their limits and neither Multi or Odd came close to it. Beckett would be hurt by this blast, they'd be killed by it. Digging the soles of their feet into the floor of the quickly crumbling level, Beckett sunk their fingers into the center of the blast and with a great deal of effort, they hurled it upwards where it crashed through the ceiling and went straight up until it disappeared into the clouds above.

Outside, BYOB heard and saw the display while holding a Multi-clone by the throat.

Neither Odd or Jean could do anything like that.

"What the hell is going on in there....?"

Landing flat on their back with singemarks on their palms from where they'd grabbed the blast, Beckett coughed and sputtered as they looked at Multi. "What the hell *cough* are you standing around for?! Take Odd and get the hell out of here! I don't know how long I'll be able to hold her off!" The clone didn't need to be told twice and sprinted towards the exit. Glaring daggers at Beckett with flames circling around her, Jean huffed and shook with utter contempt. While it was hard to get a read on whatever exactly was going on in Jean's head right now, it seemed clear enough that she didn't appreciate whoever that was taking Odd and running off with him. Something that Beckett had explicitly allowed to happen by interfering and stopping her attack.


The floor was completely destroyed as Jean took flight with cars falling to the lower levels, crashing atop one and other, as Beckett braced for impact and scored another punch right in Jean's forehead but the punch didn't seem to even slow down the furious beast. Grabbing Beckett on either side of their torso, Jean reared her head back and smashed it into Beckett's causing both of them to crash through the wall and out into the street proper. Another display that didn't go unnoticed by BYOB. Completely taken aback by what he saw to be a humongous bird humanoid with flaming wings and a shadowy figure grasping on what appeared to be a bloodied and bruised Beckett? The only people he'd seen enter the building were Jean. She'd gone in to help protect Odd from whatever enemies were lurking in there. Had this one been an enemy they simply hadn't accounted for? No, if that was the case then why would it be attacking Beckett??


BYOB's incredulous cry of recognition didn't reach Jean's ears unfortunately. Having smashed through the parking garage with Beckett still in tow, Jean screeched and flung the hero high up into the sky. Hurtled so high into the air as they were, Beckett was left overlooking the top of the parking garage and the scene of blown up tanks and scattered corpses from Multi's clones that'd been thrown and crashed against BYOB's indomitable power. This just didn't make any kind of sense. What the hell had happened to Jean to begin with? Was this whole thing a function of her Gift that only kicked in after death? Was the real Jean even still in there? Or were they left with...

Beckett looked up as Jean reappeared above her with one claw held overhead.

A monster...?


The claw swipe hit Beckett dead center in the chest and sent them crashing through a corner of the garage's roof before rocketing straight into the sidewalk beside BYOB. The force from said claw swipe was so strong it sent two nearby Multi-clones flying feet apart from Beckett's crash landing alone. Landing atop the garage's roof as though it were her personal perch, Jean threw her head back and cast out a call. One that sounded half like she was continuing to burn off her anger and part of it sounded like a mourning call. As though she were looking for something or someone dear that she'd lost. It wasn't until she glanced down and saw the familiar faces in the remaining Multi clones that it clicked back to her. She'd seen one of these men running off with Odd. Odd wasn't theirs to take. He was hers to protect and love. She'd failed to protect him. She'd make them pay. She'd get him back. No matter what. The ceiling caved in as Jean barreled straight towards the street and sent dozens of clones careening through the air.

"Nononono! She was supposed to attack YOU guys!!" Multi exclaimed as the clone that'd grabbed Odd hid inside a nearby SUV with Odd laid out on the backseat. Like hell Multi was risking this clone + Odd, trying to run out into the open with Jeanzilla wrecking havoc right and left. The clones opened fire but it was no use. The bullets may as well have been nerf darts for how little they did other than annoy Jean. She screeched and ripped a few of the clones limb from limb with just one long swipe from her claws. Gore splattered across Jean's feathers and chest standing in contrast with the shadows that seemed to mask her appearance. One poor clone that made the mistake of straying too close straight up had their top half bitten off as Jean lunged and split them in half.

BYOB was at a loss for words. The Crusaders had all worked on improving their gifts. Whether it be through practice or trial by fire in combat with 'heroes' like Beckett and friends, BYOB had never seen anything like this from Jean. This wasn't the same girl who just moments ago had nearly gone into shutdown mode after killing one of Multi's clones. This was more akin to a force of nature that wouldn't be satisfied until everything in it's path was destroyed. Taking advantage of the fact that it didn't seem to be paying him any mind, BYOB raced over to where Beckett had crashed and batted away the dust. Beckett was still conscious but they were in rough shape. Cuts littered their chest, singe marks on their palms, and it just generally looked like they'd been put through the wringer. "Goddamn...." To think that if Jean could do all of this when neither he or the Reverend had been actually able to make Beckett bleed under their own power, maybe it was for the better that the clones seemed to be taking Jean's focus for now.

"Byob...." Beckett groaned out. Kneeling down and cradling Beckett so they could sit up, BYOB stared them down. "Beckett. What the hell's happening?? What happened to Jean?? Where's Odd??"

"calm....down..." Beckett coughed. "....These guys you're fighting....They're all clones...of the same guy.....One of them slipped a collar on me. Controlled me. Nearly killed Odd. I...did...I did kill Jean..." BYOB blinked. The more he'd looked at Jean tearing up these clones, he had noticed what appeared to be a strange hole in the center of her chest. Almost as if something had punched through her sternum. But the only ones here with the force to do that. "..." Beckett could feel the anger beginning to ebb off BYOB and they nodded. "i'm....just as disgusted as you are....*cough* but if we don't figure out...How to stop Jean now? We might not be around to be angry later...."

BYOB didn't want to just let this go. Mind-controlled or not, Beckett had just admitted to murdering one of them. But anger or not, they were right. It was only a matter of time before Jean tore through what remained of Multi's army and then turned her sights back on the two of them. Given how easily she'd been able to toss Beckett around and how BYOB had barely managed to eke out a win against Beckett, well....BYOB didn't want to take any chances. "That still doesn't answer my last question. Where's Odd?" Beckett shook their head. "I don't know....The last I saw one of the clones had him. He passed out after breaking my collar...."

One of the clones had him. The same clones that Jean was tearing through like wet tissue paper. This was going to get ugly real quick.

"All of these clones....They don't seem to act on their own. I get the idea that whoever's making em, he orders them around from wherever he's at. Probably at Westlake's side." BYOB pondered aloud. "Which means he probably knows what they're doing at any given time. If I can grab one, I could probably get him to spill where Odd is..." The obvious problem being of course how BYOB did this without getting caught in the crossfire of Jean's rampage. "Jean will see you with them and she'll assume you're on the same side....Let me distract her and-" Beckett winced as they tried to stand up. "Don't." BYOB ripped one of the sleeves off the armor he'd taken from a downed Multi clone and tossed it towards Beckett. "Can't imagine it's been often that you've gotten hurt this bad. Try to put pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding. I'll....I'll do what I can."

He was tired. He honestly should have passed out after his fight with Beckett and the amount of energy it took out of him. The fact that he was still up and moving around was a sign of just how dedicated BYOB was to his soldier mentality. He wouldn't give up or rest until the job he'd set out to do was done. He knew Beckett was strong and having their help would sure make this a lot easier but Jean had already injured them and BYOB didn't need the guilt of them getting hurt worse on his conscience, more so when they were ostensibly still enemies. If Jean spotted him and attacked....he'd just have to....Improvise.

Ducking as a clone was flung beside him, BYOB looked over and frowned. From the way the guy's head hit the pavement, he died on impact. No use trying to talk to the main body through that one. He had to grab one of the few clones that Jean wasn't putting through the figurative shredder. The clones were doing their best but with the tanks having been destroyed thanks to BYOB, their small arms fire wasn't nearly sufficient enough to damage Jean in any meaningful way. Clones were swept aside, others were set ablaze and some were simply crushed into the dirt. If BYOB wanted to interrogate one, it felt like he'd have had more luck shifting through the rubble of what used to be the parking garage than here.


"C-Call off your friend."

BYOB hadn't heard the clone speak using it's mouth. Instead, it'd felt as though his mind had been reached out to telepathically. Another facet of the clones was that Multi intentionally designed them to be unable to speak on their own without his help. While he'd thought differently as a kid, as a soldier in his early 20s, he knew the clones were just to be soldiers. If they needed to speak he'd do it for them. BYOB looked back and saw a stray clone with a bloody chunk swiped out from their side staggering in place as they held a rifle towards BYOB's head. "D-Didn't you hear me, Jenkins? Call her off...."

BYOB glanced back at Jean.

"I can't."

"She's your friend-"

"That you pushed into becoming this."

"Wha-I didn't know she'd turn into this!"

"But you had Beckett kill her anyway." BYOB took a step forward. "The way I see it, I'd normally let her tear through all of your clones. You might dress them up like soldiers but they're just mindless puppets. You're probably sitting somewhere safe right now. Away from all this blood and carnage." BYOB grabbed the barrel of the rifle and bent it backwards. "Tell me where Odd is." The clone dropped the rifle and held their hands up but despite the dismissive gesture, Multi couldn't help but laugh. "You and Jean made the same comments, you know? Mocking me for being away from the battlefield....But why should I risk sticking my neck out if I can have my clones do it for me? I was born with this power! I shouldn't be judged for using it!" As for Odd's whereabouts, the clone shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe he got eaten. Wouldn't surprise me. You saw what this thing did to one of my other clones-"


BYOB smashed the clone's left knee causing it to topple to the ground. "I might not be able to hurt the real you, not yet anyway. But because of you one of my friends is a raging monster and the other is missing. You're earning a spot right at the top of my shitlist. I'll tear through a hundred of your clones if it means reaching you." BYOB grabbed the clone by the neck. "So I'll ask you once more. Tell me where Odd is." He gripped tighter and Multi could only still laugh. "Make all the threats you want. They're useless! You're not hurting me! You're only hurting my clones!"

