Recent content by Thel

  1. Thel

    I'm back everyone.

    I'm back everyone.
  2. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    (No trouble at all :) Have a good time)
  3. Thel

    One x One Humble Beginnings. (1x1)

    Name: Thel Monsaka Gender: Male Age:34 Physical Appearance: Stands at about 6 foot with ginger hair and dark blue eyes. Muscular and stocky. Takes the appearance of a paladin or warrior quite well. Personality: He is known for his wisdom in combat as well as general life. Has a deep...
  4. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    I sigh as I walk away from the street and towards home. Looking back on it now, Miss Crimson was probably the only person I could relate too. We both were alone in some way or another. The others in the gang were alright but most had been born into it. They had not struggled like some of us just...
  5. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    I smile as I give her back her car keys and then move away slowly. "Please...while we are out of work, just call me Adam..." I turn away with my hands in my pockets. I grin a little, I felt good about myself. I got to learn a bit more about my assistant. Knowing she had experience in gangs...
  6. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    I look over the apartment and realise it was the one I used to live in. I turn the engine off and smile at her "No thanks. I'll be fine.." I open my coat a little to flash off my 9mm pistol. I grin and shrug "Can't take chances anywhere really...not just here.." I hide it once more and open my...
  7. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    I nod as I listen, this was all interesting stuff, It would be added to my notes I made on her file. I kept most of the files of people in the gang except of course the big shots. I continue to drive as we talk. "So you stole cars huh? Guess we all needed to start at the bottom at times.." I...
  8. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    I get into the car and smile as I recognise the model. I make sure that Amanda is alright and strapped in before putting on my own seat belt on. With the key, I place it in and the car purrs to life as the engine starts up. I slowly drive it out of the car park and we set off to her house. It...
  9. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    "And you are a very stubborn woman Miss Crimson...seems like we share a lot of traits" I chuckle as we get to the office car park. I look around for her car and walk towards it when I find it. It wasn't too bad, I smile at the woman leaning on me "Want me to drive? It might be best otherwise we...
  10. Thel

    I really should sleep XD it's bloody 3:43 AM here! Night all :)

    I really should sleep XD it's bloody 3:43 AM here! Night all :)
  11. Thel

    Thank you for following, If you ever want to RP or chat, just drop a message in PM :)

    Thank you for following, If you ever want to RP or chat, just drop a message in PM :)
  12. Thel

    One x One Humble Beginnings. (1x1)

    As long as you are detailed and know what you are doing that's fine by me :)
  13. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    I shake my head and grab my coat as I walk towards her "I'm sorry Miss Crimson but I ain't allowing you to go home on your own in your need someone there for you to at least make sure you don't crash.." I chuckle a little as I help her slowly make her way through the hallways.
  14. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    I shake my head and frown "You will be of good use to Ice Dragons?...What the hell Uncle Paul?..." I whisper to myself but then look up "Let me at least escort you home Miss Crimson, you are very ill and you may need help.." I look concerned at her. She was one step from just keeling over and...
  15. Thel

    Games of Mafia.

    I scoff and lean back "Do you want half the list or the full one...either way I could go through every individual person on that list and it'd take days..." I shake my head. This was a tragic topic to talk about so I concentrated on what she said about him being a kind man "He was...In his Mafia...