Theory of everything

Hi! Call me Victor, pronouns he/they. Ficwriter, programmer, translator... Well, who cares xd

I'm not new to roleplaying, yet I only did it in other languages. So I wouldn't say I'll be quite good — lacking experience in English.

My huge loves are:
Les Miserables fandom, Glee series, Once upon a time, korean historical doramas (Empress Ki, Six flying dragons for example). Open to playing these anytime, just go text me.
If you wanna play some of these:
Javert x Valjean, Kurt Hummel x Dave Karofsky, Scrooge McDuck x Flintheart Glomgold, Feride (Calikusu) x Selim.
GO TEXT ME RIGHT NOW, you are my dream person!

Favorite genres: romance, drama, angst, fluff
(!) I only play male characters. It can be FxM, MxM, NBxM, jen.