"Yeah? You came here to capture us, didn't you? What do you think your boss would say if I leveled this entire city? Turned it to ashes? Because you couldn't stop us." That hard truth hit Multi like a ton of bricks. He'd be the one responsible for NYC being wiped off the map. Because his clones hadn't been enough to subdue the Crusaders. Even if the general didn't punish him, he'd still have to carry that guilt. The fact that concurrently with this that Zeke had been sent to 'rush things along' by capturing Crane only made Multi feel worse. He'd be the one taking all of the blame if this operation failed. The clone trembled in BYOB's grasp. "Alright! Alright, I'll tell you....He's in that suv...But you have to hurry. I don't know how much-"


"That was the last of my clones."

BYOB looked over and saw two things:

-the black SUV that he could see housed one of Multi's clones and presumably Odd as well.
-Jean standing amid a pile of bodies and severed limbs and looking confused at why BYOB was standing by/talking to one of these strange men that'd attacked her/took Odd from her.

Following BYOB's line of sight, Jean eventually noticed the vehicle too. Dropping the injured clone to the ground, BYOB cursed his bad luck and moved to stand in Jean's path. He couldn't risk her attacking the SUV and damaging it/potentially killing Odd in the process. All while knowing this had to look pretty bad to Jean. "Jean! Jean, it's me! Danny! It's okay! It's okay...." BYOB called out in an attempt to reassure Jean. The beast that Jean had become didn't charge into BYOB or knock him over. Instead, she stopped and flared her nostrils. Her feathers stood up on end and from BYOB's estimations, she stood at least around ten to fifteen feet tall. More than enough to completely eclipse him. "D...ann.....Y......" Jean eventually croaked out. "That's right....Danny. Please, Jean. Calm down....Calm down and we can work this all out, okay?"


"That's right, it's me...."

While BYOB's attempt at calming the situation was admirable and may very well have worked had it not been for another wrench thrown in the mix. Odd slowly stirred from where the clone had dropped him off in the backseat and sat up, his bruised face and scarred eyes visible for both Jean and BYOB to see. "Odd....." Jean gnashed her fangs together. "ODD!!!!" Danny was trying to keep her from him!!! He was her friend! FRIENDS WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT! She started to move forward and BYOB got in her path once again. "Jean, stop!"

That'd done it.

Jean reared up and shrieked. "TSSSEEEEEEEERRRRRRAAAAGHHHH!" She lashed out with her right arm and before BYOB even knew what hit him, he was sent flying off his feet and through the front door of a nearby office building. Smashing through the front doors, over somebody's desk and kicking up the tiled floors as he was scraped against them before finally settling against the wall with a loud thud. The clone watched that all happen and immediately went to try the keys in the SUV. Only there wasn't any. Poor luck and all that. "Shit! SHIT!" Multi exclaimed as Jean slowly stomped towards the vehicle with her eyes locked onto the backseat window. "Odd.....ODDDDDD!!!!"

