Recent content by zebevafan

  1. zebevafan

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural And Gifted Humans ~*Reboot*~

    Is there any kind of like map of the school area? (o'v'o)
  2. zebevafan

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural And Gifted Humans ~*Reboot*~

    Full Name: Zeke Davis Nickname: Age: 19 Race: Human (with powers) Appearance: Zeke is a young man who stands at 5'9 with bright blue eyes and dark blonde curly hair. His signature is always wearing a dark purple earflap hat which is partly covered with a pair of goggles. He is wearing a...
  3. zebevafan

    Hey everyone!

    Thanks! (^U^)(^U^)
  4. zebevafan

    Hey everyone!

    Hellu! This is my first time trying this kind of stuff so be nice! ( :D ) Now, about me: I am a 18 y/o guy from Sweden, so my english might be rusty (please don't be affraid to correct me if I screw up grammar and/or spelling!). I live in a small town in the south and I study Health and...