Recent content by totsiens

  1. totsiens

    Other '*'*' totsiens word dump '*'*'
    Index: poem

    i also found some poems from English class... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if i could let the music lull me away i’d jump and let the sounds guide me from rule’s chains and strict array help me run, dear sounds, i want to flee i’d run as...
  2. totsiens

    Other '*'*' totsiens word dump '*'*'
    Index: writing

    hi. i have a bunch of written work that i'd like to share. some of it is old or unfinished. criticism would be appreciated. thanks, y'all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prompt: The hero shows up at the villain’s doorstep one night. They’re...
  3. totsiens

    uh hey guess i'm back

    uh hey guess i'm back
  4. totsiens

    totsiens' character thread
    Index: SIX

    [ one of my all time favorites because he was like one of my first actual original ones ] SIX * unknown age * male - demon * true neutral - pansexual personality and habits * quiet but surprisingly short-tempered * easily shifting emotions * has difficulty believing or putting faith in others...
  5. totsiens

    totsiens' character thread

    (original title, i know) this is where my character things are gonna be going, mostly for reference but also for feedback some notes * i developed these all at very random times and in very random ways, so there is likely to be no consistency * there was at one point where i tried to do a...
  6. totsiens

    Advice/Help not sure where to begin

    ooooh ! thank you, these were really nice !! ah, was it linked in the welcome thread ?? can't believe i missed it cause it was really helpful !! thank you !! (@ the PS: i don't remember clicking on the off-site subforum, so most likely not. i think what i tried doing was making a thread on the...
  7. totsiens

    oooh ! thank you lol - my insta is @xvan1lla

    oooh ! thank you lol - my insta is @xvan1lla
  8. totsiens

    Advice/Help not sure where to begin

    oooooh, thank you ! i think i understand it better now - aaah, thanks again~~~
  9. totsiens

    i can do status things and profile posts now ! thank the lord... was getting a little concerned...

    i can do status things and profile posts now ! thank the lord... was getting a little concerned cause it took way longer than 15 minutes LMAO
  10. totsiens

    Advice/Help not sure where to begin

    hi ! please forgive me but i've been looking around at everything and i'm i'm uh very confused i'm not sure where to start or which roleplays i should (try to) join. i also considered making one, but on the FAQ, the links don't work for me. it says it's blocked or something in the URL, and...
  11. totsiens

    uuh,,, hi!

    oooh ! i see, thank you !! :0
  12. totsiens

    uuh,,, hi!

    hi, yes, hello i'm totsiens (did you know that that's an actual word lol - i found it on a "word of the day thing" and it means "until we meet again / goodbye" in afrikaans. neat, right ??) uuuh okay so i'm not new to forums and things like that but i certainly am new to ones that are mainly...