Recent content by The Golden General

  1. The Golden General

    Music Songs you hate.

    So... here’s my shitlist of music. Any rap that is about any of those topics with a few exceptions: Drugs, money, stealing girls. I am tired of seeing this type of music used wrongly. Only a few rap artists have done this correctly. Dance trends. Do I need to say more? Any music that is made...
  2. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, but you start to do what they do once you understand it. You become mindless following trends. I wish I can get a private island.
  3. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, but I took away your microwave. The regular one that heats your food. I wish I had a money printer.
  4. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted! An apple appears in your hand, the most perfect apple of them all. Eating the apple will give the wish you want... With this apple you might think your safe, but sadly this is a corruption game, so the apple can not save you from impending doom... Eating the apple will grant you...
  5. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Since person above didn't provide a wish, I will provide one. I wish I could go anywhere I want for one time.
  6. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Your wish?
  7. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, but in the future, your degree that you spent literally no effort on does nothing for you. I wish I could have a locked room that I am instantly teleported with all my belongings to.
  8. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. Now you’ve doomed the world. You don’t even need to corrupt that wish to bring displeasure because dragons destroy stuff and are aggressive. I wish for the ability to control the weather.
  9. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, but you get so addicted to your internet connection, you cannot separate reality from fantasy. I wish I had technology 20 years from now at present year.
  10. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, but every wish you make will be corrupted. I wish for lots of gold.
  11. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Here’s your sandwich. I totally didn’t leave it for a few days. Enjoy! I wish I can taste anything.
  12. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, but no one laughs when you see them so you are forever disappointed. I wish I can tell other peoples' feelings
  13. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, but you can only change to memes that have been long dead, so no one will remember you at all. I wish I can manipulate other people.
  14. The Golden General

    Corrupt a Wish

    (Revive!) Granted, but the rest of your body gets aches instead of your head. I wish this thread can remain active.
  15. The Golden General

    Music Guilty Pleasure Songs

    Hobbit mentioned Kesha and I like her music as well. Also, Katy Perry. I really shouldn’t like her especially considering what she makes, but I do.