Recent content by The Arrow

  1. The Arrow

    Take A Favourite Game And Make It Sound Awful.

    The first playthrough is almost always the best - Skyrim It's an EA game - The Battlefield Series It uses Peer-to-peer connection - For Honor It's a Ubisoft game - Ghost Recon Wildlands
  2. The Arrow

    An Introduction to Forum Role-Playing

    Seems legit. I used to group RP on kik and chatroom RP on an app called The Lobby (the RP part of both apps died off over time). This isn't as confusing as one might have expected. Thanks for the overview.
  3. The Arrow

    Other What did you want to be when you grew up?

    Well, I wanted (and still want) to be a samurai. Obviously, that can't happen due to the abolition of the Samurai social class in Japan (and because I'm white). Despite that, I still want to learn as much as I can about their way of life and the way they fight. I own a Samurai Sword set (all...