
Hi I'm Tsu!
I'm new so I'm not that familiar with all the formalities and other things for role playing yet but I hope I can learn more on here.

I do like to write but I'm not the best at it. I just like to have fun making interesting stories with my ocs. So I'm open to making up a story/plot on the spot to try and set up a foundation or any way that might work for the both of us! Or if you got any ideas that I may be interested in then feel free to let me know :>

(These lists may be changed or have things added later)

(Note: I'm interested only in original stories and characters)
Roles I'm okay/like to beRoles I don't want to rp as
  • Human or humanoid characters
  • Okay with platonic or romantic (I'm interested in trying to make an oc couple or oc friends with someone else or just for fun to try it out!)
  • Male characters(most of my ocs are guys so I'd like to rp as them or make new ones for fun. I also prefer to rp as one of my male ocs)
  • Female characters ( I have female ocs too but would prefer to be a male character)
  • I could try and play other characters but I don't have experience in this yet. So please don't expect that I can do multiple at a time.
  • Non human/ humanoid characters (Though if the plot has interactions with an animal or other being then this is an exception if they're like a side character.)

Genres I like/ other things I would be interested in!
  • I am interested in yandere characters (male yanderes specifically) but nothing violent or gruesome. I like the concept of them and write about them and how a character might be/act like one (But if you believe that a character is a yandere because they want to kill/hurt their love interest then I'm not that type of person.)
  • Fantasy
  • Modern day
  • Romance (I'll most likely use one of my ocs or make up a new one. If I have an oc and you'd like to pair them up with mine but I don't want to use that specific oc. Please respect that I will say no since most of my ocs are close to me or I want to keep certain ones as maybe side characters to just introduce them or not.)
  • Horror (I enjoy ghost/scary stories! Cryptic and mysterious creatures are always interesting. If you like this kind of stuff too and want to try and see if we can add something like this into the plot then feel free to let me know! I haven't tried it before myself but I think it would be fun to try if people are comfortable with it.)
  • (I don't have much on this list since I'm still figuring it out ^^; sorry about that)

  • Give reference pictures if you think it would help! I also have art of my ocs as reference so if you'd like to see then let me know
  • 1 on 1
  • Please be patient with me. I don't know many things yet so I may ask questions for elaboration/clarification.
  • If you need clarification on what I'm okay with doing and it's not on here then ask me!
  • Don't expect me to reply right away. I've just started college and have other things to do outside of here so please respect that I might not be able to reply asap.
  • Not looking for fandom rps or characters.
  • Not interested in group rps.
  • Don't message me about anything that violates the guidelines please.
  • Please don't send me a list of what you're into right off the bat if I didn't ask.

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night! ヽ(・∀・)ノ​
December 3