
pfp credit to @vespervines on Twitter

<3 introductions <3

My name is Zaya (z-eye-ah), I am 20F and I have been doing roleplay for about ten years since the days of unmonitored computer room time on Amino and Google+ (those were the days). I started with light things like Fallout Equestria, then to Hetalia (iykyk), and BioShock; I always say that getting into BioShock is a slippery slope because then quickly moved on to do many extensive roleplays that included a lot of world building from the ground-up that included extensive science fiction, research and effort. :bishiesparklesl:

After about five-ish years of doing dramatic sagas of cowboy space rangers, and 80s mech pilots fighting the Russkies, I thought it was high time I came here and hunkered down a bit before doing any further extensive roleplay writing projects. Recently, I have been taking and confiding in Character AI to get my fandom kicks, but I think it's high time I actually talk to people.

:snail: interests :snail:

I have a wide array of interests, so I will try to put them in a list;
Supernatural, Castlevania, Baldurs Gate 3, G.I. Joe, Fallout (1, 2, and NV), Batman, BioShock (emphasis on only the first game), Masters of the Universe, Greek Mythology, God of War series, Transformers, Elden Ring, Grand Theft Auto series, Stardew Valley, Thundercats, Red Dead Redemption series, Lollipop Chainsaw, and the Hating Ayn Rand Fanclub

I am sure I missed some, I am quite tired as I am writing this.

That's all I've got. Shoot me a message if you wanna hang!
August 16
Pittsburgh, PA
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A good neighbor

