Recent content by Tefka

  1. Tefka

    System/Mechanics Simple Dice Systems In a Roleplay

    It seems like something people like and enjoy but don't really "need" to get busy with RP. And often, they come pre-loaded with biases that would affect their decisions anyways, so not really random enough to necessitate dice.
  2. Tefka

    Video Games What are you Playing Right Now?

    Warhammer 40k Darktide, Rust, and Rimworld
  3. Tefka

    Boardgames & LARP What is your Favorite Board game from your childhood?

    Gonna have to go with monopoly there Bob.
  4. Tefka

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

  5. Tefka

    Count to One Million

  6. Tefka

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  7. Tefka

    How well known are you on RPN?

    1/10 just arrived, new member style
  8. Tefka

    Word Associations

  9. Tefka

    Daily Quote of...the Day

    "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." Jonas Salk
  10. Tefka

    Other Anyone remember AOL RP Chatrooms?

    Rhydin and Red Dragon Inn were my favorite
  11. Tefka

    Food If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

    Ramen noodles and pork
  12. Tefka

    Other Random question of the day

    I don't at all doubt my ability to write, nope! Just the energy to buckle down and do it.
  13. Tefka

    Introduce Yourself!
