Recent content by Sunzu

  1. Sunzu


    Here are some rules of this RP Standard RPNation Rules You must ask for Permission to Kill (PTK) Random attacking is allowed High caliber weapons must be approved by me. 
  2. Sunzu


    Out of Character Chat. Do: Ask questions Talk to each other out of character Do not: Roleplay in character
  3. Sunzu


    IC Roleplay Do: Roleplay IC Do not: Talk to each other out of character Break rules
  4. Sunzu

    Post Characters Here

    Post Characters on this post.
  5. Sunzu

    Character Application

    (Bold = Required) Appearance Age Bio Sexuality Inventory Clothing Weapons Strengths Weaknesses
  6. Sunzu

    Post Characters Here

    Post your characters here.
  7. Sunzu

    Character Application

    Appearance Age Role Weaknesses Strengths Bio Race Sexuality Gender
  8. Sunzu


    Out of character fun times. Post questions here.
  9. Sunzu

    Main Thread

    (Roleplay here.)
  10. Sunzu

    Realistic or Modern A Day That None Will Forget (Zombie RP)

    Alexander Schmidt The fire had attracted a sizable amount of zeds to his position. He was running down the streets now. There were several zeds in pursuit. "That was a, uh... horrible idea." he mumbled. He felt another bad idea, he fired a random spray in the direction of the zeds. It struck...
  11. Sunzu

    Realistic or Modern Whiteout

    [Near South Indiana Avenue/3:23AM] Dimitri abandoned them, running down the street upon hearing gunfire and shouting. "I have to uh, attend a meeting?" He shouted at them, he couldn't think of anything to say. There they were, "Frostbite"
  12. Sunzu

    Realistic or Modern Whiteout

    [Near South Indiana Avenue/3:22AM] "I honestly don't know how to handle this." Dimitri stated, loud and clear as he lowered his weapon. "As long as you don't pull a knife on me, you're fine." (@CkSmalling, you're cleared. Go ahead breh)
  13. Sunzu

    Realistic or Modern Whiteout

    (I didn't know this person was interested, it WAS dead, not anymore I suppose?)
  14. Sunzu

    Realistic or Modern Whiteout

    [Near South Indiana Avenue/3:22AM] Dimitri was not in his usall "nice" mode, he was more interested in how the hell these "children" survived for this long. Even so, Dimitri kept his weapon raised, but stopped shouting. "What are you doing here?" He asked, with a scowl and a definite Russian...
  15. Sunzu

    Realistic or Modern Whiteout

    [Near South Indiana Avenue/3:21AM] "Is English better for you?" Dimitri yelled upon possibly hearing English. "Do you have any weapons?" it didn't take long for anyone looking at him to realize he had military grade gear.