Recent content by WeissLover

  1. WeissLover

    I'm Rose! Nice to meet you.

    Welcome! I’m rather new here too, I hope you can have a fun time here, and hope you find something fun ^^ If you shred some details, I believe it’s fair to do the same ^^ I enjoy doing some dark stories, and also sweet ones! Romance is one of my weaknesses, although any original idea also...
  2. WeissLover

    Biggest Insecurity While RP-ing?

    I believe I’m good at most things, although coming up with fun ideas, or the fear that my posts might not Be good enough!
  3. WeissLover

    Other Favorite Kinds of Roleplays

    O-Oh! I see. I must say that I agree, doing a roleplay in the two characters develop together on a cute and organic fashion is always impressive and fun! Glad to see someone replied ^^ I can’t wait to meet more people and play~!
  4. WeissLover

    Other Favorite Kinds of Roleplays

    Hi~! I'm a rather.... New girl, when it comes down to Role-playing. But I'm really, really interested in it! I believe that I'm good at this, so I figured out it could be fun to see what you guys like! I personally love Romance roleplays, or a bit more dark ones sometimes if I'm in the mood! And...
  5. WeissLover


    Hello there, My name is Weiss. I just got started over here and ante do to say hello. I’m interest in drama/romance RP’s... but more specifically, Yuri. If you are interested, send me a a message!