Recent content by TheExtravagantPurpleCape

  1. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings XIV {Open for New Members!!!}

    "Thankfully I understand how to craft items that can replicate it's effects. Otherwise I would be forced to pair up on every mission Number I sent us out on, thus wasting time and potentially causing the XIV as a whole to forego an advantage." "Your crystal is magic you know. That means in...
  2. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings XIV {Open for New Members!!!}

    "Or we could use this opportunity to allow her to prove herself as a worthy candidate for the XIV. If Miss Malpool is capable of vanquishing the Gate creature, then she would certainly be a valuable asset, just as Number I suspected. However, if Miss Malpool should prove incapable of doing so...
  3. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings XIV {Open for New Members!!!}

    "Oh no what will I ever do!" He said in a light, playful tone. "You should know you aren't the only gifted ones anymore" Fire engulfed the ice heating his arm back up and rejuvenating the cells. His arm had steam flowing from the skin. The frozen arm had completely recovered. "I'm insulted that...
  4. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings XIV {Open for New Members!!!}

    They were enjoying a nice conversation until they were rudely interrupted by two of their fellow members. ~Tsk, I really wish he wouldn't but into our business, cant you make friends elsewhere?~ He thought to himself. "It's so good to see you guys" His tongue was sharp. It was obvious he was...
  5. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings XIV {Open for New Members!!!}

    Excerpt from The Man of the Lake: The army was backed into the center of town, their back against the wall. The entire infantry was bloodied, sweat pouring down their head, dirt smeared across their face. The resources of the armory were dwindling down to nothing, their was no catapult...
  6. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings Searching for Roleplay partners

    Greetings, It Is I TheExtravagantPurpleCape. I wave my cape to you. If the title didn't give it away. I'm searching for Roleplay partners! I absolutely love to story tell. I have a collection of unfinished/short stories on my computer. I'm here to collaborate with other people for a change...
  7. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings No Longer Interested

    I'm interested
  8. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings XIV

    Yeah (: Go ahead!
  9. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Introduce Yourself!

    Alright thank you very much ! (:
  10. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Multiple Settings XIV

    Ooooooh! im interested.
  11. TheExtravagantPurpleCape

    Introduce Yourself!

    Heyyo, Don't mind me just trying to show off my Extravagant Cape off. I'm new to roleplay nation and haven't had much roleplaying experience but I LOVEEE to write stories. So I'm joining because I see this as an opportunity to create elegant new worlds! I enjoy fantasy big time. I'm also a...