She sprinted towards the car.


~~~To be continued~~~
Not a problem, my main man, and I am sorry for disappearing for a time myself. Much has happened on my end as well, but it is fantastic to hear from you again. =)
I am alive and kicking and look forward to your marvelous writings! =) I hope all is going well on your end, bud.
The clone fumbled for his rifle. He leaned it out the window and opened fire. Bullets rained one after another upon the quickly encroaching beast. They seemed to disappear entirely within the flames that outlined Jean's body. The clone's finger never left the trigger. Not even when the gun went *click*. Indicating that he'd fired all that he could and there wasn't going to be anytime for a reload, Jean would make sure of that. Smashing her left shoulder into the side of the SUV, the vehicle was tipped over onto it's side, knocking the rifle from the clone's hands as both he and Odd toppled over. The windows lining both the passenger side door and the opposite side of the car shattered leaving a less than comfortable pile of glass for both men to fall upon. Given the body armor that all of Multi's clones wore, that was less of an issue than the rampaging monster still standing inches away from the tipped over car. Odd however wasn't so fortunate with blood leaking from his wounds as he lay atop the glass, his eyes barely open. As though it weren't clear enough, this mission had gone so south, Multi was sure they'd reach Hell itself before it was said and done with. Crawling over to Odd's side, the clone roughly yanked the boy up by the collar of his shirt. "Goddamnit...If your folks wouldn't pitch a fit, I'd just leave you here. Chalk it up to unreasonable circumstances. 'How could I keep that thing from killing him, General? It was out of my control. No, I don't know how the president is going to react. Isn't that your problem to worry about, sir??" Multi grumbled through his clone as he dragged Odd away from the glass before coming to a dead halt as he heard the car's frame beginning to groan and creak.

With the car on it's side, the clone peered upwards and through the windows on the driver's side. The view that greeted him wasn't a pleasant one. Leering over the window with sticky trails of saliva oozing down from her fangs, her piercing red eyes glared down past the window and straight through the clone and the object of her desire that it had it's hands on. Steam hissed from her nostrils as she raised her left hand and swung it downwards. The window and the door it was attached to shattered and caved in. With the resulting dent looking as though the car had taken a full on hit from a tank shell. Far away from the dangers he gladly put his clones through, Multi still couldn't help but shiver in a state of petrified fear as he watched this horror unfold through the eyes of his last clone in the area. "Oddd....." Jean croaked, her teeth gnashing together and dribbles of spit leaking through the fractured window and onto the clone's helmet like sticky globules. The shadows masking her body shook and writhed as she growled like a feral animal. "Grrrrrr......TSEEEEERRRRR!" Digging her claws into the door, Jean gave it a twist and a pull and ripped it straight off the car's frame and hurled it across the street, the marks her claws left leaving the door looking as though it'd been sheared apart by the jaws of life. "ODD!!!!!!!"

Not having gotten up from where he'd been knocked aside by Jean, BYOB silently bemoaned the state his body was in. He'd expanded far too much energy in both subduing Beckett and then taking on an entire army all by himself. Add in the fact that Jean's Gift had somehow transformed her into a gigantic beast that he didn't have a chance in hell of wrangling in his current condition and things looked mighty grim. But just laying back and letting Jean accidently kill Odd in her misguided pursuit of him would have been the easy way out. The coward's way out more or less. BYOB wasn't perfect by any means. In a just world, he along with the rest of the Crusaders would have been brought to heel and made to pay for their crimes by someone like Beckett and life would have gone on. He knew that even if he didn't agree with it. After all who was to judge them as 'evil' for their crimes? Where did fact start and opinion end? Beckett had every reason to stand against the group. At least in their eyes. The group had gone after Beckett's uncle, their friends, and even 'innocent' civilians. It was a hero's job to stop them. But circumstances could change in the blink of an eye and this was no different. Jean had to be stopped or else who knows how long she'd continue to rampage and who she might hurt in the process? Having stolen an outfit-which didn't fit quite right on his bulky frame-from one of the many clones he'd slaughtered, BYOB took off the helmet and dropped it to the ground beside him, a tear in the hood underneath exposing a bloodsoaked patch of white hair. "Head hurts. Probably significant trauma to my skull." His healing factor didn't just 'turn off' when his energy was low but it sure took a hell of a lot longer to kick in. Placing both hands on the cracked floor, a result of him having been violently backhanded into this abandoned building, he started to push himself onto his feet, his chest heaving with each heavy inhale and subsequent exhale he took. "Have to stop her....Before she....Does something she'll regret." Keeping one hand atop his head, BYOB staggered towards the hole his body had made in the wall, his vision blurry and unclear.


"....!" BYOB turned on his heel, despite his body's protests with his free hand outstretched and energy dancing at his fingertips. "Who's there?! Show yourself!" He ordered. Had that bastard been lying to him? BYOB didn't have the time or energy to keep bulldozing through these clones. He was going through it just trying to stay on his own two feet. His hand didn't lower itself until the figures responsible for said noise stepped out from an adjacent room to the lobby that BYOB had been knocked through. It was a young woman-if BYOB had to guess, probably late 30s-early 40s-holding a child, a boy. Probably around 5-6. They wore regular looking clothes and didn't seem like homeless who simply hadn't gotten the message when the city had been evacuated once the government mandated it. "Y-You're a member of the Crusaders....The terrorists they keep talking about on TV..." The woman murmured as she clutched the boy tighter to her body, he assumed that was her son.

"I am."

BYOB didn't see a reason to lie or to argue. Wasn't really the time or place.

"I don't know why you're still here but stay out of my way. You'll probably be safer that way." BYOB brushed off the two as he tried to continue towards the hole in the door only for the woman to call out to him again. "Please! You have to help us! The government!!! They just left us here!" BYOB didn't turn back but did stop as the woman continued. "They said they couldn't take all of us and told us that if we were true patriots we'd stay behind without complaining but I've heard all the chaos out there! The explosions, the screams, all of it! I just want my son and I to get out of here!!"

BYOB froze for a split second. These pleas felt similar in a way that the woman could have never understood. They took him away from the current scene and back to years prior. When he believed he'd been doing his own patriotic duty and serving in the military during the country's disastrous war with Iran. One of the natives that'd attacked his squad couldn't have been much older than the boy this woman was cradling in her arms. Just as had been the case then, the parents begged BYOB and his comrades to spare from lumping in the child with the rest of the enemy forces. The group refused and what followed next would send BYOB into the downward spiral he'd felt as though he'd never escape from. Until he met the Reverend that was.


Closing his hand into a fist and holding it to his forehead, he grit his teeth. Maybe it was due to his time in the service or his attachment to the rest of his fellow Crusaders but he doubted the government's intentions were as 'innocent' as simply lacking the resources to accommodate the proper amount of evacuees. This woman and her child had been left behind to act as PR points if they were to die in the battle between Multi and the Crusaders. 'These cold hearted monsters wouldn't even spare a mother and her son. What's stopping them from coming after you. next? Only we can keep you safe.' There were likely others in a similar situation to these two and they were likely just chalked up as acceptable casualties to the powers that be.

"....You want my help? Then stay here for now. Don't make any noise. Stay away from windows. I'll be back for you. I promise." BYOB stated as he stepped out through the hole. "W-Where are you going???" The woman exclaimed incredulous that BYOB would willingly want to go back into what she'd assumed was an all out battlefield in the midst of the city she loved.

"To save my comrades."

With that he was gone, leaving the two to shelter behind the desk that BYOB had spilt in twain with his body.

Approaching where he'd 'left' Jean, BYOB saw that the car he'd seen the last Multi-clone drag Odd into was completely destroyed. It's driver side door had been ripped off and flung a half dozen feet away from the car proper and the vehicle's frame looked as though it'd been socked over and over with a wrecking ball. The remaining clone lay nearby with his rifle smashed to pieces and deep looking claw marks spread across his back. The rain from above continued to downpour with the cracking of thunder roaring up in the skies. Huddled over Odd's broken and battered body, Jean was perched like, well, a bird with the raindrops sizzling as they pattered against her flames. She'd knocked aside the clone as it'd tried to stop her from plucking Odd from the ruined SUV. But even as she gently ran the tips of her claws across Odd's body, the youth didn't move. He didn't even so much as twitch. His injuries-numerous as they were-had left his health in jeopardy and it broke the woman's heart. Her wings spread and she looked skywards and screeched remorsefully. "TSEEEEERRRR!!!" BYOB looked at Odd's unmoving body and frowned behind his mask. He knew that Odd tended to bemoan how he lacked the durability that was seemingly inherent to both himself and Jean in regards to their gifts while [AUX] didn't improve Odd's physicality. So to see all the injuries he'd taken from getting shot to being flung around by Beckett, etc etc. It was enough to take a great toll out of anyone but BYOB simply couldn't accept even the slightest possibility that Odd was gone, beyond help. He didn't have much energy at all to spare but if he could just get close enough, maybe he could-

Jean's eyes darted over towards BYOB as he tried to approach. Laying Odd down onto the street, Jean rose to her full height which left her towering above BYOB, her flames swirling around her and over her wings. "Jean..." BYOB started. "Odd is terribly hurt. You can see that can't you? Let me help him. Please." As he tried to reach out towards his downed companion, Jean snarled and got in his path, baring her fangs. "GRRRRRR!!!!!" Jean wasn't going to let Danny off the hook that easily. Did he really think she was that stupid?? Of course she knew Odd was hurt! But she'd take care of him! He didn't NEED anybody else! Certainly not a backstabber who'd rather get in her way then try to pretend like he wanted to help all along! She wouldn't have it! SHE REFUSED!

Jean craned back her head and BYOB could see a light emanating from within her maw. The light grew brighter as Jean threw her head forward, all ready to fire an energy blast with BYOB's name written all over it. Had the blast been allowed to go off without a hitch, who's to say what would have happened? Thankfully, another party stepped in to save BYOB from that uncertain fate. Jumping forward while Jean's attention was focused solely on BYOB, Beckett smashed their knee right into the side of Jean's head, causing the beam to go wide and lance through a nearby building instead of BYOB. Landing on their feet with a stumble here and there, Beckett didn't look much better than BYOB with the fabric that BYOB had given to try and staunch the bleeding on their wounds tied around their chest and looking soaked through. "I think it's too late to sit down and have a nice chat with her." Beckett quipped though were they given a choice? After what they'd been forced to do to Jean, sitting down and apologizing profusely would have been at the top of their preferences. Sadly, fate had other plans in store for them. BYOB tried to relax himself after narrowly avoiding being blasted point blank had it not been for Beckett's intervention. "Her gift....There must have been a facet to [Mr Brightside] that neither Jean or the rest of us had any idea about. When Multi had you kill her, it must have activated it." Beckett hadn't heard of a Gift that allowed one to return from having a hole punched clean through their sternum apart from one hell of a regeneration factor(ala BYOB being able to potentially? heal himself from mere ashes though that was just a theory)but if that were the case here then it left another question that needed to be answered.

