Recent content by Wandering Fae

  1. Wandering Fae

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    This better have ended with you dropping this person as a partner, I swear to God it better have. I'm not even a confrontational person like that, and this would be grounds for a good hard cursing, because essentially what they said was fuck you as far as I am concerned, this is the type of...
  2. Wandering Fae

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Typically I see this with people who make characters that are meant to be sympathetic, be they're meant to be helpful but they talk to people with this in condescending tone to where you know it's the player trying to be a know it and their character is trying not come off as the "helpful wise...
  3. Wandering Fae

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    People who make characters that act like they're smarter than others but really the role player couldn't be arsed to pay attention. Let's say for example I have a character whose powers work in a very specific way, for example, I can breathe fire and zi can control the movement of that fire...
  4. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    Me either honestly I mean Twilight was trash and you published a fanfic of Twilight? It was called Master of the Universe. I mean come on now. I guess the reason I didn't car about 50 shades was becasue after Twilight so thoroughly disappointed me there was no way I was about to watch a movie...
  5. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    Maybe I just saw it differently because I really don't give a fuck about 50 Shades of Grey 😆 I mean I've been rolplaying since about 2003 but I'll admit it was mostly anime stuff so maybe I just noticed the anime influence more.
  6. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    As much as people who hate on people who like anime annoy me I'm gonna have to blame this on Yoai, from what I can remember they've been doing the sub/dom thing long before Twilight or 50 shades was even a thing but for some reason, it went at up after Killing Stalking became popular which to be...
  7. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    Gender Swap. I think this has been mentioned before to an extent about being able to state your romantic preferences without insulting the others. Well, this one is similar in the vein that you can state your romantic preferences without being gross and creepy. So the premise of this RP was a...
  8. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    Simple answer is probably a fetish thing, if I'm understanding this correctly he wanted to play the slave so he's either a masochist that'sway too into domination or he's one I those dudes with the weird "I'm gonna fuck the racist white woman" things. As for how we got to this point? Some people...
  9. Wandering Fae

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Just because I am your only partner does not mean that you are MY only partner please stop expecting me to respond 5 seconds after you.
  10. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    So I have anxiety, I have gone to he doctor for it, thankfully I don't need pills but I do implement the methods to keep it under control. I was offered medication for it because at first I was having panic attacks every couple of days, but thankfully it didn't come to that. That being said I...
  11. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    I mean I still have a werewolf character, hellhound character too. I mean I've met some cool role players that were kids, thankfully none of them seem to be active on this site anymore otherwise I'd probably feel bad for them specifically. But yeah I thought about all that, I mean usually the...
  12. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    Oh no I meant if he knew your age. I mean I don't see a problem with you RPing with someone younger than you as long as you aren't being gross or weird. I personally don't anymore only because kids somehow thought I'd help them undermine their parents by telling me they were grounded and snuck...
  13. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    Hmm, well I guess that's not that bad, but I suppose it can still be considered weird from a certain standpoint...closest I've come to that was werewolf RP and that was a really long time ago.
  14. Wandering Fae

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    Hmm so that's what it's called I've been calling it feral RP this entire time not sure why. 🤔 Was it...a fetish thing or did they just like pretending to be animals?
  15. Wandering Fae

    Other Tell me you're a roleplayer without telling me you're a roleplayer

    The constant links to superpower wiki and my search history of related chemicals.