Recent content by Wolfpack187

  1. Wolfpack187

    Realistic or Modern Society of Myths-Going Beyond

    Nash - Abiete Village ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The skinwalker was hungry. Very hungry. He couldn't hunt last night because of a pixie with a broken wing. I don't think they realized how much time it took for a witchdoctor to heal those things. But he did it nonetheless and fell asleep...
  2. Wolfpack187

    I don't understand. What is so rare about a steak that's hardly cooked at all? ~Cas

    I don't understand. What is so rare about a steak that's hardly cooked at all? ~Cas
  3. Wolfpack187

    Word Associations

  4. Wolfpack187

    You've turned the user above you into an animal.

    The tentacles imply to me that you are an octopus. . .
  5. Wolfpack187

    Hello. I'm Castiel, an angel of the Lord.

    Hello. I'm Castiel, an angel of the Lord.
  6. Wolfpack187

    You've turned the user above you into an animal.

  7. Wolfpack187

    "Ban" the person above you

    Banned for starting this post.
  8. Wolfpack187

    Word Associations

  9. Wolfpack187

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above you

    I will hug you.
  10. Wolfpack187

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  11. Wolfpack187

    Realistic or Modern Society of Myths-OOC

    @Error404RealityFailed I Created another character, so I just wanna make sure you see her.
  12. Wolfpack187

    Realistic or Modern Society of Myths-OOC

    Yay! This roleplay will be fun! @Error404RealityFailed , I have a feeling my character will not like yours, since he fears anyone knowing his past and your character is kinda. . . all-knowing haha.
  13. Wolfpack187

    Word Associations

  14. Wolfpack187

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Would You Rather. The ending.... just... ugh.
  15. Wolfpack187

    Would you marry the avatar above you?

    Gonna have to pass.