"....Do you think she's still in there?"

BYOB had his reasons for not openly sharing his face with the others. For their part, the other Crusaders had mostly been respectful of this. It was due to this reluctance that BYOB was grateful it allowed him to hide the pale coating that'd plagued his skin after Beckett's rather pointed question. Was this still the girl who'd cried moments ago after Multi had refused to allow her an out from having to kill one of his clones? Or the one that'd wanted the group to stick together even if the worst had befallen Crane? Or had that all been thrown to the wayside upon her death and the ensuing 'revival'?

"....I don't know." He spoke honestly.

Jean slowly turned back and cracked her neck from side to side. Her wings fanned out behind her and the flames coating them seemed to burn even brighter as Jean took a step forward. The ground trembling under her talons as she looked between BYOB and Beckett. The one she'd thought of as a friend and the one she knew who'd hurt her. They were both trying to hurt her now. The only thing to do now was to deal with this the best way she knew how: By making them pay! Her wings flapped and an intense wave of heat washed over both Gifted. "BECK...ET....BECKETT!!!!!" Barreling forward, Jean lashed out with her right claw nearly catching Beckett with the attempted swipe. Jumping back just in time, Beckett winced as they felt the sheer hatred radiating off the missed attack. Not that Beckett could have blamed Jean in the slightest. BYOB closed his hands into fists and threw a haymaker at Jean that connected and cracked the pavement under both of them from just the impact alone. Jean's head twisted to the side as BYOB's fist socked her right in the cheek. The followup would have been obvious to anyone with BYOB's powers. Blast her while in close proximity, jump back, rinse and repeat. As his eyes met the raging embers among the shadows, he felt himself lacking the nerve.

The idea that the girl he'd come to see as an essential comrade, not just that, a friend. Was just up and gone didn't sit well with him. He slowly pulled his fist back without realizing what he was doing. "Jenkins!" Beckett called out but it was too little too late. Jean snarled and closing her hand over BYOB's head, she raised him off his feet and swung him down against the ground, sending a spiderweb of cracks and fissures every which way. The impact itself didn't knock BYOB out. He'd taken worse from others. But a crack appeared in the center of his mask and the lenses fractured, glass shards embedding themselves into BYOB's left eye. His vision was already blurred as is but now it carried a blinding stream of blood that obscured a majority of his peripheral vision. Beckett could understand why he'd hesitated and kicked themselves more for letting Multi put them under the govt's thrall just long enough to cause this mess. Before Beckett could interfere again however, Jean whipped BYOB at the hero. Catching the man that they just an hour or so ago had spent beating the crap out of eachother, Beckett watched with a look of growing horror as Jean planted herself down on all fours and opened her mouth as wide as it could go. To the point it'd look as though the sides of her face would tear apart. "URRRRRAAAAAAGH!" A massive beam of energy fired out of Jean's maw and with mere seconds to react, Beckett tossed BYOB behind them and planted their feet and braced for impact.


The beam shook and rattled with random spurts of energy jolting off from the main beam to destroy any nearby cars/windows. The ground under Beckett's feet caved in and shifted as they were pushed back by the sheer output of power that Jean was pumping out. This wasn't just another offhand attack meant to deal with two nuisances. Jean was trying to go for the kill. Beckett wasn't one to brag but they were pretty damn strong. There was no arguing or boasting on that part. It's just how it was. Their gift allowed them strength that even Father Death and those higher up in the foodchain amongst the US government were jealous of. If placed in the wrong hands, that strength could have made a smaller country's military obsolete. There would be no need for diplomacy or treaties. Just outright dominance with unmatchable power. Back when they were just starting out, maybe it would have been egotistical to admit that they'd rode high on the protection their gift afforded them. While others may have needed to worry about a criminal's firearms or blades, they didn't. Bullets would cave in, knives would shatter, fists would fracture, so on and so forth. It wasn't until they'd begun fighting those like Father Death who's own Gifts such as [Dead Air] allowed him to bypass Beckett's durability entirely. Jean in this new form of hers had been able to not only injure them but leave wounds that would develop into scars. Somewhere deep in their heart, they'd gotten cocky and it'd cost them dearly.

But this day had already been sullied. Their attempt at avenging those who'd been caught up in the Crusader's destructive path by defeating Crane had only blown up in their face. What good did it do to defeat one monster only for another to try and forcibly bend them to their whims? Maybe BYOB had a point. To trust that just because Beckett opposed the Modern Crusaders that they were naturally on the 'side of good' was naïve at best, foolish at worst. In the end all their heroics had gotten them this day was a fight they'd lost(BYOB), a life taken by their own hands(Jean) and now? They were left protecting one of those very same terrorists that they'd sworn they'd stop this day. It was just too much. Too.....Much. Wrapping their fingers around the blast, Beckett forced themselves to look upwards. They couldn't give into despair. Not even now when things looked their bleakest. The entire street rumbled as Beckett flexed their power and began shifting the course of the beam. "I...can't....let you...." They growled. "Do...THIS! AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The beam was bent and the trajectory left it rocketing upwards, piercing through the stormclouds and into the far horizon before exploding outright. The explosion left a purple-pinkish glow across the skyline and Beckett could only look on in awe for a second or two before a horrible pain wracked their body. "Urgh....." Falling to a knee, they clutched at either side of their head. It felt like their head was going to split in two! It was some of the worst pain ever! Had....Had they used up too much of their energy? Was this the drawback from all that strength?

"Grrr...." Closing her mouth as the beam eventually faded into nothingness, Jean tilted her head to the side and watched as Beckett groaned and wretched. It wasn't even as though they were vomiting, more so just coughing up spittle. Whatever. It didn't matter, Jean was tired of them. Tired of them getting in her way and trying to hurt her. Flaming feathers scattered from her wings and began to vibrate as they hovered over Beckett's vulnerable form. Once the feathers reached a certain frequency, they'd be able to pierce Beckett's flesh again. This time Jean would make sure enough went in to make sure Beckett didn't get up again. "Beck...Et.....BECKETT!!!" The feathers plunged downward-


"SKREEEEEEEE!!!!" Jean shrieked and stepped back as an explosion went off right in her face. Standing beside Beckett was none other than BYOB who'd picked himself up and held his left arm out, smoke trails flowing along the length of his limb. Blood dripped past his mangled mask and onto the concrete in concerning quantities. "Beckett....*pant pant*" He didn't take his eye off Jean even as the smoke kicked up by his sudden attack obscured the giant. "Back in the building....*pant pant* Jean knocked me into...*pant pant* There's a mother and her child. They got left behind during the evacuation process." Still in the throes of pain from pushing themselves too hard too suddenly, Beckett while grateful for BYOB's seemingly second wind were more than taken aback at that sudden newsdrop. They hadn't been informed that there were any civilians left behind. Given the massive population within the city, it might have been easy enough to write it off as common sense. But no prep or warning were given. What if during their battle with BYOB earlier today? What if people had been hurt and Beckett had no idea? The very thought of it made their blood boil. "Let me guess.....You want me to keep them safe while you handle Jean....? That your plan?"

BYOB's mask had been torn enough to reveal the slightest glimpse of a smirk.

"You're....*pant pant* catching on."

Beckett didn't know how much energy BYOB had left and they didn't want to ask. Whatever the answer was, it would have only tore them between wanting to stay and help those who'd apparently been carelessly left behind in the middle of this warzone. Doing their best to stave off the terrible headache plaguing them, Beckett moved off towards the building. Brushing the smoke away and looking none the worse for wear from BYOB's attack, Jean prepared to pounce towards them. Unwilling to let Beckett go. Before she could take off however, she screeched in confusion as a ring of chattering skulls floated around her. Snapping her head back towards BYOB, she'd see him clutching his hands together, blood oozing past the shards in his left eye and running down the front of his mask. "Dan....Ny......" Jean stayed on all fours, looking less and less as though she'd been a person and more like a feral animal as time went on. BYOB didn't break his gaze on her. It would have been utterly disrespectful to look away. To pretend that he wasn't attacking his friend. It was getting harder and harder to see past the blood that was obscuring his vision, not to mention the various injuries.

"I'm sorry."




The explosions once again engulfed Jean and caused her to let out another howl of pain. Running forward, BYOB scooped up Odd under one arm and ran for the nearest building. The sign had mostly burned out revealing that at one point or another it'd used to be a simple Dollar Store. Come in, buy some cheap stuff, go on about your day. Right now it was the closest thing to sanctuary that BYOB could find on such short notice. His explosions simply didn't have the kick at this point to do any lasting damage to Jean. All he could do was slow her down and irritate her. Hiding in a random aisle, BYOB slumped down onto his rear and set Odd up next to him. If BYOB looked terrible, Odd looked genuinely horrific. His purple hoodie was stained all over from blood soaking through the tears in it from bullet wounds. The messy mop of hair on his head was matted with blood from being flung around by both Multi's clones and Beckett themselves. His left hand also didn't seem like it was looking that great either with the hand up to the forearm having been fractured by Beckett while under Multi's control. Only the faintest signs of his shallow breathing were an indicator that he was still among the living. For the time being anyhow. While BYOB had his issues with Odd and believe you, me, they were many. The fact that Odd didn't hesitate to get into the mess of things despite lacking the certain 'protections' that other members of the group possessed had BYOB's respect. Accepting Odd as any kind of leader though? Well, BYOB still needed to be convinced.

Right now though, he needed to save the punk's life. Placing a hand on Odd's chest, BYOB inhaled, held it......and exhaled. A glow similar to the kind that overcame BYOB when he was using his Gift or when Jean activated [Mr Brightside] spread across his arm and over Odd's person. It'd drain the reserves of whatever energy BYOB still had kicking around and it couldn't do jack about the injuries themselves but it'd help Odd rest a bit easier until they could figure things out. He was absolutely spent. If Jean found them now?



It didn't bear thinking about too hard.

Swatting aside the smoke and angrily flapping her wings, Jean glanced around for any signs of BYOB or Beckett. But they were both gone. Attack her and then run away? It only confirmed Jean's concerns. All they wanted was to hurt her! Hurt her and...Jean blinked. She was glancing at the spot that she was a 100% sure she'd left him but there was only a faint blood trail left in his wake. Had he just gotten up and walked away? No. No, he was far too hurt for that. Jean was going to try and figure out a way to help him before others stuck their noses in. Not only were they gone but so was he. Which meant only one thing: they'd taken him from her. Jean's massive frame shook and twitched as she threw her claws out to the side and let loose a stream of fire from her mouth. "ODD!!!!!!!!!!! ODDDDDDDD!!!!!!!" The city had already seen it's fair share of destruction from just the battle between BYOB and Beckett alone. This time no building was safe as Jean took off into the air and fired energy beams left and right. Demolishing any buildings that happened to be unfortunately placed within her range. Looking up as Jean left a trail of fire and rubble in her wake, the sole Multi-clone grabbed onto the front of the smashed SUV and pulled himself up. His right arm had been bent in ways they shouldn't have been. It was too late to try and think of how he could handle things himself. The only thing that might have made up his failure to capture the Crusaders would have been to make sure they were dealt with. Sure, Odd's folks would clutch their pearls and complain but that was a problem for the higher ups. Multi was just doing his duty as a loyal soldier.

