Recent content by Swagkage

  1. Swagkage

    Graded [Nan Pass Village] Search for the Skythorn Blossom

    Lulu La Lily Titles: Human Point Booster: Attentive Student E Amidst the growing crowd, Lulu's attempt at self-introduction marked the beginning of her internal struggle. The influx of individuals intensified her anxiety, but with fists clenched against her chest, she pressed on, determined to...
  2. Swagkage

    Graded [Nan Pass Village] Search for the Skythorn Blossom

    Lulu La Lily Titles: Human Point Booster: Attentive Student E Lulu found herself standing before the charming shop, "Belmontes Benevolent Brews," in the heart of Nan Pass. The inviting warmth that spilled out from within contrasted with the brisk mountain air, mirroring the gentle conflict...
  3. Swagkage

    Finished [Isekai Hell] The Manhunt

    BENJI Titles: Beast [Mundane | Anchor Point Booster: Attentive Student F Before Benji could wrangle a response from Azusa, a parade of newcomers flooded the room, all waiting to meet the elusive mayor. Only one, a timid girl named Mallory, introduced herself. Benji, never one to judge a book...
  4. Swagkage

    Character Characters

    Lulu La Lily Rp'er Name: Swagkage Post Frequency: Varies Discord Name: Swagkage Current RP: None Goals: Lulu aims to explore her new world, determined to move forward without letting her emotions hold her back. Equipped Titles: Human Acquired Titles: Human Perks: None Height: 5 feet, 7 inches...
  5. Swagkage

    Finished [Isekai Hell] The Manhunt

    BENJI Titles: Beast [Mundane | Anchor Point Booster: Attentive Student F Benji, hood up and ears protesting the futility of his coat against the rain, trudged into the tavern in the remote town of Heinmark. Surveying the dimly lit town with its guards on patrol and rain pouring down, he found...
  6. Swagkage

    Character Characters

    Benji Rp'er Name: Swagkage Post Frequency: Varies Discord Name: Swagkage Current RP: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Manhunt Goals: Benji strives to acquire knowledge, navigate the challenges of survival, and ultimately discover a sense of purpose that eluded him in his previous life. Equipped...
  7. Swagkage

    Graded [Gnollbone Village] Unwelcome Saviours

    Character Sheet C3BEE6 SASUKE BLACKHEART Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Construct, Homunculus, Visitor] Point Booster [Narrative Booster F] He listened to Baharius's explanation of his abilities, his gaze fixed on the saurian's muscular arms and the intimidating blade strapped to his...
  8. Swagkage

    Graded [Gnollbone Village] Unwelcome Saviours

    Character Sheet C3BEE6 SASUKE BLACKHEART Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Construct, Homunculus, Visitor] Point Booster [Narrative Booster F] Sasuke had always relied on his unique senses as a sort of safety net, a way to navigate the various dangers of this new world. When he activated his...
  9. Swagkage

    Community [Isekai Hell] Into the Pumpkin Patch

    BRORC CHADSON & HIS BROTHERS (Grimo, Horuk, Thruk, Gruk, Zork) With the witch now seemingly on their side, Broc and his brothers were brimming with excitement. They couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as they believed it was their words that had won her over. They exchanged knowing glances...
  10. Swagkage

    Graded [Gnollbone Village] Unwelcome Saviours

    Character Sheet C3BEE6 SASUKE BLACKHEART Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Construct, Homunculus, Visitor] Point Booster [Narrative Booster F] Sasuke was unfazed by Saoirse's confusion and understood that explaining something as complex and foreign as anime could be challenging. He offered a...
  11. Swagkage

    Graded [Kaisertin Village] Fields of Golden Wheat Who Needs Potatoes Anyway!?

    Character Sheet E0115F MISSY Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Beast, Large] Point Booster [Attentive Student F] Missy was takin' it all in, a big ol' grin on her face as she sat by the party tree, sippin' on a barrel of somethin' that tasted mighty fine. She could see the joy spreadin'...
  12. Swagkage

    Graded [Gnollbone Village] Unwelcome Saviours

    Character Sheet C3BEE6 SASUKE BLACKHEART Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Construct, Homunculus, Visitor] Point Booster [Narrative Booster F] Sasuke observed the interactions unfolding around him, his excitement for the upcoming journey ever-present despite the diverse personalities and...
  13. Swagkage

    Graded [Gnollbone Village] Unwelcome Saviours

    Character Sheet C3BEE6 SASUKE BLACKHEART Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Construct, Homunculus, Visitor] Point Booster [Narrative Booster F] Sasuke smiled, grateful that his straightforward approach seemed to be paying off. He turned to his new acquaintance, Eriedeth, and Saoirse, who had...
  14. Swagkage

    Community [Isekai Hell] Into the Pumpkin Patch

    BRORC CHADSON & HIS BROTHERS (Grimo, Horuk, Thruk, Gruk, Zork) As the witch-like figure considered their proposition, Brorc and his brothers huddled together, their excitement palpable. This was indeed an unusual turn of events, and they had to make the most of it. They whispered excitedly among...
  15. Swagkage

    Graded [Kaisertin Village] Fields of Golden Wheat Who Needs Potatoes Anyway!?

    Character Sheet E0115F MISSY Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Beast, Large] Point Booster [Attentive Student F] Missy couldn't help but grin as they all came to a plan. Shao and Kellum were talkin' 'bout contracts and whatnot, but Missy didn't rightly know what all that meant. All she knew...