Recent content by Sylvia Hawks

  1. Sylvia Hawks

    Greetings/Tal/ Salutations/ Namaste !! ( Gor, Medivial , Realistic Melee RP)

    Ever found what you were looking for? I've roleplayed in Gor for quite a few years bot only on Second Life. Right now i'm more into the Conan theme with the steam game: Conan Exiles.
  2. Sylvia Hawks

    Conan the Road of Kings

    Hi, Have you tried the new Conan Exiles game on Steam?
  3. Sylvia Hawks

    Roleplay styles?

    The common rules of role-play These are the essential rules that all public role-playing groups employ to keep things in order. These include things like godmodding, metagaming, and autohitting. One of the fundamental skills that every good role-player has is the ability to follow and abide by...
  4. Sylvia Hawks


    Sylvia slowly became aware of heat. Sunlight, she identified hazily, seeing the dull red of the inside of her own eyelidssighed. Eyebrows furrowing and plush lips forming a pout as she rolled over. She stretched, a lethargic shift and tensing of bone, muscle and golden skin, and rolled onto her...
  5. Sylvia Hawks


    Sylvia's gaze was rapid, penetrating and inclusive, but never furtive... she seemed to fit into the picture of the wilderness, as if she had taken a space reserved there for her, and had put herself in complete harmony with all its details. Huddled in furs, dyed dark to match the color of night...
  6. Sylvia Hawks

    Other So... where you from?

    The Netherlands
  7. Sylvia Hawks

    What song are you listening to?

    Loreena McKennitt - Marrakesh Night Market
  8. Sylvia Hawks

    Fandom Conan Thieves Guild

    Would it not be promote ones-self as being known to earn her coin in skullduggery and theft..? Therefor, it is from whispered rumors, cursed exclamations of rage and gutter-gossip that one might learn from the Guild of Thieves at Slavers Bay. (Teliths's Island) The concept is very...
  9. Sylvia Hawks

    Video Games Conan Exiles - roleplay server

    Welcome to Conan Exiles Save 33% on Conan Exiles on Steam Where we hoste a roleplay server Thoth-Amon's Land [rpvevp] - New Player Friendly! Please flollow the server rules. They are strictly enforced. Server Rules 1). Do not block main/large resource areas 2). Global chat is OOC, Local chat...
  10. Sylvia Hawks


    Hello everyone, I'd like to introduce myself; my name is Sylvia Hawks. Wet behind the ears on this forum but fairly adapt to roleplay in various themes. Preferences are Gorean roleplay, Medieval, Conan and the whole gamut of darker 18+ themes. Hope to get to know more of you. Sly