Drawing his pistol, he glanced down at the trail of blood that BYOB had left behind. Jean had been so caught up in her fury that she'd missed it but Multi hadn't. One needed energy to keep their Gift going and from the looks of how badly injured BYOB and Odd appeared to be, they were severely lacking in that department. Truth be told, making an entire army had been hard on Multi and it was the closest he'd gotten to sweating since the Modern Crusaders had come into contact with him. But if he couldn't get away with Odd and if he couldn't finish off BYOB himself or bring back Beckett? Well, just have them tear eachother apart. At least this whole thing would be brought to a close. So, off, the clone went limping after the blood splotches.

Meanwhile, Beckett had made her way to the building that BYOB had told them about. Were the situation a touch less dire, they might have taken a bit of amusement out of the human shaped hole BYOB had left in the store's front entrance. The opportunity to laugh really wasn't there however. Stepping through the hole, Beckett called out. "Hello? Is anyone here? I'm here to help!" Nobody called back and as Beckett continued forward, stepping over broken glass without a care(wasn't as though it'd cut them), they looked around. The lights were off and the place looked abandoned. Had the civilians that BYOB had been talking about tried their luck and left? They'd hoped that wasn't the case. With Jean tearing a wild streak outside right now, who's to say they wouldn't have been caught up in the aftermath? Reaching the desk in the center of the lobby that BYOB had broken in half with his body, Beckett leaned over to look behind it. "Hello-"


A fire ax cracked Beckett right atop the head. Looking down at the one holding it, Beckett's eyes met those of an absolutely terrified woman staring back. Her hands shook and trembled as she tried to keep a tight grasp on the ax. The blood running down the back of her right forearm and the glass shards embedded within flesh showed that she hadn't hesitated in breaking the ax out of whatever container it'd been locked in. However, while this kind of tactic might have very well worked on one of Multi's clones or Odd, the results were far less favorable on someone with Beckett's powerset. The head of the ax cracked before the chunk that'd struck Beckett fell to the floor. "Why did you do that?" Beckett asked, more surprised than anything else. Dropping the ax now that Beckett's skull had broken it, the mother wrapped an arm around her son and pointed accusingly at Beckett. "Y-You stay away from me! It's people like you that were supposed to keep us normal people from getting mixed up in all this! 'Oh, the heroes will stop the Crusaders, have no fear.' Lo and behold we get left behind as my family's home is torn down around us!"

"I...I'm not with the government. I-"

"So??? Is that supposed to make us feel better? Safer?? Why did it get this bad? Why didn't YOU stop them sooner??"

Beckett didn't really have a good response for that. It wasn't until relatively recently that Odd's identity as Andrew Winters had become known to Beckett and the government at large. Even his parents had been left out of the loop. But after Odd failed to properly dispose of Johnny's body after murdering him, he was left with no other choice but to reluctantly request aid from the other three Crusaders to help clean up his mess. In the process, another one of Beckett's allies/friends was able to piece together who Odd was and it blew the story wide open. In order to keep the media from lambasting one of their favored clients, the government tried to cover up the revelation while agreeing to work alongside Beckett and co. Apparently until they figured the time was right to try and cut out the middleman and strip Beckett of any agency. If they'd been motivated enough, put enough time and power into it. Could they have stopped the Crusaders? Maybe they could have marched right into Odd's mansion, arrested him, and forced the other Crusaders to come out of hiding to rescue him.

"...You're right. I should have done more."

Picking up the ax, Beckett sighed. "....I can't blame you for being upset. I'm part of the reason the city's been taking such a beating. Maybe if I'd acted sooner, I could have gotten all four of the Crusaders into custody before they were wrecking things left and right. But I doubt excuses are what you wanna hear." Beckett reached out a hand towards the mother. "I...I know this is probably asking a lot but if you can trust me, I'll take you and your son somewhere safe. Okay?" The mother still seemed quite uneasy with Beckett but what other choice did she have? She had to put her son's wellbeing above anything else right now. "...Okay." She quietly took Beckett's hand which earned a smile from the hero. "Great. Now, there's a bit of uh, trouble, going on outside as you're probably no doubt aware of. But once it's handled, you can follow me to the checkpoint the government's set up. It's only temporary and once everything's settled, you guys should be able to go back-"

"-To normal?"

Beckett frowned.

"As close as we can get." Beckett confirmed.

Again, what other choice did this poor mother have?


BYOB hadn't gotten up after giving Odd the remainder of his energy. He honestly wasn't sure if he could. Jean hadn't sounded like she was done throwing a fit and treating the city's buildings like her own personal stress ball. There had to be some way to get through to her. What kind of horrible existence would it be if [Mr Brightside] only allowed her to continue to roam as a bellowing monstrosity? None of them had any idea of this aspect, so maybe there was more they just weren't getting. "Just....Just let me, think. Ok?" He muttered to no one in particular as he tried to rest his head against the shelf and think.

*tap tap*

He slowly craned his head over towards the window. It couldn't have been Jean. She would have just smashed right through the storefront. What he saw instead of her didn't ease BYOB's concerns. With their right arm looking like it'd been put through the wringer and the hair poking out through their cracked mask, the clone tapped the pistol against the store's front display windows. The clone quirked their head and sneered. "Nice hiding spot. It'd be a real shame if...." The clone looked from side to side. All while the words never came from their mouth directly. Instead boring right into BYOB's head like the most obnoxious drillbit. "....Someone were to give it away."

"Son of a..." BYOB grunted but despite how shitty the situation had just gotten, he....Just couldn't find the energy to stand up. "You know how you said earlier how it'd look bad on me if you guys destroyed the city? If I was unable to stop you? Well....I think she fixes that problem doesn't she?' BYOB huffed and pulled down some randomly assorted home appliances onto the floor as he gripped onto a shelf and pulled himself up so he was standing. "....You're making a mistake.....*pant* If....s-someone doesn't get through to her...*pant pant* She won't stop once she's done with us. People will die. Civilians. Are you really willing to risk-"


The shot punched straight through the window, smashing it into dozens of miniature razor sharp pieces. Continuing on it's path forward, it dug in deep in BYOB's left shoulder. His body shifted and he grunted but he didn't loosen his grip on the shelf. Even as blood began running from the bullet wound. "I'm not risking anything. Jean's one of you. She'll just be seen as a terrorist who's continuing to recklessly endanger innocent lives. She'll be dealt with. Just like she's going to deal with Odd and you for me, right now." Multi ceased speaking through the clone as he noticed that BYOB was no longer looking at him but past him. Looking down at the ground and seeing the gigantic shadow eclipsing his own, the clone turned around and saw Jean standing over him.

She didn't let him get a word in. Her wings flapped and the wind tore him off his feet and sent him flying through the same window he'd just broken. The pistol fell from his grip and clattered to the ground. Jean followed suit, her frame causing the counter where the window had sat to splinter and crack under her weight as she forced herself inside, her head nearly scraping the ceiling. She'd been lured here by the gunshot and saw the one she wanted. Laying right next to the one who'd tried hurting her. BYOB's legs felt like jello. He was sure he'd collapse if Jean so much as breathed on him.

As the two came face to face, BYOB tried one last time to reach out to his friend.

"Jean...*pant pant* It's me...." He reached up and with a twist and a pull, pulled the shards from his eye. Dropping them to the floor, he yanked his mask off and dropped it to the ground. No point in hiding it when it was his friend on the line. "It's Danny...." For a moment or two, it'd looked as though the unmasking had touched something in Jean. She blinked and the flames around her wings seemed to dimmer ever so slightly. But as her attention started to waver from BYOB and towards the unconscious Odd laying next to him, she tried to reach a claw out towards him. It was then that BYOB cursed his poor luck. Jean may or may not have recognized him or the effort he'd gone to try and reach out to her while she was in this state. Who could really say for sure? But if he let her get away with Odd? He'd never forgive himself for losing the other Crusaders. The Reverend's sacrifice would have been for nothing if the team dissipated shortly after and BYOB had been powerless to stop it.

"Damn it, Jean..."

He thrust his hand out towards Jean.

....Nothing came out but sparks. The tank was empty so to speak. He had nothing to stop her with. Or to defend himself. While not taking her eyes off Odd, Jean closed a hand around BYOB's head and threw him through the shelf and out the other side, leaving him to crash into knock over the entire endcap. Danny wasn't what she'd come here for. Even in this state of fearless, only thing still mattered to her. "Odd...." She reached both hands out towards him but stopped as he stirred and slowly opened his eyes. The pale clouded over pupils stared at nothing as he spoke.



Thanny Thanny
MidwayLives MidwayLives , another fantastic chapter to add to a collection of fantastic chapters! Well done on this massive thing. Never was I so happy to see blue text than this chapter.

It seems as if the only one that is at their maximum potential is our dear Jean, capable of ripping up the city in a colossal amount of flame and spittle and flaming spittle. But the three that are left, save Multi, are able to pull her back. I desperately hope this will be so, and it seems as if Beckett is among the good guys finally. For this I am so very glad as well. I want to kick Multi for the chosen terms of not only his demise, but the government as well. In the face of these fine folks, it is almost assured that the government will not be able to outlast this even with the expendable Multi clones. While money is no object, materials for technology is harder to come by.

The fight scenes are glorious as always. I have small nit-picky things here and there where paragraphs should start at climactic moments -- kicks, punches, bursts of energy, and so on -- to rack up the importance. Below is an example. Chockablock paragraphs are tough to thoroughly enjoy, like a tough steak or a massive jawbreaker candy. My advice would be to not trim down the paragraphs as much as segregate them. You have an exceptional vocabulary that would make dictionaries in awe. I chiefly want it so that the masses can enjoy it as much as they can and witness all of its splendour.

