Recent content by TheGrandPygmy

  1. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    With a simple thought, they were inside the castle. Looks like they made it. Sterling could loo down and see his body sitting there along with his companion's. He also saw Lucius, staring right up at him. It was said that animals could see spirits. Or at least sense their presence. The bird...
  2. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    Sterling quickly followed him into the lift, wanting to have at least some barrier between that magic. When he stopped the machine Lucius landed on the ground, "I'll stay out here just in case I need to snap you out of it. While your souls are away from your body they can be vulnerable. Someone...
  3. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    "Unless..." He repeated. He looked towards the vault. If this were true. If his theory was correct. Then this could lead to horrible things. Things that would affect many many people. He looked back to the ground, thinking for a while. If he were to do this and he was could get him...
  4. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    He shook his head, "N-No I'm not saying that at all. Of course we can't take them down. I just mean..." he peered back at the spot he touched. "That...isn't...right. That magic. It's like it's soaked into the metal like a cancer. In the past, I've seen examples of Dirty Magic used for...
  5. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    Sterling slowly glanced down to the blindfold in his hands. This man had as many things in his pockets as he did. First a parchment with bad spells now two blindfolds perfectly suited for both of them. He held back from making a less than professional joke. When Lennox mentioned to refrain from...
  6. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    He was so ready. SO ready to come back at him with some sort of sharp response about his face. Only to be stunned when he turned around. He must have looked like someone who just saw a ghost land right behind him. Had the world just stopped? Why couldn't he breathe? The words tried to come to...
  7. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    Sterling hopped up on Lucius's back. He frowned a bit, looking somewhat irritated. He tried to imply it in any way he could, so he decided to just come out and say it. "Y'know you'd loo a lot better if you didn't loo so stone faced all the time. Maybe in times where you have to loo that way but...
  8. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    Castle. He swore he heard the the word castle. He whipped around to turn to him. If eyes could glitter, his would look like a fireworks. "We're really going!? Really really?? Yes! Uh...I mean, excellent. I look forward to it..." he grinned, watching him head out the room. In all honesty, as much...
  9. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    The smile on Sterling's face dropped like a stone. Oh. This was not going to the palace. Not at all. In fact this was something he wasn't expecting any wizard to have let alone a non magic user. How? When? Where? All these questions swarmed around about how he got such a spell. The problem with...
  10. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    After all those words. All that vulnerability. The man still refused them!? He nearly shifted from empathetic to fury. Even so he still understood why he turned away...somewhat. Talking about nothing but your failures wasn't fun. But it shouldn't matter now in the face of Delphi being gone! Just...
  11. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    Uh oh. This was bad. REALLY bad. The man was up, but he was up throwing things! Normally, Sterling would have been amused at Lennox's display of fear, but right now was certainly not the time. He jumped out of the way of the flying desk, listening to Saropuff's angry rant. Lancaster's threats...
  12. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    "This flame is harmless, as well as focused around the fist. It won't even singe him. So don't worry!" he smiled. That smile got even wider when he saw him smirk. That was better. The flames curled around Lennox's hands. Instead of being hot like well, fire, it was a calm, pleasant warmth. As if...
  13. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    Sterling simply offered a slow blink in response to his threat. So serious~. Very well then. He shrugged and followed behind him into the room. He noticed a distinct drop of magical energy when he stepped inside the immaculate room. He'd never seen a place so beautiful, and he had been inside...
  14. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    When Lancaster didn't yell, whimper, or even make a single noise he pulled an annoyed face. Oh this guy was good. He was going to get him. Somehow. Some way. He was going to get that detective to break his cool facade. He was going to get him to laugh, or yell one of the two. He would do it if...
  15. TheGrandPygmy

    Fantasy Delphinium (Closed)

    A slight, creeping blush made it's way to Sterling's ears when Lennox put his arms around him. He didn't think he'd actually do the second option. Well obviously he would, otherwise he'd fall off. But still it was odd for another lad to do this. Sterling quickly buried the thought and sat up...