Recent content by Voltin

  1. Voltin

    Fantasy The Giants

    Elissa waited expectantly for the woman to act. The heretic was obviously expecting this to be a trap. Her eyes were obvious to read as much. When the earthen wrapping game about her wrists, and the unexpected punch of stone came to aggressively caress her cheek, she was almost relieved; this...
  2. Voltin

    Fantasy The Giants

    There was hesitance written across Elissa's face with the offer. Plenty for her to gain were she to comply, yet could this strange woman be trusted? She had seen her let Mathi and, from the briefest of views, who she assumed to be Tracy's target Tae. Clearly, this woman was a part of a group of...
  3. Voltin

    Realistic or Modern The Dream (Modern supernatural RP)

    Ross was amazed. He had done it, whatever this it was. It was only for a moment, but a wooden wall had twisted in front of the Bear; enough for the attack to not hit him. He was able to hear his daughter applauding in the back -- not knowing that it was her father who had caused the growth, but...
  4. Voltin

    Fantasy The Giants

    Elissa was dumbstruck. Any banter that would have com from her quarry had been cut off by the rumbling, the shaking. She, along with many people who were still nearby, had been looking for its source. By chance, she had looked in the direction of Veliminaar's corpse, and-- --There it was. It...
  5. Voltin

    Realistic or Modern The Dream (Modern supernatural RP)

    Ross sighed. He had been vague, but comprehending even the most obscure of statements was a skill he tried to bestow upon his students. So, when Tae didn't understand what it was he was saying, he couldn't help but be beleaguered. High standards held their price. At least this "Bear" had said it...
  6. Voltin

    Futuristic Don't Drown

    The year is 21XX. A year full of technological advancements, yet one of stagnation. Cyberspace, a world separate from our own, yet very much entwined; a refuge amongst servers and code. A free place for many to spend their oft hour or so relaxing without care. A regulated place to do business...
  7. Voltin

    Realistic or Modern The Dream (Modern supernatural RP)

    This... This was all so confusing; a fact exasperated by the fact that more questions were being dumped on the group before any were answered. He continued to hold Casey until he was given reason not to. However, she had confirmed what Ross had initially thought. He had visited her, at least...
  8. Voltin

    Fantasy The Giants

    Elissa wasn't amused by the fellows who came with her. Three Inked guards, at least, were beholden to listen to her authority as a priestess, if they managed to catch him alive. In the interim, however, his survival was rather up in the air; not a good thing, in the Death Mage's mind. Honed in...
  9. Voltin

    Realistic or Modern The Dream (Modern supernatural RP)

    Ross wasn't taken aback by the onslaught of women questioning his decision to bring his children. He instead glanced around, and back toward the first to give her unwelcome opinion. He quirked a brow. Casey held an unkempt appearance; hair matted from a lack of brush, clothes stained. She looked...
  10. Voltin

    Fantasy The Giants

    *Basks in the glory of having already posted*
  11. Voltin

    Realistic or Modern The Dream (Modern supernatural RP)

    Ross jolted up in bed, instinctively clasping for his wife on her side of the bed, only to grab nothing. Panicked, he looked over at the empty space, and only when logic had taken back its hold did he realize she was on call today. Finding her note, explaining when she left, and when she'd be...
  12. Voltin

    Fantasy The Giants

    Elissa found herself unaffected by Theor's speech. It was a cop out; a weaselly way for him to save face in front of the two priestesses' conflicting view, while still having a chance at getting what he wants. She still smiled; Tracy and herself had postponed the inevitable through simple...