The explosions once again engulfed Jean and caused her to let out another howl of pain. Running forward, BYOB scooped up Odd under one arm and ran for the nearest building. The sign had mostly burned out revealing that at one point or another it'd used to be a simple Dollar Store. Come in, buy some cheap stuff, go on about your day. Right now it was the closest thing to sanctuary that BYOB could find on such short notice. His explosions simply didn't have the kick at this point to do any lasting damage to Jean. All he could do was slow her down and irritate her. Hiding in a random aisle, BYOB slumped down onto his rear and set Odd up next to him. If BYOB looked terrible, Odd looked genuinely horrific. His purple hoodie was stained all over from blood soaking through the tears in it from bullet wounds. The messy mop of hair on his head was matted with blood from being flung around by both Multi's clones and Beckett themselves. His left hand also didn't seem like it was looking that great either with the hand up to the forearm having been fractured by Beckett while under Multi's control. Only the faintest signs of his shallow breathing were an indicator that he was still among the living. For the time being anyhow. While BYOB had his issues with Odd and believe you, me, they were many. The fact that Odd didn't hesitate to get into the mess of things despite lacking the certain 'protections' that other members of the group possessed had BYOB's respect. Accepting Odd as any kind of leader though? Well, BYOB still needed to be convinced.

The characters are so worn. I thought they were so terribly depleted of energy before, but they still are trucking along and being the golden individuals that carry the determination humanity strives for. These admirable people deserve a good respite. I hope it will be able to be given to them before they face the main portions of the corrupt government head-on. Multi is . . . difficult to like in this chapter, even though I feel him as one of the more easily understood ones. He still chooses the government. I hope the wool is removed from its previous state of covering his eyes, and that he will be a good guy in the end. His cloning ability will be very resourceful for the Crusaders, and as it stands is one of the greatest adversaries I have seen to the group so far.

Again, I wish to convey that you are a marvelous writer, and an inspiration for a great many things in my current practice of writing. Keep up the good work. It is always a pleasure to see your evidently hard-earned work pop up here.
His body wouldn't move, not an inch. Shattered shelves that'd once carried cheap merchandise lay scattered across his torso. Beams of wood had fallen atop his head. His left eye was still bleeding and the eye itself looked horrendously damaged. Yet even with all that damage, only a patch of his otherwise snow-colored hair was marred by the crimson splash of blood. His one good eye was left looking up at the ceiling. He spotted the stress cracks from Jean's frame scraping against the ceiling and pushing it upwards. If she threw a rampage in here, she was likely to bring the whole place down atop their heads. Not that it'd do anything to her but Odd? Hell, maybe even him in the state his energy-less body was in. As he heard Jean's footsteps shake the floor as she no doubt approached Odd, BYOB didn't even have the energy left to speak or sigh in bitter disappointment. But he still felt it all the same. He didn't know why the Reverend trusted Odd to try and take charge of the Crusaders over him. Was it because BYOB had somehow not proven himself enough? He'd already dedicated himself-mind, body, and soul, to the cause that the Reverend claimed to be fighting for: for the Gifted to take their rightful place at the top of society. Just when it'd felt as though his fellow countrymen had thrown him aside for merely trying to serve his country in a time of war, he'd found another calling.

He could still see the moment that the Reverend recruited him so clearly....

It'd been a day or so after 'The Incident' that'd caused those with inherent Gifts to activate them. He'd gotten too afraid and blown up his entire apartment room. If he hadn't become a Crusader afterwards, he likely would have been evicted for massive destruction of property. As he attempted to clean up the mess, futile as it was, he heard a gentle knocking at the door. It couldn't have been his landlord. She would have been absolutely furious at all the noise. "Who is it?? I-I'm not decent, don't come in!!" Danny called out and the person on the other side of the door chuckled. "Ah, well what's to hide between friends, eh?" It clicked almost instantly. It was that old man who'd been protesting the science fair where 'The Incident' had occurred. He'd pulled Danny and another person from the scene. Danny had refused medical care and felt well enough to go home. Little did he know he'd blow up said home hours later.

"Of course, I'm no intruder. If you'd rather I leave you be, I'd be more than understanding."

"N-No! Come on in, the door's unlocked." Well, after that explosion, Danny was more surprised that the door was even still standing. Guess his door was explosion proof. Nice to know he guessed. The doorknob twisted and as it was pushed open, in came the man who'd saved his life. Dressed in a traditional looking preacher's frock with a black hat to match, the man's facial features were masked away by a very out of season scarf and a thick pair of sunglasses. Over the man's hands were a pair of worn-looking leather gloves. "Uh....Is it cold outside or something?" BYOB asked, more than a little curious about the strange wardrobe. The old man chuckled once more. "Ah, no it's actually quite warm outside. Wearing all this is something of a minor inconvenience but a necessary one at this juncture, I suppose." The man looked over the destroyed room with splatters of dried blood and viscera outlined on the floor and walls. "Fancy yourself something of an interior decorator, my boy?"

"Necessary....?" Did the old man have a power too? It would have made sense. He'd been caught up in the explosion after all. But had it seriously disfigured him or something? He hoped that wasn't the case, he liked this guy. Hell, he owed his life to him. He might have died of smoke inhalation or been burned alive if the old man hadn't been there to drag him out of the wreck. "Oh, uh, yeah that. It's...a work in process, I guess. Ever since I got this power-"



"Not just a 'power'. It's a gift, unique to you and only you. Just like this..." The man locked the door behind him and pulled off his scarf. The sunglasses followed suit and Daniel Jenkins was left staring down a skeleton with glowing eyesockets. "My gift has left me looking rather ghoulish hasn't it? But, alas, one should not be so concerned with vanity I suppose. I've been blessed with this gift. I've taken to calling it [White Noise]. What have you been calling yours?"

"W-Wait, wait, I don't think I even got your name, sir. I mean don't get me wrong I'm grateful you saved me but...Ah, shoot no I guess I should apologize. I didn't introduce myself. I'm Daniel Jenkins, sir."

"Oh dear, I never did give you or that other gentleman my name did I? My own sincerest apologies for that social misstep. My name is Henry Crane though, please call me Henry. Mr. Crane makes me feel older than I am."

"How old are you?"

"No tact in the youth I see."

There was a lull of silence in the room.

"...Sorry, I guess-'

"If you must know I'm 64. I'll be turning 65 this coming April."

"Ooookay. I guess the more relevant question is how did you know where to find me?"

"Although I firmly believe in the Lord's divine path, it wasn't any kind of intricate guesswork on my part or anything, Daniel. I was merely on a daily stroll when I saw the explosion from your apartment window and decided to investigate. The fact that the source of said explosion turned out to be you is just chalked up to good ol fashioned fate I suppose." Danny simply rubbed the back of his head. "Can't really argue with that I guess-Hey, your cane!" Danny cried out as he suddenly noticed the old man was floating a few inches off the floor, his shoes which looked more at home in the 1960s than modern day stayed above the soot covered hardwood. "I wouldn't be so concerned, young man. While it's true that I tend to rely on my cane to get these old bones of mine around easier, my Gift has more than it's fair share of net positives. Take a closer look, won't you?" Daniel squinted his eyes and heard a faint 'bzzzzzz' and glancing down, he saw a small trail of static condensing itself into something of a miniature cloud for Crane to stand upon to steady himself. "Old bones....heh."

"It's as I said, Daniel. This is no mere power bestowed upon us in some freak accident. This was a blessing from those of a higher calling. All those around the area of 'The Incident' have always had their gifts inside of them, just waiting to blossom and shine. This was just the push we needed."
Danny was a touch taken aback but was understandably still a bit skeptical. "A higher calling....from who? Aliens?"

Crane scoffed. "No, my boy, think about it a bit more. We've been touched by the almighty, the one who sees all, knows all." Crane raised his hands to the sky and Danny could have seen that even his arms from the brief snippets he saw of his wrist were skeletal as well. "I speak of none other than God himself. He's chosen a number of us to spread his gospel and as a devout believer, who am I to deny his will?" It was around then that Danny finally decided to shoot his shot and ask about Crane's attire. "...Are you a priest or something, uh, Henry?"

"' 'The Honorable Reverend Henry Crane' was my title. It's sadly been some time since I've been able to practice among my usual congregation. Those I'd once considered confidents and close friends with whom I could sing and speak the Lord's praises to have since either passed on beyond this life or..." He took a heavy sigh. "Simply don't believe anymore. Sadly, my boy, it seems as the generations go on, what was once innocent youth has turned into questioning anything and everything. 'What are we all here for?' 'What does it matter what we do?' and most distressing of all: 'Is God even real?'" He shook his head from side to side. "Even my own children with whom my beloved wife-God bless her soul-I made sure to raise on the Lord's teachings to the best of my ability, have turned their back on the old ways. It's quite a saddening state of affairs that only seem to be getting worse across the country. So many are unwilling to believe that God truly cares about them. Or if he does exist, why hasn't he prevented the tragedy they've suffered in life? What do you think, Daniel?"

If he was bluntly honest, he felt it might have offended the old timer. Danny's folks weren't really the best people. His father was a no-show with Danny having only seen a picture of his old man once. He wasn't even sure if the guy was still alive. Didn't really matter either way he supposed. His mom meant well, he tried his best to believe that but the woman just had demons that she seemed to struggle to conquer. Always gambling in one form or another. Even asking her son for money here and there. There were times that Danny regretted joining the service to get away from his family/home life. But he still sent money to his siblings when he could. If he couldn't be there for them in person, he'd at least try to help them out from afar. But if there really was a God, why would he have been okay with wars? Or murder?

....Would God have been ok with what Danny did overseas?

"....I don't know, Henry. Doesn't feel right to speculate if that makes sense? I feel like having a definite answer one way or the other is something that somebody might say they want but when it comes right to do it? It's probably better to just let people believe what they want if it isn't hurting anybody." Crane nodded and clasped his hands together. "A poet by any other name, my boy. That was a respectable reply if nothing else. It is certainly Christian-like to be kind to others and treat others as you'd want done onto you. But...."


"....Wouldn't you think that God had something in store for those he's chosen to bless with his Gifts?" He didn't wait for Danny to answer. "Of course you would, God's plan might take time to form but it's clearer than ever to a devout follower like myself. Society has been full of those with gifts like ours. Always have been and no doubt always will be. But with all the outrage and hysteria surrounding 'The Incident' others had their eyes opened to their gifts and so I believe it's time we finally took centerstage." This had all taken a rather dark turn and Danny wasn't quite sure where it'd go next. "C-Centerstage in what....?"

Crane extended one bony hand towards Danny.

"To change this dire world of ours, my dear friend. Won't you join me?"


As far as he knew, Crane had been defeated and either killed or arrested. There didn't seem to be any way of getting through to the real Jean inside of that hulking beast. Which was standing right over Odd's prone body. Unable to defend himself or even run. It'd taken the last scraps of what BYOB had left in him to even keep Odd alive. Now it'd soon look as though all the efforts of the Modern Crusaders was in vain. To Beckett and their friends, that might have been justice. Hearing the sounds of Jean approaching Odd, BYOB could only close his eye as a single tear streamed down his bloodsoaked face. "I'm sorry, Reverend. I couldn't keep to your dream."

It was too late for the Reverend, for BYOB, and now?

It was too late for Odd.

"...Jean? Is that you?"


