Recent content by toria0928

  1. toria0928

    Party 9

    Ordienna's vision blurs. She hears the others speak but she knows not what they say. What have we gotten ourselves into? What madness led me to believe I would be safe with them? The warrior woman came into her view, pale face and wide eyes. Vampyrs, lycanthropes, skeletal people and horses...
  2. toria0928

    Party 9

    Ordienna feels she's had about enough of this, when the stench hits her. Holding back a wretch she spots the body, the warrior now kneeling before it. "Dear gods," The bard groans, pain washing over her. "I've seen atrocities in my life, but never such as these. Will this nightmare ever end?"
  3. toria0928

    Party 9

    Ordienna feels she's had enough of this. The clear stubbornness of the warrior and the lack of argument from the other two are not helping their chance of survival. Following this close to this... monster, it feels unnatural. The bards feet are begging to run in another direction. "Lo, he veers...
  4. toria0928

    Party 9

    Ordienna looks to the woman, unable to help the scoff. "You want to go after that thing?" The minstrel looks to the others, something not sitting right. "We may sooner be dead than help any other living creature. Think carefully on this." Her mind is washed with questions, a single word...
  5. toria0928

    Party 9

    No, no, no... Ordienna sinks behind the woman and the gnome, her heart pounding in her chest. Why me, why me. Her mind is a fury of nonsense as her eyes dart, trying to find an exit or escape route. She had thought she was safe but the minstrel is realizing what a fool she is. The woman seems...
  6. toria0928

    Party 9

    Nothing safe is left in Daggerford. Ordienna doesn't say it. Instead she shifts to one hip, trying to keep a steady face. "Yes, gnome. I saw a pack of them, however I don't know which way they went. My name's Ordienna. I don't know too much about tracking, but I do know these parts and will be...
  7. toria0928

    Party 9

    Ordienna smirks at the woman. "Do you think the Dutchess was the only one attacked? I'm fleeing for my life, as any sane person would." For a second, she hears the screams, smells the blood, as if it were happening again. Her smirk drops and her eyes focus on seemingly nothing. Her mouth is dry...
  8. toria0928

    Party 9

    "Find monsters?" Ordienna scoffs at the gnome. She pauses, eyeing the two men through the fog, before surprise overcomes her and her rapier drops a hair. "Wait, I recognize you. Lady Morwen called upon you before the devastation, did she not?" The bard drops her sword hesitantly now, setting...
  9. toria0928

    Party 9

    Ordienna gasps in air, leaning against a tree in the fog. She is shaken, tears sting her eyes but she refuses to release them. Everything happened so fast, the minstrel cannot make sense of it all. No, she thinks to herself. Press forward. Don't dread on what happened. Upon hearing voices in...
  10. toria0928


    Nassa lifts her plate of lamb and carries it with her to a table almost so far from the others she seems separate. From her table she lays piercing eyes on her comrades, eating small, delicate bites of food and not touching her ale. The others can hear her muttering to herself softly, holding...
  11. toria0928


    Nassa turns to Thisk, then strikes the others with yellow eyes. Her wet platinum hair hangs drenched from her head and she uses it as a shield against the eyeing humans. "Indeed, though he warns us away, oft is the answer in where we should not go." Her hand reaches to clench the amulet hanging...