Recent content by WaddlesUniverse

  1. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    Rebecca had sat down at a random table next to Dawn to fill out the paper work. She quickly answered the question in short, quick answers. After she finished and sat back tapping her foot anxiously. She felt the nerves of her hands starting to tingle. "Shit" Rebecca started doing rhythmic...
  2. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    Rebecca flinched at the tapping on her arm. She quickly looked up and saw an older girl who said her name was Dawn. "Ummm uh sure yeah I'll be your roommate." Rebecca gave a quick small smile to the girl and headed over to the pile of paperwork. "I-I'm Rebecca by the way"
  3. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    Rebecca was still eyeing the crowd. After she had seen the dancer girl announce herself, she noticed the girl she had robbed earlier that day. She also noticed how her chest had grown twice its size. Rebecca rolled her eyes and slumped over. These were the only two other students she had...
  4. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    Tamir was organizing her classroom in preparation of the soon to come first day of school. She was hanging up some of last year's pictures and trying to make them perfectly straight. Her head began to throb again. She walked over to her desk and popped another advil in her mouth and washed it...
  5. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    Teacher Name: Ms. Tamire Jones Age: 32 Gender: Female Mutation: Read/Control minds Subject: Art Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-19_20-44-15.png.a8120bc516238f31e2d211d1fc9bac5f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img...
  6. WaddlesUniverse

    {Detailed} Gravity Falls Roleplay

    Hey, I'm interested in roleplaying with you.
  7. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    Rebecca made her way out of the bumbling crowd and towards the giant doors leading to the inside of the building. She wanted to get away from the rest of the teens and out of the sun. When she was inside Rebecca was awestruck by the sheer size and extravagance of the entire building. She let out...
  8. WaddlesUniverse

    Fantasy Happiness flowed from her open neck

    Jayda Harrison Female Asexual 17 Junior Personality: Jayda is a very intelligent woman. Yet she uses her intelligence to manipulate and lie to people in order to get what she wants. To the outside world she would seem like a sociopath, but for her family, she is caring and loyal girl...
  9. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    Rebecca lightly jogged away from Penelope to the back of the line. Pick your own roommate? How would she do that? Hopefully someone would quickly come up to her as a last option and there won't be any awkward small talk. Or best case scenario, everyone else will pair off and she'll get a single...
  10. WaddlesUniverse

    Fantasy Happiness flowed from her open neck

    Jayda Harrison is a 16 year old girl. She attends a Catholic private high school named St. Joseph and Mary High School. Despite having a strict catholic upbringing, Jada finds comfort and extreme interest in satanic practices. Not strong enough to impact her life with spells and hexes on her...
  11. WaddlesUniverse

    Happiness flowed from her open neck

    @WaddlesUniverse, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  12. WaddlesUniverse

    Fantasy Happiness flowed from her open neck

    @WaddlesUniverse, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  13. WaddlesUniverse

    Fantasy Happiness flowed from her open neck

    Character application Name: Gender: Sexuality: Age: Grade: Personality: Biography: Appearance: When writing a character's personality, please give them a trait that makes them vulnerable to Jada's manipulation or a motivation to join her coven.
  14. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    Are we going to pair the characters off with eachother as roommates?
  15. WaddlesUniverse

    Realistic or Modern BrookHeart Institution

    "I'm-I'm Rebecca" She avoided eye contact and tried to shake off her hands. She seemed nice, but Rebecca could feel her hands beginning to shake. This was bad, not five minutes on campus and the Vice Principal has picked her out. "Soo, ummm you said paperwork" Rebecca tried to not look or sound...