Odd's 'vision' or lack there of was just plain darkness. It was though someone had pulled the curtains closed on his sight. It'd been years since he'd been able to even make out the vaguest of shapes before him. No matter how long he lived, he'd never forget the last thing that his eyes saw before the light was abruptly cut out before him. All those years ago when he was just a little boy completely unaware of the turbulent future his teenage self would undertake. It'd been at the private school that his parents had shipped both him and his older brother to since putting them through public school might have only lead to problems-EXCELSIOR TECH wasn't looked upon in a fond light back then or now with shady contracts/rumored backroom deals with foreign despots looking for cheap weapons/crowd suppressing materials etc-and knowing this, Odd's parents hired around the clock security to keep an eye on their children from the second they got driven to school, through the day, and then on the way home until they were safely back in their parent's arms. The presence of suited, armed men often made some of the other children uncomfortable but what was there to be done about it? EXCELSIOR TECH helped fund the school.

No matter how many precautions there were.

No matter how much Odd's parents wished they still had both their boys safe and away from harm.

Fate had other plans in store for them.

Odd would never forget that fateful night. The guards his parents had hired laying slaughtered with their insides splattered across the walls. The perpetrator of said massacre standing over the terrified child, his eyes soaked red with tears. The killer wore a dark grey trenchcoat that obscured most of his features apart from the glowing yellow eyes that seemed to always be looking at Andrew no matter which way the man moved. "Call....for your mother....Andrew." The man muttered, his voice sounding ragged and tired. As if breaking into the school and killing all the guards had really taken it out of him. "I want her to see..." The man raised his knife who's metal sheen glimmered under the classroom's overhead lights with the blood streaking down the side of the blade. Grabbing Andrew by the neck, he pulled the young boy off his feet and lowered the knife until it was at eye level. "....What's become of her boys."

Andrew couldn't bare to look at what the man had done to his brother. It was too grotesque for words.


"Yes...." The man pressured the scared child to continue.


The man dragged the knife across.

Then his eyes hurt and everything went black and stayed that way.


If one were to ask Odd what happened after that, he would only have been able to say that the cops broke in not too long after. They'd had to restrain his mother and stop her from beating the killer to a pulp with her bare hands. He could hear his mother crying and begging for Andrew to follow the sound of her voice after she'd been what'd been done to his eyes. The noises she made upon discovering David's body would been engrained in his brain forever.

Who the killer was? Odd still didn't really know. Well.

He knew the man's name, his age, where he was being held, etc. But the trial/the man's motivation had been kept secret from him all these years. Just as the fact that his brother-David-was still around, at least, in a technical sense. There had definitely been times where Odd had debated sneaking over to the prison where the man was held and trying to speak to him. His influence had been mostly subdued over the years due to his parents(mostly his mother)babying him and wishing to keep their only son from putting himself in any situation where he'd experience any more hardship. But what was to stop him from just bribing a guard or two?

In the end, Odd never went.

What had happened that day was terrible. He was sure he hated that man for taking his eyesight from him. Least of all because even after all these years, he still hadn't a clue. There wasn't any regret on Odd's part despite it all. Technology had gotten better over the year that Odd could have at least gotten prosthetic eyes so he wouldn't need to wear sunglasses/bandages over his eyes everywhere he went or maybe even an outright eye transplant but he refused them all. If he were to ever regain his sight, he'd rather it be his own eyes. Not those of someone else. He didn't need anybody's charity. He didn't need to be babied. He just needed to live, however, and whenever he damn well pleased.

Getting [AUX] was the best thing that'd ever happened to him. It was even worth those with hero complexes like Beckett and pals going after him and the rest of the Crusaders. Unlike Crane and BYOB, Odd didn't have a motive as grandiose as either of them. Changing the world sure sounded like fun but whatever happened, he'd be fine with it. He just wanted to be able to live his life to the fullest, everyone and everything else be damned. Which meant that.....he couldn't die in some rundown shithole like this. Jean had come to a complete standstill upon hearing Odd's voice. She'd thought she'd lost him. Others kept getting in her way. Trying to hurt her.

"Odd....." She growled before lowering herself down on all fours, almost like an oversized and obedient housecat.

"Are you....alive?" Odd probably figured a question like that might have been too much for Jean to answer in whatever state she was in. Her voice sounded like hers but also not. Like it was being put through a cheesegrater or something. Thinking pragmatically, if Jean was stronger due to this, that might have come in handy against any other government stooges like Multi that the Feds might send after them. But just as Father Death had asked Odd to take over the Crusaders in the event of his death/capture because he feared BYOB was too much of a sycophant to accurately lead the group, Odd felt the same here. Jean's 'feelings' for him-whatever they might have been, Odd didn't really understand them-would only leave her an uncontrollable mess if he were to be killed in combat by an enemy. It was a tough situation and it certainly didn't help that Odd still felt like shit warmed over.

"....BYOB gave me the last of his energy. I'm not dead.....yet. But it didn't do much for the bullets currently in me or my broken bones. I can't imagine this got me anymore than a couple of minutes at best. Jean....I need your help. If you're in there..." Odd pleaded.

Jean's eyes widened and she reached one massive claw over to scoot Odd over to her. The erstwhile leader of the group made zero complaints as he was moved. Mostly again out of pragmatism. Had he complained or voiced any sort of displeasure, he didn't know if it'd set Jean off and if she was capable of throwing BYOB around? She could have crushed him like a matchstick and that'd be all she wrote. He laid his head against her chest where he felt what he could have only assumed to be blood running down from the hole that Beckett had left in Jean's sternum. He'd heard Jean's body hit the floor and the crunching of bone and the squelching of flesh. That had by all accounts sounded like a death blow. Yet something else had happened and Jean had gone on one hell of a rampage from the sounds of it. 'More to [Mr. Brightside] than I thought...' he kept to himself. Jean continued holding him close and gave soft coos.

Odd was hurt? Had she hurt him? No. No, she wouldn't have done that. She'd done all of this to GET to him. To make sure that he'd STAY safe. It was people like Beckett and even people she thought were friends like Danny who kept getting in her way and making it harder for her to protect him. As to his question, Jean....Well, the hole that Beckett had left didn't really hurt. It just felt like a sort of emptiness in her. If it weren't for the flames surging on and around her wings, a cool breeze might have made it's way through the gaping hole. Whether she was alive or dead though, she'd do whatever it took to make sure Odd stayed on this side of the mortal coil. Closing her eyes and wrapping both arms around Odd, Jean began to speak. In the most calm tone she'd mustered since her abrupt transformation.

"Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay, destiny is calling me"

She tilted Odd's head upwards to 'look' at her with her thumbclaw.

Her eyes took on a much warmer and friendlier coloration as she closed her mouth to mask her fangs and leaned in.

"Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside."

Their lips met and Jean held the contact as the flames on her wings broiled and flared up before sprouting upwards. The flames themselves taking the form of a newly born phoenix stretching it's wings. It appeared over Jean's person like a flaming shield and let loose a shrill shriek before the flames themselves began to dissipate and Jean's monstrous visage began to change. Her muscles softened, her wings grew smaller. The wound that Beckett had left upon her closed up and left a gruesome looking scar across Jean's chest. Her feet and hands returned back to normal human-shape. Her arms stayed wrapped around Odd and her lips against his as the falling embers of the disappearing phoenix rained down upon him. Bullets fell out of his wounds as they closed up on their own, bones creaked and groaned as they shifted back into place, cuts disappeared altogether. Once the last of the embers had fallen, Jean broke the kiss and smiled even though she knew Odd wouldn't see it. "I...I don't know all of what's happened but...I'm glad you're ok..." Then she fell back against the floor leaving Odd the only active member of the Crusaders at the moment who wasn't toppled over from pain/exhaustion/or a combination of both.

"...Mh." He didn't wipe away at his lips after the kiss. It was more than a little unexpected but whatever romantic overtures there might have been were utterly wasted on him. There wasn't as much pain wracking his body and he no longer felt like he was in any grave danger of passing out or drying. Wrapping his arms around Jean's body, Odd stumbled up to his feet while carrying her in his arms. "BYOB?" Odd called out. "...over here." Following the sound of his comrade's voice, Odd casually dropped Jean's body next to BYOB's. "Still alive?"


Both of them laughed.

"you got through to her. she really cares about you. can't imagine why." BYOB explained, though the last part was a bit of healthy skepticism and sarcasm. For better or for worse, he just couldn't see what Jean could in Odd. "Yeah. Guess so." Odd said without much fanfare. Jean's appreciation for him was just something that he struggled to wrap his head around. He did what he did to get ahead in life. Somebody actively sticking their neck out for him was difficult to comprehend. "Danny." Odd used BYOB's real name instead of 'Bob' or BYOB, a sign he was willing to put aside his usual antagonism/smarminess. "What were those words she said? Before she healed me or whatever?"

"....sounded like lyrics from the song she named her Gift after. didn't sound like she remembered any of what she did. Throwing me and Beckett around, tearing the city apart, any of it." Odd nodded his head. "Well, I have questions but doubt she's in any condition to wanna answer em right now. Still don't know if Beckett's gonna flip on us and try to arrest us now that Jean's back to normal. Let's hurry up and try to get the hell out of here. Can you walk?"

"I can try-"

"Good. You can carry Jean and I'll drive."

"why are you so committed to that..."


Just as BYOB was going to try and stand up and Odd was gonna head for this place's exit(i.e the hole Jean left in the front door), both men froze as they heard the sound of a gun's slider being pulled back. Standing behind Odd with half of his mask torn aside, revealing part of his face while the other was unmarred, his broken arm looking somehow even worse with only a few tense strings of flesh holding it to his body. The last Multi clone in the city. The rest of them had been blown apart by BYOB or torn apart by Jean's bare hands. "You're not going anywhere except with me...." Multi warned through the clone, his mind touching Odd's. "BYOB and Pajaro might be able to eat a bullet but I know for a fact you can't, Winters. I'll admit I can't bring all of you back with me but so what? I got Crane and your folks can have you back."

The clone's finger tightened around the trigger.

"It's up to you whether it's in a bodybag or not."

BYOB didn't have the strength to jump right back to his feet. He'd truly given the last of it to Odd. Which had left him utterly exhausted and his healing factor on the decline if the various clawmarks across his chest and his mangled left eye were any indication. He'd hoped that Jean's attack would have taken care of this asshole's last clone but from having one still try to aim it's gun at him even after it's guts were hanging out, BYOB had to give it to em. Multi's clones were plenty resilient. "Son of a..." He started before the clone turned the gun on him and fired. The shot tore through BYOB's left shoulder, knocking him back to the floor and causing a sprout of blood to rush from the wound. Normally, bullets had little to no effect on BYOB but when his energy was as spent as it currently was? Well, it stung like a bitch. "This clone is in bad shape...but if we get far enough, I can call for a pickup. To take you back to base and to arrest your friends. Now, put your hands up, Odd." Multi ordered as he pressed the gun to back of the teenager's head, Odd shivering slightly at the touch of the cold steel.

