Recent content by SparkSinger

  1. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Elandor drew power from within as he focus all of his energy into reforming the molecules of his blade to a perfect edge. It was relaxing to him. Taking the chaotic structure of bends and nicks and forging it into a perfectly straight edge. He heard the movement of someone waking so he decided...
  2. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    A Camion's Past Elandor observed the dissagrement between the Spellblades. After Mion left Elandor turns to Michi. "Try to understand where he's coming from. He wants to help you. You shouldn't throw away the companionship due to unchecked grief. There will be plenty of time for grieving...
  3. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Not even kinda haha Call of Cthulhu, Traveller (Basically Firefly the tabletop), Pathfinder just to name a few.
  4. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Yeah I'm enjoying myself so far. Easier than setting up a game and its better for fitting it into a busy schedule
  5. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    "Hmmm." Elandor listened to the steady rhythm of the horses steps for a few moments before speaking again. "If you were a part of their ranks then we have more information than we could hope for. How is their morale? Are there ranks? Who is the leader? This is valuable information we shouldn't...
  6. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Elandor urged his horse to follow his new companions. "We can't plan an assault until we know how organized they are." Thinking back on the many villages he'd seen in similar conditions. "It doesn't take training to ransack a village with 100 men. Just surprise and relentless violence. Hide...
  7. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    "It has been some time since I've had the sharpness of my blade tested." Elandor rested his arm on the hilt of his sword. The thought of drawing it made him uneasy with knowledge of what always follows. "But I prefer to test the sharpness of my wit. Hopefully we can avoid excessive bloodshed...
  8. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    As soon as I have a handful of chapters complete and in the shape I would be comfortable presenting them in I will most certainly PM them to you. I'm at work 45 hours a week so my free time is spread pretty thin but I should have a few ready by Sunday!
  9. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    If anyone is interested my character is actually based in the character in my book I'm writing. I would love feedback if anyone is interested in reading. I hope I don't offend anyone with the offer though.
  10. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Oh I understand. I honestly should've posted it. I DM a lot of tabletops and I know a lack of character info is kind of frustrating.
  11. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Sorry for the misunderstanding. I kind of just interjected into the story. I cleared the character with Arelynn but never said anything to anyone else. Again so sorry for the misunderstanding. Really new to the forum RP. Actually that was my first RP post.
  12. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Character sheet Name: Elandor Silimaure Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 25 Class: Spellblade Abilities: Lighting magics and their applications. Such as (with extreme concentration and time) manipulation of metal on a molecular level with powerful electromagnetism. By extreme I mean...
  13. SparkSinger

    Fantasy Spellblade

    A rider approaches the smoldering village on horse. The smell of burning wood, flesh and bloodshed was a smell Elandor knew all too well. Pulling his scarf over his face to avoid the smell as much as possible he directs his horse through the village as he assesses the carnage. The sound of his...
  14. SparkSinger


    Western NC is, particularly Asheville. I used to live in Youngstown/Poland OH area. @Steviemac
  15. SparkSinger


    EST in NC for me. I don't know why I felt the need to include myself. Lol. Still getting notifications for replies I guess haha