Recent content by ThatFatsoHachi

  1. ThatFatsoHachi

    Percy Jackson -RP-

    Daniel nervously looks at him and Chasity. " oh ummm hi I'm Daniel son of Thanatos. " He stares at Noah for a little. Who is he? I hope he isn't mean... Daniel looks at Eponine. " Maybe we can swim. If I start to drown these guys can help me. "
  2. ThatFatsoHachi

    Walking Dead style Roleplay Sign-up

    Name: Daniel Raichi Age: 14 Gender: Male Location Disney World Orlando, ( Hope you don't mind if I join you. ) Personality: He is very shy and often keeps to himself. He tries to be observant and he is creative. He only speaks if he needs too. Even when injured he will keep his mouth...
  3. ThatFatsoHachi

    Walking Dead style Roleplay Sign-up

    Name: Daniel Age: 14 Gender: Male Location Disney World Orlando, ( Hope you don't mind if I join you. ) Personality: He is very shy and often keeps to himself. He tries to be observant and he is creative. He only speaks if he needs too. Even when injured he will keep his mouth shut...
  4. ThatFatsoHachi

    Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

    Damalis walks unto Ishika high campus. It's been so long since i went to school.... Being on campus gives Damalis sad memories for when he was human. He shakes his head and continues walking. ( gotta get off for a while brb )
  5. ThatFatsoHachi

    Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Sign Up)

    I'd like this to start
  6. ThatFatsoHachi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    ( oops signed up in wrong thread....... Now i gotta redo it k hold on. )
  7. ThatFatsoHachi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (I just sighned up and like to join. Can someone fill me in on what happened and where can i hop in? )
  8. ThatFatsoHachi

    Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Sign Up)

    Monster Form Name: Damalis Aquarius Age: 1800 years old but looks 14. Species: River god Species Bio There is many deities and gods but just like rivers, river gods are plentiful. River gods size vary from old men to even bulls. They protect rivers be it a trickling stream or the Congo...
  9. ThatFatsoHachi

    Percy Jackson -RP-

    Daniel looks at Eponine nervously. " S-swimming? I don't know if i can. I've stayed away from the ocean cause I didn't really need to go there. Plus I can tell most sea creatures don't like me. The day I got a fish it died. When I went to the fish store they all swam away from me...." He looks...
  10. ThatFatsoHachi

    Percy Jackson -RP-

    Daniel looks at Eponine. " I don't know. I don't really mind doing anything you want to do. I don't do a lot around camp. I've never even really played capture the flag before either. Most Thanatos kids are boring. " He looks at the ground.
  11. ThatFatsoHachi

    Percy Jackson -RP-

    Daniel looks worriedly at Eponine. This Leo is dangerous. He is arrogant but powerful. He loooks deep into Eponine's eyes and says " F-fine, I swear on the river Styx that I will not talk to anyone but you about Leo's plans. "
  12. ThatFatsoHachi

    Percy Jackson -RP-

    Daniel shocked looks at Eponine. "Is he that powerful and how will he do it?" he asks with urgency in his voice. Then a realization appears on his face. " Why is he at Camp Half-Blood and why does he need you" he asks fearfully.( I gtg may be back later. )
  13. ThatFatsoHachi

    Percy Jackson -RP-

    Daniel began to feel scared. Though he liked the dark this darkness was pitch black and had a scary and ominous atmosphere to it. He looks at Eponine. " So what happened"
  14. ThatFatsoHachi

    Percy Jackson -RP-

    Daniel frowning looks at Leo as he rushes off. He looks at Chasity. " Sorry about scaring you " He says apologetically. He then turns his attention to Eponine. " Lets go on that walk and you can tell me about it. That Leo is a curios character.
  15. ThatFatsoHachi

    Percy Jackson -RP-

    He looks sadly back at her and lightens up a little. " I-i guess I'm okay. I didn't hear much all I know is that you had to get ambrosia. What happened to you?" He looks at Leo and asks " And what were you two talking about? "