With his back to the clone, Odd mouthed something that only BYOB could see.

"Alright. You win. Take me back to my folks." Odd raised his hands in the air. "Would I be lucky enough to get released into their custody or?"

The clone's face shifted to something akin to revulsion. "What? You think you can just walk away from your crimes because of who your parents are? It's more or less a chance so they get to say goodbye before you're hauled off. I doubt you'll ever step foot outside of a jail cell. If the government don't execute you outright. Now, follow my voice and start walking to the left." Multi instructed but Odd didn't move. "Did you not hear me...?"

Odd smirked. "No, no I did. So, life in prison or the death sentence, huh? Can't exactly say I like either option."

Multi scoffed. "What do you expect? It's all a lot of criminals like you deserve. Now, enough talking. Get moving!" The clone raised the handgun as if to strike Odd with it but Odd sidestepped as the gun came down and turned around to clock the clone right in the side of the head. The clone's head turned with the impact and it'd look as though the blow had been enough to knock them over. "Forecast over..." Odd had quietly used [AUX] to predict the next fifteen seconds and reacted accordingly. Though it'd just been a lucky enough guess that allowed him to avoid getting pistol whipped. For as good of a shock as it'd given Multi, the joy was very brief. The clone had steadied itself before falling and raised the pistol so it was staring Odd right in the face. For all his skills, Odd genuinely lacked the ability to put the clone down for good. Despite [AUX]s's utility, he didn't have the super strength or speed to score a K-O. "Andrew Winters a.k.a. Odd. Shot resisting arrest and assaulting a federal agent." The clone started to pull back on the trigger. "Guess it's bodybag after all."



The clone felt a massive and vice-like grip overtake their arm as they glanced over and saw Beckett standing beside them. The hero had been through the wringer since their fight with Crane that kicked off this whole debacle. Their armor was in tatters around the ruined city. Their underclothes had been burned, cut, torn, you name it. The cuts that Jean had left had stopped bleeding finally and had been wrapped up by the fabric that BYOB had left them. Their head was lowered and looking away from the clone. Eyes looking straight ahead and seeming to be filled with sorrow. "I've seen enough death for today. Drop the gun or I'll drop you." The clone pulled in a vain attempt to free itself from Beckett's grasp. All while back at the tent he was hiding himself in back at the basecamp Westlake and his men had set up, Multi was tugging and pulling at his hair. He'd thought that Jean had taken care of Beckett! At least for the time being! His clones weren't strong enough to stand against them! With the collar gone, even trying to restrain Beckett was a fool's errand! But.....If the clone did as Beckett asked and Multi had it drop the gun....He'd have lost.

Crane would have demolished his army even after being severely weakened by Beckett. Only to be defeated handily by Zeke in a matter of minutes.

BYOB and Jean and even Odd had treated dealing with his clones here like child's play. More of an irritant than anything else.

Now, here was Beckett. The one that Multi had been tasked with forcing over to their side. Just so the government wouldn't have to worry about them getting any kind of 'ideas' as to who's side was 'right' or not. Jean and Father Death were the only ones known to have been as of late capable of piercing her skin. No matter how many clones Multi threw at them, it wouldn't make a difference.

...He'd lose and with it, any faith the General might have had in him to handle missions on his own. He'd be stuck as support to stronger agents like Zeke forever! Never to get any proper recognition of his own!

'I can't accept that! I won't! I REFUSE!'

The clone pulled it's arm free and pointed the gun at Beckett.

"You realize what you're doing here, don't you?! Y-You're siding with terrorists, MURDERERS! Traitors against your adopted country! You should be helping me arrest them! Not standing in the way of justice, Beckett!" Multi boomed, his mindspeak loud enough to reach Jean and BYOB who were both laying a few feet away. Odd said nothing, instead waiting to see how this whole thing turned out, surprised by Beckett's sudden intervention or not. As Multi practically screamed at them, Beckett couldn't deny that there were kernels of truth to what he proclaimed. The Modern Crusaders were by all means 'villain's' and it was Beckett's duty as a 'hero' to stop them. Innocent people had gotten hurt and lost their lives as a result of the strife the Crusaders have caused. It'd be better if the threat they posed to the general public was brought to a halt but outright killing them? That didn't sit well with Beckett. Even when they'd had the chance to kill Crane when his Gift was deactivated upon his defeat or when they'd managed to get a hand on his frail body, the thought never even crossed their mind. As long as they could help it, they'd never cross that line.

So, to hear Multi speak about justice, this and that?

It lit a fire in Beckett's heart. Clenching their hands into fists, they started to slowly approach the clone.

"Damn it! S-Stay back!!"


The bullets of course did absolutely nothing. Tinkering to the floor like dimes. Once Beckett had walked close enough to close the distance, they wrenched the clone's good arm to the side, and smashed them right in the face with the other hand. Normally, with someone of Beckett/BYOB's strength level, hitting someone like a Multi clone or Odd would have left the latter splattered across the floor, the walls, the ceiling, etc. But Beckett despite the anger boiling through their veins kept calm enough to regulate their strength. They felt the nose cave in, the jaw fracture, an eye pop out of the socket, the remainder of the mask crack and fall to pieces. The gun fell to the floor and Beckett quietly crushed it underfoot. Pulling their fist back with a couple of the clone's teeth resting on their knuckles, the clone fell over flat on it's face. "Justice..." Beckett repeated before spitting on the ground next to the clone's head. Looking over towards Odd and the others, Beckett blinked upon seeing the sleeping Jean next to BYOB. "She's back to normal...? Is she....?"

"Dead? No. Don't think so anyway. She fixed me up and turned back." Odd explained before making his way over to the downed clone and giving it a sharp kick in the side. "Was that crushing noise I heard the guy's bones or the gun?"

"A little bit of column a, a little bit of column b. Been building up a bit of excess stress."

"Ah, damn. Could have used it. Outta bullets for my revovler." Odd said while very subtly avoiding saying thanks and instead getting right to the point. "So. You gonna arrest us? For better or for worse, I can't stop you myself. Least not right now anyway. Give me a week and maybe I'd think of something." Odd said while tucking his hands in his pockets. He knew he couldn't stop Beckett, Beckett knew that. Why even try to pretend otherwise. "....I'd be lying to myself and those that you and Crane have cut down in your delusional path to....Trying to 'change the world.' If I said that I wasn't sorely tempted to knock you off and hand you three over to the nearest authorities. But after what I've been through." Beckett rubbed at their neck. "...Things can't go on like they are. If the government is not only weaponizing Gifted but are willing to use them like slaves if need be? Something has to be done about it."

"Then let's change the status quo."

Beckett turned back towards Odd.

"You can hate me and the old man all you want. Hell, you can even hate Bob and Jean too. I don't give a rat's ass. I wanna see how far this whole thing of ours can go. If it means toppling a corrupt government and enforcing some kind of change that way? Sure, I'm game. You still wanna beat my ass afterwards? Fair enough. I'll take you on. Bob? Jean? You agree to that?"

Jean said nothing on account of being fast asleep.

"...if it's what needs to be done. I don't mean to rush negotiations but....can we move out? This bullet in my shoulder hurts..."

"See? We're all on board. So, how's that sound? We work together, topple the government, then when the dust settles? If you still got a bone to pick with us, we can settle it then." Odd held his right hand out knowing full well Beckett could easily crush it or rip it off if they desired. "I promise." Beckett looked at the offered hand. They despised Odd for being able to talk so casually as if he didn't play a role in one of Beckett's own friends being murdered-and by his hand no less. When they'd found Johnny's corpse and how riddled with bullets it'd been, they were horrified. Avenging not only him but those who'd got caught up in the Crusader's plans was the number one goal for Beckett. In defeating Crane, they'd hoped everything else would have just fallen into place. Didn't seem like things were going to be that simple.


They slowly reached out and took Odd's hand.

"Alright. But no more murders. If I even get the slightest hint that you-any of you-are going to cross that line? I'll stop you myself and this alliance is over. I won't stand for anymore death when I can prevent it." Odd smirked but didn't shake his head or anything. "I'll see what I can do. Curious to see if you'll keep to that tune if we come across Feds that can do to you what Jean and the old man did. Still gonna wanna hold back on finishing them off like you did here?" Odd gave the clone another rough kick. Beckett didn't deign his answer with a question, something he figured. "Let's go."

"You heard em. C'mon, you guys."

Odd started to head out alongside Beckett, leaving BYOB to grumble under his breath as he was left to carry Jean on his back while barely being able to stand himself. "Beckett. What about that woman and her child?" Walking through the monster-sized hole that Jean had made in the doorframe, Beckett called back. "I thought they were following me...."

"Who cares? They probably bolted figuring trying to go with us would be too dangerous. Which means they're a lot smarter than us. Now that we took down a whole goddamn army, they're gonna be pining to throw whatever they can at us. There's no way we're getting out of here without tackling them head on at the base they have set up." Odd stepped through what he could only assume from the squishy sounds was one of the clones that either BYOB or Jean had killed. "Wish we could have interrogated this asshole but wouldn't have made a difference what we did to any of these guys. They're just soulless meatpuppets from the sounds of it."

BYOB limped along but something didn't sit right with him. The mother had seemed so desperate to get out of where. Had something happened to them?

"Hey! Bob! C'mon!"

"...ugh. I'm coming."

Unknown to the four, that woman hadn't left as Beckett had thought. Instead, she and her child were perched atop the rooftop of the building that they'd just been standing in. Once the group had put enough distance between them and the store, the mother quietly jumped down to ground level and looked over the destruction. The city was a wreck with dozens of clone corpses littered all over the place along with highly expensive military hardware-all ruined. Situated in the center of the rundown store was the clone that Beckett had knocked out. Standing over the clone, the woman shook her head from side to side and then spoke in a strangely masculine voice.

"Sheesh. This is why you don't send a boy to do a man's job...."


Back at the base, Multi was panicking.

All of his clones that'd been going after the Crusaders had been wiped out.

Which meant that there was nothing stopping the Crusaders from getting a car and continuing forward.

Which ALSO meant that they'd have to come through here. Where Multi's real body was.


The tent's front flap was pushed open as Westlake stepped in with a disappointed look on his face.

"Multi? We need to talk."

Multi turned in his chair, absolutely petrified. He didn't scream on the outside...but on the inside?


Thanny Thanny
Thanny Thanny


So, for whatever it's worth, I'm doing better emotionally/mentally and even physically speaking!

On my off-days I was planning on composing all my currently written chapters into one big google doc and then actually continuing it!

I'm excited!
MidwayLives MidwayLives , I'm excited for you as well! Very nice! I am quite glad that you are doing better, as that sounded like quite the wild ride, even if thankfully not Mr. Bones' Wild Ride. o7 See you around!

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